

Faculty Research




Department of Industrial Engineering Associate Professor

电子邮箱[email protected]

研究方向:Basic industrial engineering; Lean Production.


【Personal Profile】

Associate Professor of Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Ph. D. degree; currently Deputy Secretary-General of Industrial Engineering Branch of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, Secretary-General of Tianjin Industrial Engineering Society, expert of China Electronic Labor Society; main research and work areas are enterprise operation management, industrial engineering and lean management innovation, automation, information and lean integration planning and implementation; presided over and participated in a number of national nature funds and provincial and ministerial-level scientific research projects, published more than 40 academic papers in domestic and foreign journals, and closely combined academic achievements with social applications, implemented industry-university-research cooperation through the working platform of the Industrial Engineering Society and Tianjin University, and led the work team to provide services for the improvement of enterprise management ability and management efficiency; directed 20 manufacturing enterprises to implement lean changes in the past 10 years, including military industry, electronics, iron and steel, agricultural products processing, food processing, medicine and medical devices, agricultural and mechanical equipment, household and building materials, logistics services, etc., actively applied academic achievements to social practice, and successfully enhanced the management level and social value of enterprises.

【Education and Career】

Time Institution Degree/Position
1994.9-1998.7 Tianjin University Bachelor
2000.7-2003.3 Tianjin University Master
2003.7-2007.7 Tianjin University Ph.D.
1998.9-2008.7 Tianjin University Lecturer
2007.7-2010.7 Tianjin Rolling-one Steel Co., Ltd. Vice president (temporary)
2008.7-Now Tianjin University Associate Professor

【Journal Paper】

[1] Lin Yu, Wang Jiannan, Shi Yingjie. The impact of inventory productivity on new venture survival [J], International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 2021.

[2] Lin Yu, Zhang Shuaishuai, Shi Yingjie. The impact of operational stickiness on product quality: product diversification moderation [J]. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 2020, 32(2): 423-447.

[3] Wang Xinyu, Lin Yu, Shi Yingjie. Linking industrial agglomeration and manufacturers inventory performance: the moderating role of firm size and enterprise status in the supply chain [J]. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 2020, 32(2): 448-484.

[4] Wang Xinyu, Lin Yu, Shi Yingjie. The moderating role of organizational environments on the relationship between inventory leanness and venture survival in Chinese manufacturing [J]. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 2019, 31(2): 413-440.

[5] Lin Yu, Liu Xiaoqi. Influence of Lean Production on Enterprise Value: Intermediary Role Based on Financing Capacity [J]. Journal of Gansu Sciences, 2019, 31(3): 141-146.

[6] Lin Yu, Liang Biwei, Zhu Xuechang. The effect of inventory performance on product quality: The mediating effect of financial performance. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 2018, 35(10): 2227-2247.

[7] Zhu Xuechang, Lin Yu. A revisit of lean production on performance based on heterogeneity [J]. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 2018, 67(3): 487-501.

[8] Zhu Xuechang, Lin Yu. Does lean manufacturing improve firm value? [J]. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 2017, 28(4): 422-437.

[9] Zheng Shuo, Lin Yu. n-n Inbound Logistic Transportation Planning Based on Improved Simulated Annealing Algorithm [J]. Industrial Engineering Journal, 2017, 20(2): 86-90.

[10] Lin Yu, Li Yajiao, Shi Yingjie. Optimizing the Number of Kanbans for Two-stage Production System Based on Queuing Theory [J]. Industrial Engineering Journal, 2017, 20(1): 71-76.

[11] Lin Yu, Shen Yangliu. Newsvendor Model Based on Strategic Consumer and Retailer Irrational Mentality [J]. Journal of Gansu Sciences, 2017, 29(1): 137-142.

[12] Lin Yu, Bian Zheyong, Liu Xiang. Developing a dynamic neighborhood structure for an adaptive hybrid simulated annealing – tabu search algorithm to solve the symmetrical traveling salesman problem [J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2016, 49: 937-952.

[13] Lin Yu, Pei Zhengzhao, Zhang Zongda. A Study of Manufacturing Enterprise Strategic Objectives Oriented Lean Evaluation [J]. Industrial Engineering Journal, 2016, 19(1): 148-155.

[14] Lin Yu, Bian Zheyong, Sun Shujing, Xu Tianyi. A Two-Stage Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the Many-to-Many Milk-Run Routing Problem with Pipeline Inventory Cost [J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015(3): 15-36.

[15] Lin Yu, Xu Tianyi, Bian Zheyong. A Two-Phase Heuristic Algorithm for the Common Frequency Routing Problem with Vehicle Type Choice in the Milk Run [J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015(1): 35-47.

[16] Lin Yu, Han Bing, Shi Yingjie, Duan Qi. Optimal design of system service capacity with customer impatience [J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2015, 21(5): 1389-1394.

[17] Lin Yu, Zhang Chuwei. A Study of Synchronised Operation Mode and Inventory Optimization in a Multi-echellon Serial Supply Chain [J]. Industrial Engineering and Management, 2015, 20(3): 14-20.

[18] Lin Yu, Han Bing, Zhang Zongda. A Heijunka Batch Strategy Matching the Schedules of Production and Purchasing in an Iron and Steel Enterprise [J]. Industrial Engineering and Management, 2015, 20(2): 40-45.

[19] Lin Yu, Xu Tianyi. Vehicle Scheduling with Time Windows and Inbound Crossing Restrictions in the Milk Run [J]. Industrial Engineering and Management, 2015, 20(1): 28-33.

[20] Lin Yu, Bi Zhili. Study on Method for Setting of Container Capacity Based on Balanced Consumption [J]. Logistics Technology, 2014(7): 101-103.

[21] Lin Yu, Zhang Zongda. A Lean Strategy Solving the Problem of Multi-machine Production Scheduling and Material Handling in an Iron and Steel Enterprise [J]. Industrial Engineering and Management, 2014, 19(6): 83-88.

[22] Han Bing, Lin Yu. Comparison of Distribution Strategies for Production Lines in Stochastic Process [J]. Industrial Engineering Journal, 2014, 17(6): 48-53.

[23] Lin Yu, Deng Yongfeng. The method of storage assignment in Set Parts Supply based on the balance [J]. Manufacturing Automation, 2013(16): 127-130.

[24] Lin Yu, Kang Li, Shi Yingjie. Multi-objective Modeling and Optimization for Layout of Pedestrian-guidance Signs with IFD-NSGA-Ⅱ Algorithm [J]. Journal of Systems & Management, 2013, 22(4): 553-559.

[25] Lin Yu, Zhao Zongyuan. Research on Sequencing Mixed-Model Assembly Lines Based on Set Part Supply [J]. Industrial Engineering Journal, 2013, 16(2): 112-116.

[26] Wang Gaolin, Lin Yu. On Flexible Zoning Problem of Picking Area for Part SPS Distribution [J]. Industrial Engineering Journal, 2013, 16(4): 117-121.

[27] Lin Yu, Li Weihong, Yang Fudong. Study of the Manual Staff Norm in Flowshop Based on Pull Production Mode [J]. Value Engineering, 2012, 31(11): 42-43.

[28] Lin Yu, Liu Jinglin, Wang Zhanzhuang. The Scheduling Method Research of a Feed Mill Based on JIT [J]. Industrial Engineering and Management, 2012, 17(6): 107-110.

[29] Lin Yu, Guo Jie. Efficiency Improvement Method Research about the Assembly Line Based on JIT [J]. Industrial Engineering and Management, 2012, 17(3): 124-128.

[30] Wang Zhanzhuang, Lin Yu. Study on Lean Design of Cellular Manufacturing System [J]. Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique, 2012(10): 32-35.


【Research Projects】

[1] The interaction between the flexible transformation of production modes and the value chain upgrading: mechanism, path and countermeasures, National Natural Science Foundation of China (71873094), 2019.01-2022.12, Project leader.

[2] The research of Large municipal traffic facilities the lean operation strategy, Tianjin Science and Technology Project (12ZLZLZLZF02900), 2013.10-2014.10, Project leader.

[3] Synergy effect analysis and evaluation methods study on the influential factors of lean production implementation, National Natural Science Foundation of China (71071107), 2011.1-2013.12, Second participant.

[4] Management innovation method and toolset, Special project of the Ministry of Science and Technology (sub-topic) (2010E3-0009), 2010.4-2011.4, Project leader.

[5] Research on Operation and Management Mode of Transportation Hub Project, Entrusted by Tianjin Transportation Technology Development Co., Ltd. (2009GFW-0230), 2009.1-2013.6, Project leader.

[6] Research on Lean Design method of Project Lifecycle (TJGL08-036), Tianjin Philosophy and Social Science Research Program, 2008.1-2010.12, Project leader.

【Enterprise Cooperation Project】

[1] Lean consulting project of CNNC Huadong Radiation Co., Ltd., Enterprise entrustment, 2018.6-2020.10, Project leader.

[2] Value chain lean management project of Technical research Xinyang Group, Enterprise entrustment, 2018.3-Now, Project leader

[3] Supply chain optimization project of Shandong Top Sunshine Group, Enterprise entrustment, 2015.11-2017.12, Project leader

[4] Zhengzhou Sanhua Technology and Industry Co., Ltd., Project, 2015.5-2020.1, Project leader

[5] Lean consulting project of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Enterprise entrustment No.10 Research Institute, Enterprise entrustment, 2015.5-2019.1, Project leader

[6] SOP project of CN Tianjin Machine Co., Ltd., Enterprise entrustment, 2015.5-2016.8, Project leader

[7] Lean consulting project of Broad (China) Group, Enterprise entrustment, 2014.3-2015.6, Project leader

[8] Lean consulting project of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Enterprise entrustment No.38 Research Institute, 2013.8-2015.6, Project leader

[9] Flexible production transformation project of Tianjin Rolling-one Steel Co., Ltd. (TROSCO), Enterprise entrustment, 2013.3-2016.3, Project leader

[10] Supply chain lean project of New Hope Liuhe Co., Ltd., Enterprise entrustment, 2011.7-2019.1, Project leader

[11] Lean logistics project of Changchun FAW (Volkswagen) International Logistics Center, Enterprise entrustment, 2010.11-2013.1, Project leader

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

[1] Industrial Engineering Branch of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, Deputy Secretary-General

[2] Tianjin Industrial Engineering Society, Secretary-General

[3] China Electronic Labor Society, Expert