

Faculty Research



TAN Qingmei

Department of Accounting and Financial Management Associate Professor

电子邮箱[email protected]

研究方向:Corporate Finance; Tax Planning.


【Education and Career】

Time University Specialty Degree/ Position
2004-2007 Tianjin University Technological Economy and Management Ph.D
1999-2002 Tianjin University Technological Economy and Management Master
1995-1999 Tianjin University Bachelor
Jun. 2006-Now College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University Associate Professor
Aug. 2010- Feb. 2011 Ross School of Business, University of Michigan Visiting Scholar
Jun. 2004- Jun. 2006 School of management, Tianjin University Assistant Professor
Jun. 2007- Jun. 2006 School of management, Tianjin University Teaching Assistant

【Published Monographs】

[1] TAN Qingmei. Corporate Financial Management, in ZHAO Liming (eds.), Modern Business Management, Tianjin University Press, Tianjin, China, 2011.

[2] TAN Qingmei. Financial Management of Tourist Attraction, in ZHAO Liming (eds.), Management of Tourist Attraction, Nankai University Press, Tianjin, China, 2010.

[3] TAN Qingmei. Financial system in marketing, in ZHAO Liming (eds.), Marketing, Tianjin University Press, Tianjin, China, 2005.

【Journal Paper】

[1] TAN Qingmei, WU Jinke. Managerial Ownership and Firm Performance: Evidence from Data of SMEs Board in China, Journal of Shanxi Finance and Economics University, 2011.2

[2] TAN Qingmei, WU Jinke. Capital Structure, Ownership Structure and Growth of SMEs: Evidence from Data of SMEs Board in China, Journal of Shenzhen Stock Market, 2011.2.

[3] TAN Qingmei, HE Juan, MA Jiao. Board Composition, Ownership Structure and SMEs Performance: Evidence from Data of SMEs Board in China, Journal of Guangdong University of Finance, 2011.3.

[4] TAN Qingmei, WU Jinke, ZHAO Liming. Signaling Model of SMEs Credit Market, Statistics and Decision, 2009.4.

[5] TAN Qingmei, WU Jinke. The Impact on Taxpayers of the VAT Reform in China, Future and Development, 2009.185.

[6] TAN Qingmei, WU Jinke,ZHAO Liming. Comprehensive Credit Rationing Model of SMEs Credit Market, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2008, 10(3).

【Conference Paper】

[1] TAN Qingmei. Impact of the Corporate Income Tax Reform on Capital Structure Choices Evidence from Data of Chinese Listed Firms, The 19th IE&EM International Conference, Beijing, China, October,27-29,2010.

[2] TAN Qingmei, WU Jinke, MA Jiao. Growth and Capital Structure----Evidence from Panel Data of Listed Firms on SMEs Board, The 17th IE&EM International Conference, Xiamen, China, October,29-31,2010.

[3] TAN Qingmei, WU Jinke. Optimal Incentive Contract in SMEs Credit Market, The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering, Chengdu, China, April 16-18, 2010.

[4] TAN Qingmei, WU Jinke. Analysis on Current Green Tax System in China, The Conference on Engineering and Business Management, Chengdu, China. March 25-27, 2010.

[5] TAN Qingmei, LI Zhenhua, JIN Yuanqiang. Improvement of Resource Tax in China Based on Circular Economy, Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Public Economics and Management, Xiamen, China. November 28-29, 2009.


[1] Award for Teaching Excellence in School of Management, Tianjin University. 2008

[2] CSMAR Research Funds Excellent Paper Award, 2011


【Research Projects】

[1] Educational Population Forecasting and Educational Resource Allocation of Tianjin, Supported by the 11th Five-year Education Scientific Planning Project of Tianjin

[2] Financial Control of Group Company under ERP Environment, Supported by University Technology Transfer Center, Tianjin

[3] Growth and Capital Structure of SMEs, Supported by Innovation Funds from Tianjin University

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

[1] Member of Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants

[2] Member of Tianjin Engineering Economy and Management Modernization Institute