Institute of Systems Engineering Professor
电子邮箱:[email protected]
研究方向:Uncertain Decision; Modeling and Control for Complex System.
Time | Institution | Degree/Position |
Sep. 1981~Jul. 1985 | Operational Research and ControlTheory, Nankai University | B.S |
Sep. 1985~Jul. 1988 | Operational Research and ControlTheory, Nankai University | M.A |
Jun. 1988~Aug. 1990 | Institute of Systems Engineering, Tianjin University | Lecturer |
Sep. 1990~Mar. 1993 | Institute of Systems Engineering, Tianjin University | Ph.D |
Nov. 1993~ Nov. 1998 | Institute of Systems Engineering, Tianjin University | Associate Professor |
Nov. 1998~Present | Institute of Systems Engineering, Tianjin University | Professor |
Zhou Chi, Tang Wansheng. A search theory that considers participant behavior and its application. Beijing: Science Press. 2020
[1] Yang R, Tang W, Zhang J. Technology improvement strategy for green products under competition: The role of government subsidy. European Journal of Operational Research, 2021, 289(2): 553-568.
[2] Dong B, Tang W, Zhou C, Ren Y. Should original equipment manufacturer assist noncompetitive contract manufacturer to expand capacity. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 2021, 103:102420.
[3] Yang R, Tang W, Dou M, Zhang J. Pricing and investing in co-creation with customers for a duopoly. International Journal of Production Economics, 2021, 237: 108145.
[4] Song Z, Tang W, Zhao R, Zhang G. Inventory strategy of the risk averse supplier and overconfident manufacturer with uncertain demand. International Journal of Production Economics, 2021, 234: 108066.
[5] Song Z, Tang W, Zhao R. Liner alliances with heterogeneous price level and service competition: Partial vs. full. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 2021, 103:102414.
[6] Dong B, Tang W, Zhou C, Ren Y. Is dual sourcing a better choice: The impact of reliability improvement and contract manufacturer encroachment. Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2021, 149: 102275.
[7] Xu M, Tang W, Zhou C. Operation strategy under additional service and refurbishing effort in online second-hand market. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 290: 125608.
[8] Sun X, Tang W, Zhang J, Chen J. The impact of quantity-based cost decline on supplier encroachment. Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2021, 147: 102245.
[9] Yang G, Tang W, Zhao R. Impact of outside option on managerial compensation contract and environmental strategies in polluting industries. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2021, 72(1):109-129.
[10] Sun X, Tang W, Zhang J, Chen J. Optimal investment strategy of a free-floating sharing platform. Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020, 138: 101958.
[11] Zhang Q, Tang W, Zaccour G, Zhang J. Should a manufacturer give up pricing power in a vertical information-sharing channel. European Journal of Operational Research, 2019, 276(3): 910-928.
[12] Song Z, Tang W, Zhao R. Encroachment and canvassing strategy in a sea-cargo service chain with empty container repositioning. European Journal of Operational Research, 2019, 276(1): 175-186.
[13] Lu F, Tang W, Liu G, Zhang J. Cooperative advertising: A way escaping from the prisoner's dilemma in a supply chain with sticky price. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 2019, 86: 87-106.
[14] Wang Y, Tang W, Zhao R. Supplier's strategy: align with the dominant entrant retailer or the vulnerable incumbent retailer. Soft Computing, 2019, 35(10): 3481-3500.
[15] Xu M, Tang W, Zhou C. Procurement strategies of E-retailers under different logistics distributions with quality- and service-dependent demand. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2019, 35: UNSP 100853.
[16] Zhang Q, Zhang J, Zaccour G, Tang W. Strategic technology licensing in a supply chain. European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, 267(1): 162-175.
[17] Song Z, Tang W, Zhao R. Cooperation mode for a liner company with heterogeneous ports: Business cooperation vs. port investment. Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2018, 118: 513-533.
[18] Zhang J, Dai R, Zhang Q, Tang W. An optimal energy efficiency investment and product pricing strategy in a two-market framework. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2018, 48(4): 608-621.
[19] Dong B, Tang W, Zhou C. Strategic procurement outsourcing with asymmetric cost information under scale economies. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2018, 69(11): 1751-1772.
[20] Feng L, Zhang J, Tang W. Dynamic joint pricing and production policy for perishable products. International Transactions in Operational Research, 2018, 25(6): 2031-2051.
[21] Yang R, Tang W, Dai R, Zhang J. Contract design in reverse recycling supply chain with waste cooking oil under asymmetric cost information. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 201: 61-77.
[22] Wang Y, Tang W, Zhao R. Information sharing and information concealment in the presence of a dominant retailer. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2018, 121: 36-50.
[23] Zhang Q, Tang W, Zhang J. Who should determine energy efficiency level in a green cost-sharing supply chain with learning effect. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2018, 115: 226-239.
[24] Zhou, Caifeng; Tang, Wansheng; Lan, Yanfei. Supply chain contract design of procurement and risk-sharing under random yield and asymmetric productivity information. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2018, 126: 691-704.
[25] Yang, Guoqing; Tang, Wansheng; Zhao, Ruiqing. An uncertain furniture production planning problem with cumulative service levels. Soft Computing, 2017, 21(4): 1041-1055.
[26] Zhou, Chi; Tang, Wansheng; Zhao, Ruiqing. An uncertain search model for recruitment problem with enterprise performance. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2017, 28(3): 695-704.
[27] Yang, Guoqing; Tang, Wansheng; Zhao, Ruiqing. An uncertain workforce planning problem with job satisfaction. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2017, 8(5): 1681-1693.
[28] Song, Zhuzhu; Tang, Wansheng; Zhao, Ruiqing. Ocean carrier canvassing strategies with uncertain demand and limited capacity. Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2017, 104: 189-210.
[29] Zhou, Chi; Tang, Wansheng; Zhao, Ruiqing. Optimal consumption with reference-dependent preferences in on-the-job search and savings. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2017, 13: 505-529.
[30] Guo, Yan; Tang, Wansheng; Zhao, Ruiqing. The impacts of uncertain factors on decisions of NPO and firms. Applied Soft Computing, 2017, 56: 632-645.
[31] Zhang, Qiao; Zhang, Jianxiong; Tang, Wansheng. Coordinating a supply chain with green innovation in a dynamic setting. 4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 2017, 15(2): 133-162.
[32] Xue, Musen; Zhang, Jianxiong; Tang, Wansheng; Dai, Rui. Quality improvement and pricing with reference quality effect. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 2017, 26(5): 665-682.
[33] Zhang, Jianxiong; Wei, Qian; Liu, Guowei; Tang, Wansheng. A supplier switching model with the competitive reactions and economies of scale effects. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2017, 47(11): 2831-2843.
[34] Wang, Xiulan; Lan, Yanfei; Tang, Wansheng. An uncertain wage contract model for risk-averse worker under bilateral moral hazard. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2017, 13(4): 1815-1840.
[35] Dai, Rui; Zhang, Jianxiong; Tang, Wansheng. Cartelization or Cost-sharing: Comparison of cooperation modes in a green supply chain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 156: 159-173.
[36] Lu, Lihao; Zhang, Jianxiong; Tang, Wansheng. Coordinating a supply chain with negative effect of retailer’s local promotion on goodwill and reference price. RAIRO: Operations Research, 2017, 51(1): 227-252.
[37] Musen Xue, Wansheng Tang, Jianxiong Zhang. Optimal dynamic pricing for deteriorating items with reference-price effects. International Journal of Systems Science, 2016, 47(9): 2022-2031.
[38] Qiao Zhang, Wansheng Tang, Jianxiong Zhang. Green supply chain performance with cost learning and operational inefficiency effects. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 112, 3267-3284.
[39] Musen Xue, Wansheng Tang, Jianxiong Zhang. Supply chain pricing and coordination with mark-down strategy in the presence of conspicuous consumers. International Transactions in Operational Research, 2016, 23(6): 1051-1065.
[40] Jianxiong Zhang, Qian Wei, Qiao Zhang, Wansheng Tang. Pricing, service and preservation technology investments policy for deteriorating items under common resource constraints. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2016, 95: 1-9.
[41] Lin Feng, Jianxiong Zhang, Wansheng Tang. Optimal inventory control and pricing of perishable items without shortages. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2016, 13(2): 918-931.
[42] Lihao Lu, Jianxiong Zhang, Wansheng Tang. Optimal dynamic pricing and replenishment policy for perishable items with inventory-level-dependent demand. International Journal of Systems Science, 2016, 47(6): 1480-1494.
[43] Lihao Lu, Qinglong Gou, Wansheng Tang, Jianxiong Zhang. Joint pricing and advertising strategy with reference price effect. International Journal of Production Research, 2016, 54(17): 5250-5270.
[44] Fuxiao Lu, Guowei Liu, Jianxiong Zhang, Wansheng Tang. Benefits of partial myopia in a durable product supply chain considering pricing and advertising. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2016, 67(10): 1309-1324.
[45] Y. Lan, R. Zhao, W. Tang, A fuzzy supply chain contract problem with pricing and warranty. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 2014, 26(3):1527-1538.
[46] J. Zhang, Z. Bai, W. Tang, Optimal pricing policy for deteriorating items with preservation technology investment. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2014, 10(4):1261-1277.
[47] M. Xue, J. Zhang, W. Tang, Optimal temperature control for quality of perishable foods. ISA Transactions, 2014, 53(2):542-546.
[48] J. Zhang, L. Feng, W. Tang, Optimal contract design of supplier-led outsourcing based on Pontryagin maximum principle. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2014, 161(2):592-607.
[49] J. Zhang, W. Tang, L. Feng, M. Hu, A principal-agent model in a supplier-led supply chain under asymmetric information. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 2014, 25(2):185-201.
[50] C. Zhou, W. Tang, R. Zhao, Optimal stopping for dynamic recruitment problem with probabilistic loss of candidates. Sequential Analysis: Design Methods and Applications, 2015, 34(2):187-210.
[51] Y. Wang, J. Zhang, W. Tang, Dynamic pricing for non-instantaneous deteriorating items. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2015, 26(4): 629-640.
[52] J. Zhang, W. Tang, M. Hu. Optimal supplier switching with volume-dependent switching costs. International Journal of Production Economics, 2015, 161: 96-104.
[53] G. Liu, J. Zhang, W. Tang, Strategic transfer pricing in a marketing- operations interface with quality level and advertising dependent goodwill. Omega: International Journal of Management Science, 2015, 56(10): 1-15.
[54] G. Liu, J. Zhang, W. Tang, Joint dynamic pricing and investment strategy for perishable foods with price-quality dependent demand. Annals of Operations Research, 2015, 226(1): 397-416.
[55] S. Li, J. Zhang, W. Tang, Joint dynamic pricing and inventory control policy for a stochastic inventory system with perishable products. International Journal of Production Research, 2015, 53(10): 2937-2950.
[56] Q. Zhang, J. Zhang, W. Tang, A dynamic advertising model with reference price effect. RAIRO: Operations Research, 2015, 49 (4): 669-688.
[57] L. Feng, J. Zhang, W. Tang, A joint dynamic pricing and advertising model of perishable products. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2015, 66(8): 1341-1351.
[58] X. Wu, R. Zhao, W. Tang, Principal-agent problems based on credibility measure. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2015, 23(4): 909-922.
[1] The Fifth Youth Science and Technology Award of Tianjin
[2] The Third Prize of Natural Science of Tianjin
[3] The Second Prize of Natural Science Award of the 2014 Outstanding Achievements in Scientific Research of Higher Education Institutions
[1] Flexibility contract design and applications in the service management (National Natural Science Foundation of China, 71771164).
[2] Research on the theory and methodology of a viable decision making in stochastic systems (National Natural Science Foundation of China, 79700016).
[3] Research on intelligent solving algorithms for viable decision making of stochastic systems (National Natural Science Foundation of China, 70171004).
[4] Fuzzy random renewal process and its applications (National Natural Science Foundation of China, 70471049).
[5] Fuzzy search theory and its applications (National Natural Science Foundation of China, 71071106).
[6] The models of job search based on prospect theory and their Applications (National Natural Science Foundation of China, 71371133).
Senior Member, Systems Engineering Society of China
Senior Member, Chinese Tianjin Association of Automation
Chair, Systems Engineering Committee of Chinese Tianjin Association of Automation
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Systems Engineering
Editorial Board Member, Control and Decision
Editorial Board Member, Automation and Instrumentation