





系统工程研究所 教授

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时间 单位 学位/职务
2010.7-今 新葡京娱乐场(中国)官方网站 教授、博导
2005.7-2010.6 天津大学新葡京娱乐场 副教授、博导
2007.1-2009.2 英国 Aberystwyth 大学 Research Associate
2006.5-2006.7 法国Anger 大学 访问学者
1999.9-2003.1 清华大学计算数学 博士
1992.9-1994.1 东北师范大学概率论与数理统计 硕士



[1]Ruiqing Zhao, W. Tang, Redundancy Optimization Problems with Uncertain Lifetimes (Chapter 11, 329-374) in the book 《Computational Intelligence in Reliability Engineering》(Gregory Levitin, Editor), Springer, 2006.

[2]刘宝碇, 赵瑞清, 王纲, 《不确定规划及其应用》,清华大学出版社, 2003.

[3]刘宝碇, 赵瑞清, 《随机规划与模糊规划》,清华大学出版社, 1998.


[1] X. Wu,Ruiqing Zhao,W. Tang,Principal agent problems based on credibility measure,IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 23(4),909-922,2015.

[2] Y. Lan, Ruiqing Zhao, W. Tang, An inspection-based price rebate and effort contract model with incomplete information,Computers & Industrial Engineering, 83, 264-272, 2015.

[3] C. Zhou,W. Tang, Ruiqing Zhao, Optimal stopping for dynamic recruitment problem with probabilistic loss of candidates,Sequential Analysis- Design Methods and Applications, 34(2), 187-210, 2015.

[4] G. Sun,Ruiqing Zhao, Dynamic partition search algorithm for global numerical optimization,Applied Intelligence, 41(4), 1108-1126, 2014.

[5] K. Yang, Ruiqing Zhao, Y. Lan, The impact of risk attitude in new product development under dual information asymmetry,Computers & Industrial Engineering, 76, 122-137, 2014.

[6] X. Wu,Ruiqing Zhao,W. Tang, Uncertain agency models with multi-dimensional incomplete information based on confidence level, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 13: 231-258, 2014.

[7]X. Wu,Ruiqing Zhao,W. Tang, Optimal contracts for the agency problem with multiple uncertain information, Knowledge-based Systems, 59: 161-172, 2014.

[8] Y. Lan, Ruiqing Zhao, W. Tang, A fuzzy supply chain contract problem with pricing and warranty. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 26: 1527-1538, 2014.

[9] G. Wang, W.Tang, Ruiqing Zhao, A novel job search problem in hybrid uncertain environment, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 12: 249-261, 2013.

[10] Y. Lan, Ruiqing Zhao, W. Tang, A yardstick competition approach to a multi-firm regulation problem under asymmetric information, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 249: 24-36,2013.

[11] C. Wang, W. Tang, Ruiqing Zhao, The infinite time horizon dynamic pricing problem with multi-unit demand, Optimization Letters, 7: 1125-1138, 2013.

[12] G. Wang,W.Tang,Ruiqing Zhao, An uncertain price discrimination model in labor market, Soft Computing, 17: 579-585, 2013.

[13] J. Zhao, W. Tang, Ruiqing Zhao, J. Wei, Pricing decisions for substitutable products with a common retailer in fuzzy environments, European Journal of Operational Research, 216, 409-419, 2012.

[14] W. Tang, C. Wang, Ruiqing Zhao, Fuzzy Parametric Statistical Inference, Information: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 14, 17-27, 2011.

[15] Y. Lan, Ruiqing Zhao, W. Tang, Minimum risk criterion for uncertain production planning problems, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 61, 591-599, 2011.

[16] Y. Lan, Ruiqing Zhao, W. Tang, A bilevel fuzzy principal-agent model for optimal nonlinear taxation problems, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 10, 211-232, 2011.

[17] Q. Shen,Ruiqing Zhao,A credibilistic approach to assumption-based truth maintenance, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, 41, 85-96, 2011.

[18] X. Li, Ruiqing Zhao, W. Tang, Similarity measures between fuzzy variables and their application to pattern recognition, Information: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 13, 47-55, 2010.

[19]Q. Shen, Ruiqing Zhao, Risk assessment of serious crime with fuzzy random theory, Information Sciences, 180, 4401-4411, 2010.

[20] Q. Shen, Ruiqing Zhao and W. Tang, Random fuzzy alternating renewal processes, Soft Computing, 13, 139-147, 2009.

[21] C. Zhang, Ruiqing Zhao and W. Tang, Optimal run lengths in deteriorating production processes in random fuzzy environments, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 57(3): 941-948, 2009.

[22] T. Huang, Ruiqing Zhao and W. Tang, Risk model with fuzzy random individual claim amount, European Journal of Operational Research, 192(3):879-890, 2009.

[23] W. Tang, X. Li and Ruiqing Zhao, Metric spaces of fuzzy variables, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 57, 1268-1273, 2009.

[24] S. Li, Q. Shen, W. Tang and Ruiqing Zhao, Random fuzzy delayed renewal processes, Soft Computing, 13, 681-690, 2009.

[25] Q. Shen, Ruiqing Zhao and W. Tang, Modeling random fuzzy renewal reward processes, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 16(5), 1379-1385, 2008.

[26] C. Wang, W. Tang and Ruiqing Zhao, Static Bayesian games with finite fuzzy types and the existence of equilibrium, Information Sciences, 178(24), 4688-4698, 2008.

[27] C. Zhou, Ruiqing Zhao and W. Tang, Two-echelon supply chain games in a fuzzy environment, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 55(2), 390-405, 2008.

[28] L. Cui, Ruiqing Zhao and W. Tang, Principal-agent problem in a fuzzy environment, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 15(6), 1230-1237, 2007.

[29] F. Xue, W. Tang and Ruiqing Zhao, The expected value of a function of a fuzzy variable with a continuous membership function, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 55(6), 1215-1224, 2008.

[30] S. Li, Ruiqing Zhao and W. Tang, Supply chain coordination by revenue-sharing contract with fuzzy demand, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 19(6), 409-420, 2008.

[31] Y. Liu, W. Tang and Ruiqing Zhao, Reliability and mean time to failure of unrepairable systems with fuzzy random lifetimes, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 15(5), 1009-1026, 2007.

[32] J. Zhang, Ruiqing Zhao and W. Tang, Fuzzy age-dependent replacement policy and SPSA algorithm based-on fuzzy simulation, Information Sciences, 178(2), 573–583, 2008.

[33] X. Wang, W. Tang and Ruiqing Zhao, Random fuzzy EOQ model with imperfect quality items, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 6(2), 139-153, 2007.

[34] R. Zhao, W. Tang, Monkey algorithm for global numerical optimization, Journal of Uncertain Systems, 2(3):164-175, 2008.

[35] R. Zhao, W. Tang and C. Wang, Fuzzy random renewal process and renewal reward process, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 6(3):279-295, 2007.

[36] R. Zhao, W. Tang and H. Yun, Random fuzzy renewal process, European Journal of Operational Research, 169(1):189-201, 2006.

[37] R. Zhao, W. Tang, Some properties of fuzzy random renewal processes, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 14(2):173-179, 2006.

[38] R. Zhao, B. Liu, Standby redundancy optimization problem with fuzzy lifetimes, Computer & Industrial Engineering, 49(2):318-338, 2005.

[39] R. Zhao, B. Liu, Redundancy optimization problems with uncertainty of combining randomness and fuzziness, European Journal of Operational Research, 157(3):716-735, 2004.

[40] R. Zhao, B. Liu, Renewal process with fuzzy interarrival times and rewards, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems, 11(5):573-586, 2003.







[1] 基于合同理论和网络理论的中小企业融资问题研究,教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目,2014.01-2016.12,主持,在研.

[2] 基于次可加测度的合同理论及应用,国家自然科学基金项目, 2013.01 -2016.12 ,主持,在研.

[3] 模糊环境下的机制设计理论及应用研究,国家自然科学基金项目, 2010.01-2012.12,主持,结题.

[4] 模糊随机对策论及应用,国家自然科学基金项目, 2006.01-2008.12 ,主持,结题.

[5] 模糊对策论及应用,教育部新世纪优秀人才项目, 2007-2011, 主持,结题.

[6] Intelligent Monitoring of Intelligence Data(EP/D057086), 英国EPSRC grant,2007.01-2009.01, 参加.

[7] Metaheuristics for Solving LargeScale Uncertain Programming Models, SinoFrench Joint Laboratory for Research in Computer Science, Control and Applied Mathematics (LIAMA), 2000-2002, 参加.



[1] 国际电子商务联合会中国分会副会长;

[2] 中国运筹学会不确定系统分会理事长;

[3] 《Information》编委;

[4] 《Journal of Uncertain Systems》领域主编;

[5] 《Journal of Uncertainty Analysis and Applications》领域主编;

[6] 《系统工程学报》常务副主编.