

Faculty Research

QI Ershi



【Education and Career】

Time Education/working experience
1988-1992 Tianjin UniversitySystem Engineering PhD
1982-1985 Tianjin UniversityManagement Engineering Master's Degree
1985-1992 College of Management and Economics of Tianjin University Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
1992-1995 College of Management and Economics of Tianjin University Associate Professor
1995—Now College of Management and Economics of Tianjin University Professor

【Published Monographs】

[1] Qi Ershi, Song Lifu, Industrial Engineering and informatization of Manufacturing Enterprise-IE+IT, China Machine Press, Beijing.(2011).

[2] Qi Ershi, Modern Industrial Engineering and Management, Tianjin University Press, Tianjin.(2007).

[3] Qi Ershi, Liu Zixian, Method and Performance Management of Public Organizations, Tianjin University Press, Tianjin. (2007).

[4] Qi Ershi, Liu Liang, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Electronic Industry Press, Beijing. (2007).

[5] Qi Ershi, Management Theory and Approach of ERP Project Based on Total-life-cycle, China Science & Technology Press. Beijing. (2005).

【Journal Paper】

[1]QI Ershi, CAO Guozhao. Retailer competition based on strategic consumer behavior and improved design. Computer Integrated Manufacturing System. 2012, 18(12).

[2]YANG Daojian, QI Ershi, Wei Feng. Supply Chain Profit Sharing under Strategic Customer Behavior and Risk Preference. Journal of Management Sciences in China. 2011, 14(12).

[3]CAO Guozhao, QI Ershi. Loss-averse Newsvendor Problem Based on Competition between Substitutable Products. Chinese Journal of Management. 2013,10(6).

[4] QI Ershi, Zhu Yongming, Jiao Xinrui. Research on the Evaluation of Society Responsibility Performance in Coal Enterprises Based on Gray Theory. Commercial Research. 2011, (10).

[5]QI Er-shi, LI Hui, LIU liang. Research on Collaborative Resource Optimization of Virtual Enterprises Based on Genetic Algorithm. Chinese Journal of Management. 2011,(1).

[6]QI Ershi, YANG Daojian, LIU Liang. Supply Chain Two-part Tariff Based on Strategic Customer Behavior. Computer Integrated Manufacturing System. 2010(4).

[7] QI Ershi, WANG Yongsheng. Discussion on the Implementation of Lean Logistics in Our Country Enterprise. Modern Management Science.2010,(4).

[8]QI Ershi, LIU Hongwei. Localization of Chinese Industrial Engineering: Practical Application and Theoretical Research. Chinese Journal of Management.2010, 7(11).

[9]QI Ershi, KONG Haining. Multi-period Optimal Byproduct Gas Scheduling in Iron and Steel Industry. System Engineering-Theory &Practice. 2010, 30(11).


[1] The Research and Application of Chinese-style Industrial Engineering Technology System in the Improvement of Holistic Management Efficiency in the field of Manufacturing, The Second Prize of Science & Technology Awards supported by China Machinery Industry Federation(CMIF) in 2001.

[2 ]The Research and Development of Computer Aided Management System Based on the Quality Management of the Semiconductor Encapsulation, The Second Prize of Tianjin Scientific and Technological Progress Awards supported by Tianjin Science and Technology Committee in 2004.

[3 ]The Research on the Reform, Development and Practice of Management Science Disciplines, The First Prize of Tianjin Social Science Awards supported by Tianjin Municipal Government in 2004.


【Research Projects】

[1]Researches on Supply Chain Coordination Model based on Customer Behavior(NSFC)

[2]Key Techniques Development and Application Service of MIE(Manufacturing Information Engineering) of Tianjin.(Tianjin Technology and Science Support Key Projects )

[3] Research on the Main tools for Management Innovation and the Methods for Integrated Management & firm Innovation.( Innovation Methods Fund supported by Ministry of Science and Technology)

[4] Application Platform Construction and Development Strategy Study on the Local Logistics Spatial Information. (Project of National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC))

[5] Research on the Passenger Traffic Price Reform.(Project of National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC))

[6] Researches on Matching Model and Methods between Management System and Information System of Enterprise in the Informatization of Manufacturing Industry(NSFC)

【Enterprise Cooperation Project】

[1]Research on Development Strategy of Informationization of Manufacturing Industry in the 12th Five-Year Plan of Tianjin.

[2]The planning and design of the Enterprise Information Integration Program for TJFAW.

[3]Research on the Competition Strategy in the Market of Engineering Construction of China. (This is supported by the Ministry of Construction and the Construction Group of Hebei Province.)

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

[1] Member, Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council (Specialty: Management Science and Engineering)

[2] Chairman, Industrial Engineering Steering Committee, Ministry of Education

[3] Vice President, Institute of Management Science and Engineering

[4] Executive Director, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society;

President, Industrial Engineering Branch of CMES.

[5] President, Innovation Method Society-Management Branch