

Faculty Research




【Education and Career】

Time University Specialty Degree/Position
1988-1991 Tsinghua University Mechanical Engineering Ph.D
1983-1986 Mechanical Engineering Master
1995-Now College of Management and Economics,        Tianjin University Professor and        Doctoral Supervisor
1991-1995 School of mechanical engineering,        Tianjin University Associate Professor
1986-1988 School of mechanical engineering,Tianjin University Lecturer

【Published Monographs】

[1] Zhao Tao,Qi Ershi. Management (The National Textbook). Tianjin university press, 2004, 2007, 2010

[2] Zhao Tao. Management Network Courses (The National Textbook). Higher Education Press, 2004

[3] Zhao Tao. Human Resource Management, Tianjin university press, 2005

[4] Zhao Tao. Equipment Supervision (The National Textbook). Science Press, 2005

[5] Zhao Tao. Management Method, Tianjin university press, 2006.07

[6] Zhao Tao, Qi Ershi. Modern Management. Tianjin university press,2007

[7] Zhao Tao. Equipment Maintenance Management. Tianjin university press, 2008

[8] Zhao Tao, XuFengjun. Overview Of Circular Economy. Tianjin university press, 2008

【Journal Paper】

[1] Cui Shihua, Zhao Tao, Guo Jie. Global Robust Exponential Stability for Interval Neural Networks with Delay[J]. Chaos, Solutions and Fractals. 2009.42:1567–1576. (SCI Region II, Retrieve number: 483SE)

[2] Wang Guohong,Wang YunXia,Zhao Tao.Analysis of Interactions among the Barriers to Energy Saving in China[J].Energy Policy.2008.36:1879–1889. (SCI Region II, Retrieve number: 317IP)

[3] Kang Jidong, Zhao Tao.Using decomposition analysis to evaluate the performance of China’s 30 provinces in CO2 emission reductions over 2005-2009[J].Natural hazards. 2012 (Published online).

[4] Zhao Tao, Zhao Shuangji, Zhang Pingheng, Su Qingfu. Evaluation of site selection for chemical projects based on tolerance of residents[J]. Advanced Materials Research. MEMS, NANO and Smart Systems.2012.403-408: 343-347.

[5] Zhao Tao,Liu Zhao,Zhao Changxin,Mao Cui .Energy consumption and carbon calculations of microalgae biodiesel[J]. Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology.2010.65: 963-968.

[6] Xu Jin, Zhao Tao, Xu Youhao. Evaluation of Large-Scale Public Sector Green Degree Based on AHP and Fuzzy Synthetic Judgment[J]. COBEE2008.2008.7 :2177–2184.

[7] Xu Jin,Zhao Tao,Xu Youhao.Evaluation of Large-Scale Public Sector Green Degree Based on AHP and Fuzzy Synthetic Judgment.Proceedings of the first international Conference on Building Energy and Environment,Dalian,July 13–16,2008. (ISTP included)

[8] Zhao Tao, Wang Xin. A Multi-Objective Fuzzy Optimization Method of Resource Input Based on Genetic Algorithm. Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 2010.

[9] Xu Jin, Zhao Tao. Research on Value Engineering Assessment and Countermeasures of Urban Water Cycle Based on ANP. 2010 2nd Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology. 2010: 458-462.

[10] Zhao Tao, Su Qingfu. A four-dimensional framework for broad band business process improvement inHT company.CIE 2009.

[11] Xu Bilin, Zhao Tao. An empirical study of relationship between informal groups and perceived job satisfaction from China. ICMSE 2008.

[12] Kong, Zaojie, Qi Ershi, Zhao Tao. Research on theory and models for requirement-oriented maintenance. Xi Tong Gong Cheng Yu Dian Zi Ji Shu/Systems Engineering and Electronics 2006.

[13] Liu Zhao, Zhao Tao. Influencing Factors and Scenario Forecasting of China’s Low-Carbon Economy [J]. Resources Science. 2011, 33(5): 844-850.

[14] Zhao Tao, Su Qingfu, Liu Zhao. Optimal Choice for China’s Desertification Regions to Develop Biodiesel: Microalgae [J]. Resources Science.2011, 33(8): 1529-1536.

[15] Liu Zhao, Zhao Tao. Research on Development of China’s Low-Carbon Economy in 2020 [J]. China Population, Resources and Environment.2011, 21(4): 229-236.

【Conference Paper】

[1] Zhao Tao, Liu Guangwei, Du Pu. Research on the material flow stability of by-products in the industrial symbiosis network: Based on the construct and analysis of the mode by the management agency's modulation[J]. 2011 IEEE 18th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management.2011.2: 962-967.

[2] Zhao Tao, Wang Xin. A fuzzy chance-constrained programming model for liquid chlorine downstream products selection problem in environmental services[J]. 2011 Annual SRII Global Conference. 2011:630-635.

[3] Zhao Tao,Liu Zhao,Zhao Changxin. Research on the prospects of low-carbon economic development in China based on LEAP model[J].Energy Procedia. 2010 International Conference on Energy, Environment and Development.2011.5: 695-699.

[4] Wang Guohong,Zhao Tao. Research on stability control of eco-industrial chain based on interrelation entropy theory[J]. Proceedings 2011 International Conference on Business Management and Electronic Information.2011.3: 157-160.

[5] Su Qingfu,Zhao Tao,Mao Cui. Research on the optimization price of the industrial waste based on industrial symbiosis[J]. 2010 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering. 2010:410-416.

[6] Zhao Tao,Zong Mali. Study on subsidy policies of waste recycling[J]. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2010:2348-2352.

[7] Xu Jin, Zhao Tao.Research on the analytic index system and applied method of regions' recycling economy development[J].2010 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government .2010: 4447-4452Conference

[8] Xu Jin,Zhao Tao,Xu Youhao.Evaluation of Large-Scale Public Sector Green Degree Based on AHP and Fuzzy Synthetic Judgment.Proceedings of the first international Conference on Building Energy and Environment,Dalian,July 13–16,2008. (ISTP included)

[9] Xu Jin, Zhao Tao. Research on Value Engineering Assessment and Countermeasures of Urban Water Cycle Based on ANP. 2010 2nd Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology. 2010: 458-462.

[10] Chen Qi, Zhao Tao. Optimal model of risk allocation analysis based on maintenance costs. IET Conference Publications 2007.

[11] Zhao Tao, Zong Mali. Supply chain coordination with demand uncertainty. Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Management Science.


[1] Second prize awards for science of Inner Mongolia autonomous region (Inner Mongolia autonomous region circular economy the comparative study, ranked number one), 2009

[2] The Science and Technology Advancement Class 2 Prize in Henan Province (Research on the development and evaluation of science and technology talent in Henan Province, ranked number two), 2008

[3] Modern management course (postgraduate), Excellent modern management course of Tianjin University, 2006

[4] Management course (undergraduate), Excellent management course of general colleges and universities in Tianjin, 2004


【Research Projects】

[1] Research of low carbon economy development pattern based on the TPM, Innovation Fund of Tianjin University, 2011-2013

[2] The Inner Mongolia autonomous region comparative study of technology innovation method system, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, 2009-2010

[3] Project based human resource management system structure, Inner Mongolia Science and Technology and Social Development Research Institute, 2006-2008

[4] Research and empirical analysis on the innovation system of promoting the industry cluster of China, The National Soft Science Research Program (2003DGQ2B138),2003-2004

[5] Research on the management model and implementation method of the industrial maintenance based on the integrated strategy, The National Natural Science Fund Projects (70071020),2001-2003

[6] Research on the management system and application for the CIMS enterprise equipment integration, National 863/CIMS Fund (863-511-944-020),1999-2001

【Enterprise Cooperation Project】

[1] Inner Mongolia autonomous region biomass energy development strategy research, Jinjiao Special New Materials (Group) Co., Ltd, 2009-2010

[2] Hainan CNG engineering project management system research, CNPC Shennan Oil Technology Development Co., Ltd, 2008-2009

[3] Human resource management system design, Henan Gaodi Environmental and Chemical Co., Ltd, 2008

[4] Chemical ecology industrial park planning design and evaluation, Baoshuo Group Company, 2008

[5] Knowledge Management, Tianjin Intertech Corporation, 2008

[6] HT digital broadband operation business management system optimization, Tianjin New Technology Industrial Park Haitai Digital Technology Co., Ltd, 2007-2009

[7] Research of the symbiosis technology and management using fly ash, Melic Sea Group, 2005-2006

Academic & social Service