

Faculty Research

MA Junhai



【Personal Profile】

Junhai Ma, School of Management, Tianjin University, professor , doctorial supervisor in management science and engineering as well as system science and engineering, entitled to Government Special Allowance, selected as the first level of Tianjin's first 131 talents project.


【Journal Paper】

[1] Junhai Ma, Yanqin Liu.Exact solutions for a generalized nonlinear fractional Fokker_Planck equation. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 2010(11)515-521. SCI,JCR-1,Impact Factor 1.381

[2] Junahi Ma ,HongWu Wang. Complexity analysis of dynamic noncooperative game models for closed-loop supply chain with product recovery. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2014(12)38:5562-5572. SCI ID:AU6OK. SCI-2 Impact Factor 2.251

[3] Junhai Ma,Xiaogang Ma.Measure of the bullwhip effect considering the market competition between two retailers [J].International Journal of Production Research ,2017(55) 2 : 313-326.

[4] Junhai Ma,Lei Xie.The comparison and complex analysis on dual-channel supply chain under different channel power structures and uncertain demand[J].Nonlinear Dynamics,2016,83 (3):1379-1393.SCI-2.

[5] .Junhai Ma Hongliang Tu.Analysis of the stability and Hopf bifurcation of money supply delay in complex macroeconomic models. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014(76)497-508 SCI-2 : AE8LN

[6] Junhai Ma,zhanbing,Guo.The parameter basin and complex of dynamic game with estimation and two-stage consideration, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION,2014(248)131-142 SCI-2:AT7NP

[7] Junhai Ma,Wenbo Ren.Complexity and Hopf bifurcation analysis on a kind of fractional-order IS-LM macroeconomic system[J].International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,2016,26 (11):1-11.SCI-2.

[8] Junhai Ma,Wenfeng Xie.Application and research on the complex dynamics behavior under price-discount promotion policy in inventory control system[J].International Journal of Logistics-Research and Applications,2016,19 (6):520-536.SSCI-3.

[9] Junhai Ma, Junling Zhang . Price Game and Chaos Control among Three Oligarchs with Different Rationalities in Property Insurance Market.Chaos (2012)(SCI,JCR-3,Impact Factor 2.081)

[10] Junhai Ma , Wei-Zhuo Ji. Complexity of repeated game model in electric power triopoly Chaos, Solitons and Fractals . 2009(40)1735-1740(SCI,JCR-2,Impact Factor 3.315)

[11] Lijian Sun,Junhai Ma.Study and Simulation on Dynamics of a Risk-Averse Supply Chain Pricing Model with Dual-Channel and Incomplete Information[J].International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,2016,26 (9).1650146 SCI-2

[12] Junhai Ma,Lei Xie.Study on the complexity pricing game and coordination of the duopoly air conditioner market with disturbance demand[J].Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,2016,32:99-113.SSCI-1

[13] Zhanbing Guo,Junhai Ma.The influence of information acquisition on the complex dynamics of market competition[J].International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,2016,26 (1). 1650008,SSCI-2

[14] Wu, Fang; Ma, Junhai.The complex dynamics of a multi-product mixed duopoly model with partial privatization and cross-ownership.NONLINEAR DYNAMICS 2015( 80)5: 1391-1401 SCI-2

[15] Junhai Ma,Fang Wu. The application and complexity analysis about a high-dimension discrete dynamical system basedon heterogeneous triopoly game with multi-product. Nonlinear Dyn (2014) 77:781–792  SCI-2 : AL7WW .

[16] Wu fangJunhai Ma. The Chaos Dynamic of Multiproduct Cournot Duopoly Game with Managerial Delegation. DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY. 2014(206961) SCI-4:SSCI: AI0PP.

[17] Ting Li.Junhai Ma .Complexity analysis of the dual-channel supply chain model with delay decision. NONLINEAR DYNAMICS,2014(78)4: 2617-2626 . SCI-2 SSCI: AT6DO

[18] Junhai Ma, Tao Sun , Lixia Liu.The inherent complexity in nonlinear business cycle model in resonance. Chaos,Solitions and Fractals, 37(2008) 1104-1112 ( SCIE:301IS, JCR-2,Impact Factor 3.315 )

[19] Junhai Ma, Ya Qiang Cui , Lixia Liu.A study on the complexity of a business cycle model with great excitements in non-resonant condition. Chaos, Solitions and Fractals 2009(39)2258-2267(Number Search of SCI:443DZ,JCR-2,Impact Factor 3.315 )

[20] Junhai Ma , Lixia Liu. Multivariate Nonlinear Analysis and Prediction of Shanghai Stock Market. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society.Volume 2008, Article ID 526734, 8 pages doi:10.1155/2008/526734 (SCI: 314CC, SN 1026-0226, JCR-3, Impact Factor 1.577)

[21] Junhai Ma,Qin Gao,Stability and Hopf bifurcations in a business cycle model with delay .Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2009(215)829-834(SCI,JCR-3,Impact Factor 1.124).

[22] Junhai Ma, Qi Zhang, Qin Gao Stability of a three-species symbiosis model with delays . Nonlinear Dyn (2012) 67:567–572(SCI: 855DN,JCR-2,Impact Factor1.741)

[23] Yuehong Guo,Junhai Ma.Research on game model and complexity of retailer collecting and selling in closed-loop supply chain. Applied Mathematical Modelling, v 37, n 7, p 5047-5058, April 1, 2013. SCI: 112GB.

[24] Junhai Ma, Hamza I. Bangura. Kind of financial and economic system's omplexity analysis research under the condition of three parameters change circumstances Nonlinear Dyn (2012)(SCI,JCR-2,Impact Factor1.741)

[25] Junhai Ma, Junling Zhang .Research on the Price Game and the Application of Delayed Decision in Oligopoly Insurance Market Nonlinear Dyn (2012)(SCI,JCR-2,Impact Factor1.741)


[1] Tianjin first 131 (cross century) Talent Engineering first level candidate (2001).

[2] "Fifteen" meritorious service medal of Tianjin (2002.1).

[3] State Council government special expert (2002.6).

[4] Guide the doctoral student Zhang Junling to won the 2014 Tianjin excellent doctoral dissertation.


【Research Projects】

[1] National Natural Science Foundation of China, 71571131, Study on bullwhip effect and control in a class of multi-channel delayed supply chain. 2016/1-2019/12, 460000 Yuan, underway, the director.

[2] National Natural Science Foundation of China, 20090032110031. Study on the complexity of nonlinear, fractional economic and financial dynamical systems. 2013/01-2016/12, 700000 Yuan, finished, the director.

[3] Doctoral Program of the Ministry of Education, 20130032110073, Study on the complexity of the closed-loop supply chain system with renewable resources and the decision delay effect, 2014/01-2016/12, 120000 Yuan, finished, the director.

[4] Doctoral Program of the Ministry of Education, 20090032110031, Study on the complexity of a class of delay and fractional order management dynamical systems, 2010/01-2012/12, 60000 Yuan, finished, the director.

[5] National Natural Science Foundation of China, 60641006, Research on dynamic system reconfiguration and control of complex chaotic economic time series, 2007/01-2007/12, 90000 Yuan, finished, the director.

[6] National Natural Science Foundation of China, 70271071, Research on dynamic system reconfiguration and control of complex chaotic economic time series, 2003/01-2005/12, 150000 Yuan, finished, the director.

[7] National Natural Science Foundation of China, 69874004, Reconstruction and control of nonlinear dynamical systems based on high dimensional chaotic time series, 1999/01-2001/12, 130000 Yuan, finished, first participant.

[8] National Natural Science Foundation of China, 19672043, Nonlinear reconstruction of chaotic time series dynamic system, 1997/01-1999/12, 90000 Yuan, finished, first participant.

[9] Research on the intrinsic complexity and prediction technology of HS300 stock index, 2008/10-2012/12, 2000000 Yuan, Defu industrial co., LTD, finished, the director.

[10] The risk management and practice of regional commercial banks' credit business support system, Union Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 2014.4-2017.12

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

[1] Decision-making consultant of Tianjin People's Government

[1]2. Member of Shan Dong Economic and Information Technology Committee

[2] Executive director of China's Complex System Research Committee

[3] Director of Tianjin Econometric Society

[4] The independent director of Tianjin Defu industrial co., LTD