

Faculty Research

ZHAO Daozhi



【Education Working Experience】

Time University Specialty Degree/Position
1994–1999 Nankai University Control Theory and Engineering Ph.D
1983–1986 Tianjin University Electrical Engineering Master
1978–1982 Tianjin University Bachelor
Sep. 2002-Now Collage of Management and Economics,  Tianjin University Professor of Management Science, Chair of Dept.
Oct. 2006-Aug. 2007 School of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology Fulbright Visiting Professor
Nov. 2000-Nov. 2001 Center for International Manufacturing, Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge Visiting Professor
May 1985-Sep.2002 School of Management, Tianjin University of Technology Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor, and Associate Dean of

【Monographs and Textbooks】

[1] Daozhi Zhao, Fang Ji, Green manufacturing - how to achieve sustainable development", Posts & Telecom Press, 2010/01.

[2] Daozhi Zhao (Director of Logistics Textbook Series Edit Committee), Zhenqiang Wang, Purchasing and Supply

Chain Management, Tsinghua University Press, 2009/09.

[3] Daozhi Zhao, Supply Chain Management, China WaterPower Press, 2007/08.

[4] Ershi Qi, Daozhi Zhao, Logistics Engineering, China Science and Technology Press, 2004/12.

[5] Xiangnan Lu, Daozhi Zhao, Project planning and control, Mechanical Industry Press, 2004/01.

[6] Daozhi Zhao, Handbook of PDMA new product development, Electronic Industry Press, 2007/09.

[7] Daozhi Zhao, Handbook of PDMA new product development I, Electronic Industry Press, 2007/09.

[8] Daozhi Zhao, Handbook of PDMA new product development II, Electronic Industry Press, 2007/09.

[9] Daozhi Zhao, Handbook of PDMA new product development III, Electronic Industry Press, 2007/09.

[10] Daozhi Zhao(Director of Edit Committee) translated, Project Planning and Schedule Management, Mechanical Industry Press, 2005/07.

[11] Daozhi Zhao(Director of Edit Committee) translated, Project Measurement Management, Mechanical Industry Press, 2005/07.

[12] Daozhi Zhao(Director of Edit Committee) translated, Effective Work Breakdown Structure, Mechanical Industry Press, 2005/07.

[13] Daozhi Zhao(Director of Edit Committee) translated, Project risk management: a proactive strategy, Mechanical Industry Press, 2005/07.

[14] Daozhi Zhao(Director of Edit Committee) translated, Project Quality Management, Mechanical Industry Press, 2005/01.

[15] Daozhi Zhao(Director of Edit Committee) translated, Project Integration Management, Mechanical Industry Press, 2005/01.

[16] Daozhi Zhao(Director of Edit Committee) translated, Project Estimation and Cost Management, Mechanical Industry Press, 2005/01.

[17] Daozhi Zhao(Director of Edit Committee) translated, Project Value Management, Mechanical Industry Press, 2005/01.

【Representative Academic papers】

[1] Hao Li and Daozhi Zhao, Agents behavior based modeling and simulation for low-carbon supply chain,

Application Research of Computers (Chinese), 2012-08-15.

[2] Daozhi Zhao, Shuai Gao and Longfei He, A Game Approach to Carbon Emission Reduction for

Multi-Enterprises Based on CDM Baseline Selection under Stochastic Output, Industrial Engineering

Journal (Chinese), 2012-06-15.

[3] Daozhi Zhao and Xin Lv, Study on Risk Sharing Contracts for Supply Chain with Random Yield

under VMI, Soft Science (Chinese), 2012-06-15.

[4] Jingwen Han and Daozhi Zhao, Behavior Game Analysis of Performance in Retailer Dominated

Supply Chain, Journal of Management Science (Chinese), 2012-04-20

[5] Jingwen Han and Daozhi Zhao, Evolutionary Mechanism of Downstream Duopoly’s Behavior on

Supply Chain with Unbalanced Bargaining Power, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology

(Social Sciences Edition) (Chinese), 2012-04-15

[6] Daozhi Zhao anf Xin Lv, Vendor-managed Inventory Coordination Based on Risk Sharing under

Stochastic Output and Demand, Systems Engineering, 2012-02-28.

[7] Hao Li and Daozhi Zhao, Research on Coordination Pricing in Supply Chain with Dominant Retailer

Based on Agent, Soft Science (Chinese), 2012-02-15.

[8] Guang Li and Daozhi Zhao, A Study on the Scale-Free Characteristics of Supply Chain Network,

Industrial Engineering Journal (Chinese), 2012-02-15.

[9] Daozhi Zhao and Xin Lv, An Overview and Comment on Theoretical Development of Vendor-managed

Inventory, Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University(Social Sciences Edition) (Chinese), 2012-01-15.

[10] Yongjun Liu and Daozhi Zhao, The Impact of Business Extension on an Enterprise’s Competitive

Advantage, Journal of Northwest A & F University (Social Science Edition) (Chinese), 2012-01-10.

[11] Daozhi Zhao and Jun Liu, Research on Pricing Method of TPL Financing Monitoring Service in the

FTW Pattern, Soft Science (Chinese), 2011-12-15.

[12] Daozhi Zhao and Weiting Li, Strategic Path Choice in Logistics Service Innovation, Science of

Science and Management of S. & T. (Chinese), 2011-11-10.

[13] Longfei He, Daozhi Zhao and Yang Liu, Side-payment self-enforcing contract based supply chain

dynamic game coordination, Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice (Chinese), 2011-10-15.

[14] Fang Ji and Daozhi Zhao, Research on Automobile Industry’s Competitiveness Based on Red

Queen Effect Theory, Soft Science (Chinese), 2011-10-15.

[15] Fang Ji and Daozhi Zhao, Research on Enterprises Capability in the Environment of Low Carbon

Economy Based-on Red Queen Theory, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)

(Chinese), 2011-10-15.

[16] Daozhi Zhao and Xin Lv, Vender Managed Inventory Model Based on Overconfident Suppliers under

Stochastic Demand, Systems Engineering, 2011-08-28.

[17] Daozhi Zhao and Xin Lv, Evolutionary Mechanism of VMI in Supply Chain with a Powerful Retailer,

Chinese Journal of Management, 2011-08-01.

[18] Daozhi Zhao, Dekui Sun and Hao Li, Study on Impelling Effect of Agricultural Product Processing

Industry on Regional Economic Development Based on System Dynamics, Soft Science (Chinese), 2011-07-15.

[19] Longfei He and Daozhi Zhao, Optimization of inventory and transportation and fuzzy coalitional

game based coordination for responsive supply chain, Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice (Chinese), 2011-06-15.

[20] Youdong Li, Daozhi Zhao and Liangjie Xia, Unbalanced-Power Structured Supply Chain, Journal of

Xidian University (Social Science Edition) (Chinese), 2011-05-25.

[21] Fang Ji and Daozhi Zhao, Organization Structure Optimization in Low Carbon Economy, Journal of

Xidian University (Social Science Edition) (Chinese), 2011-03-25.

[22] Daozhi Zhao and Xin Lv, Study on Enterprise quality Decision-Making under Dynamic Competition,

Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique (Chinese), 2011-03-20.

[23] Juanjuan Qin and Daozhi Zhao, Supply Chain Consignment Contract in Context of Asymmetric Risk

Preference Information, Chinese Journal of Management (Chinese), 2011-02-01.

[24] Guang Li and Daozhi Zhao, Research on Model of TPL Managed Inventory under Uncertain Demands,

Journal of Xidian University(Social Science Edition) (Chinese), 2011-01-25.

[25] Dawei Zhou, Qiang Lin and Daozhi Zhao, Study on a Logistics Mode of Semi-virtual Enterprises,

Journal of Southwest University(Natural Science Edition) (Chinese), 2011-01-20.

[26] Daozhi Zhao and Fang Ji, The Study on the Sustainable Competitive Advantage Achieved Creative

Company, Journal of Tianjin Normal University (Social Science Edition) (Chinese), 2011-01-20.

[27] Daozhi Zhao, Dekui Sun and Hao Li, A Study on Rural Resident Consumption and Regional Economy

Development Based on System Dynamics, Journal of Beijing Technology and Business

University(Social Science Edition) (Chinese), 2011-01-18.

[28] Daozhi Zhao, Jingwen Han, Juanjuan Qin, “Research on Bargaining Power of Supply Chain

Members Based on Switching Cost”, Chinese Journal of Management Science, Vol. 18 , No. 4, 2010.

[29] Chengwu Zhen, Daozhi Zhao, “Study on Resource Operation Mode about Network Manufacturing”,

China Ecnomics & Trade Herald, Vol.14, 2010.

[30] Juanjuan Qin, Daozhi Zhao, “Retailer and Supplier s Strategy Choice in the Retailer Dominated Supply

Chain”, Soft Science, 07, 2010.

[31] Guang Li, Daozhi Zhao, “Analysis on Evolutionary Mechanism of Firms based on Position Energy

Function”, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 02-2010.

[32] Zhiwu Shang, Daozhi Zhao, Taiyong Wang, “A Kind of Design Method of Cell Flexible Production

Mode”, Manufacturing Technology & Machine Tool, 03, 2010.

[33] Tong An, Daozhi Zhao, Haiyun Zhou, “Study on Bargaining Model Based on VMI Mode”, Journal

of Xidian University (Social Science Edition), 01, 2010.

[34] Daozhi Zhao, Fengjuan Zhang, “Research on the Selection of Capital Flow Mode in Manufacturing

Enterprises”, Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique, 01, 2010.

[35] Tong An, Daozhi Zhao, “Vendor Managed Inventory Model Based on Transfer Payment under the

Influence of Promotion on Demand”, System Science, 12, 2010.

[36] Zhiwu Shang, Daozhi Zhao, Taiyong Wang, “A kind of solution of new product development faced

cost”, Manufacturing Automation, 09, 2010.

[37] Longfei He, Daozhi Zhao, Liang Zhang, “Coordination of Unbalanced-Power Structured Supply

Chain under Exogenous-force Intervention Considering Information Structure”, Journal of Beijing

Institute of Technology (Social Science Edition), 05, 2010.

[38] Yongjun Liu, Daozhi Zhao, “Study on Business Extension Strategy for Avoiding Enterprise

Credit Risk”, Journal of Xidian University (Social Science Edition), 05, 2010.

[39] Daozhi Zhao, Mingshou Wang, Research on logistics business outsourcing and logistics

service innovation, 2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science, MASS 20, Wuhan,(EI: 20104813438987)

[40] Guang Li, Daozhi Zhao, Optimization on supply chain under cooperation constraints,

Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference of Logistics Engineering and Management, v 387, p 4286-4292, 2010. (EI: 20105013491234)

[41] Zijian Bai, Daozhi Zhao, Jian Huang, “Overbooking Model of Ocean Shipping Containers with Empty

Containers Transportation”, Navigation of China, 04, 2009.

[42] Qin Juanjuan, Daozhi Zhao, “Contracts Choice with Different Pricing Power in the Unbalanced Bargaining Power Supply Chain”, Journal of Management Science, 06, 2009.

[43] Jianyong Sun, Daozhi Zhao, Longfei He, “Financial Model for Supply Chain”, Journal of Xidian University (Social Science Edition), 05, 2009.

[44] Yuanming Wang, Daozhi Zhao, Dahai Xu, “Project Supply Chain Risk Control Based on Risk of One-Way

Transmission”, Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University, 04, 2010.

[45] Zhiwu Shang, Daozhi Zhao, Tiayong Wang, “A kind of method of design and management of cell flexible

production mode”, Modern Manufacturing Engineering, 09, 2009.

[46] Jianyong Sun, Daozhi Zhao, Yuanming Wang, “Resource Based View of the Enterprise

Development Model”, Modern Management Science, 09, 2009.

[47] Jianyong Sun, Daozhi Zhao, Longfei He, “Alliance Strategies Based on Resource Operation

Theory”, Journal of Xidian University (Social Science Edition), 04, 2009.

[48] Fengjuan Zhang, Daozhi Zhao, “Strategy of Payment for Goods in Manufacturing Enterprises”,

Journal of Northwest A&F University (Social Science Edition), 04, 2009.

[49] Hua Li, Daozhi Zhao, Wen Fan, Xianmin Zhu, “Research on SUMO-based Emergency Response

Preplan Ontology Model”, Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 03, 2009.

[50] Jianyong Sun, Daozhi Zhao, Longfei He, “Research on Competitive Advantage Based on Resource

Operation Index System”, Soft Science, 06, 2009.

[51] Guang Li, Daozhi Zhao, “Study on Evolution Mechanism of Supply Chain Systems Based on

Self-organization Theory”, Industrial Engineering Journal, 03, 2009.

[52] Fengjuan Zhang, Daozhi Zhao, “Research on Countermeasure for Manufacturer Procurement

Working Capital Drying Up”, Modern Management Science, 06, 2009.

[53] Zijian Bai, Daozhi Zhao, Jian Huang, “Overbooking model for ocean shipping containers with

credit standing consideration”, Computer Engineering and Application, 11, 2009.

[54] Dahai Xu, Yuanming Wang, Daozhi Zhao, “Modularization of Project Supply Chain Risk Transfer”,

Industrial Technology & Economy, 04, 2009.

[55] Daozhi Zhao, Juanjuan Qin, Jingwen Han, “Research on Evolutionary Mechanism of VMI Supply Chain

with Unbalanced Bargaining Power”, Journal of Xidian University (Social Science Edition), 03, 2009.

[56] Yuanming Wang, Daozhi Zhao, Jian Huang, “Study on Quality Cost Control Model Based on Supply

Chain Risk Transmission”, Science and Technology Management Research, 03, 2009.

[57] Jingwen Han, Daozhi Zhao, Juanjuan Qin, “Evolutionary Game Analysis of Bertrand Duopoly’s

Behavior to Their Upstream Suppliers”, Journal of Management Science, 02, 2009.

[58] Daozhi Zhao, Juanjuan Qin, Longfei He, “Research on VMI Strategic Space and Supply Chain Structure”,

Industrial Engineering Journal, 02, 2009.

[59] Daozhi Zhao, He longfei, Qin Juanjuan, Sun jianyong, “Reorganization of Supply Network Coordination

Mechanism and Structure of Performance Evaluation”, Industrial Engineering Journal, 01, 2009.

[60] Min Wang, Daozhi Zhao, “Study on Quantification Model of Resource Entity Selection in Cooperative

Development of Core Product”, Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique, 01, 2009.

[61] Fengjuan Zhang, Daozhi Zhao. The research on process reengineering of capital flow in manufacturing

enterprises: in order to reduce purchasing cost. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on

Management and Service Science (MASS), p1-4, Piscataway, NJ, USA. 2009.

[62] Daozhi Zhao, Mapeng Bai, “Design and Optimization of NRF-LC Logistics Financing Model”, Journal

of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (Social Science Edition), 06, 2008.

[63] Daozhi Zhao, Hua Li, Xianmin Zhu, Wen Fan, “Research on SUMO-based Emergency Response

Management Team Model”, Future and Development, 06, 2008.

[64] Yuanming Wang, Daozhi Zhao, Dahai Xu, “Project Supply Chain Risk Control Based on the Risk of

Transmission”, Soft Science, 12, 2008.

[65] Hong Shao, Daozhi Zhao, Hua Li, Xianmin Zhu, “Exploration on Multi-formal and Information-based

Emergency Resource Reserve System”, Future and Development, 08, 2008.

[66] Daozhi Zhao, Yan Zhan, “SCM Culture of Automobile Industry:Comparison of America,Japan and China”,

Industrial Engineering Journal, 01, 2008.

[67] Daozhi Zhao, Min Wang, “Decision Making Research on Parts Design Based on Development of

Outsourced Parts”, Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique, 01, 2008.

[68] Daozhi Zhao, Min Wang, Aibing Yu, “Study on the decision making of redesign of machine tool modeling

based on QFD”, Journal of Machine Design, 01, 2008.

[69] Song Qin, Daozhi Zhao, Zhenlei Wang, “The Demonstration on Otherness of Loan and Outgo of

Agriculture of Anhui Province”, Journal of Northwest A&F University (Social Science Edition), 01, 2008.

[70] Feng Zheng, Daozhi Zhao, “Research on Process Driver Change”, Industrial Engineering Journal, 02, 2008.

[71] Min Wang, Daozhi Zhao, Jianyong Sun, “Decision-making of Supplier Involved in New Product Development

Based on MICK Resource Integration”, Journal of China University of Geosciences (Social Sciences Edition), 02, 2008.

[72] Daozhi Zhao, Mapeng Bai, “Research of Logistics Financing Model Based on Notes Receivable Management:

NRF-LC Model”, 03, 2008.

[73] Yuanming Wang, Daozhi Zhao, “Project Schedule Chain-cutting Risk Control Based on Critical Chain”, Journal

of Xidian University (Social Science Edition), 03, 2008.

[74] Wang min, Daozhi Zhao, “Study on Model of New Product Development Method Selection Based on Technology

Innovation”, Science of Science and Management of S.& T, 03, 2008.

[75] Daozhi Zhao, Jian Huang, “Research on Optimization of Empty Container Distribution Based on Integral Cost of

Ocean Shipping and Land-Carriage”, Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University (Social Sciences Edition), 04, 2008.

[76] Daozhi Zhao, Yuanming Wang, “A Method of Project Schedule Risk Transmission based on PERT”, Industrial

Engineering Journal, 04, 2008.

[77] Daozhi Zhao, Mapeng Bai, “Research on NRF-LC Logistics Financing Model Based on Notes Receivable

Management”, Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (Social Sciences Edition), 04, 2008.

[78] Liang Zhang, Daozhi Zhao, “Design and Implementation of MICK-4FI Resource Operation Platform”, Journal

of Information, 05, 2008.

[79] Jian Huang Daozhi Zhao, Sen Wang, “Application of Fluid Net Theory in Design of Supply Chain” ,

Journal of Xidian University(Social Science Edition), 03, 2008.

[80] Yuanming Wang, Daozhi Zhao, “The Transmission Model of Controlled Quality Risks in Construction Projects”,

Journal of Business Economics, 06, 2008.

[81] Jingfeng Han, Daozhi Zhao, “A Game Analysis of Innovation Knowledge Disclosure Risks and Counter

Strategies in Supply Chain”, Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique, 08, 2008.

[82] Daozhi Zhao, Min Wang, Analysis and Control Strategy for Relationship Risk in Manufacturer-Supplier Joint R&D,

Proceeding of The 4th IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing

(WICOM) Oct. 12-14, Dalian China, 2008

[83] Daozhi Zhao, Chao Mu, Research on Semi-cooperation Game and Strategy Choice of Shenzhen Container Terminal,

Proceeding of The 4th IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing

(WICOM) Oct. 12-14, Dalian China, 2008

[84] Daozhi Zhao, Yuanming Wang, A Controllable Quality Risk Transmission Model for Construction Supply Chain,

Proceeding of The 8th International Conference of Chinese Transportation and Logistics Professionals,

July 31-Aug. 3, Chengdu China, 2008

[85] Daozhi Zhao, Juanjuan Qin, Cost Discrimination Model for Profit Assignment on VMI, Proceeding of The 8th

International Conference of Chinese Transportation and Logistics Professionals, July 31-Aug. 3, Chengdu China, 2008

[86] Daozhi Zhao, Mapeng Bai, An Innovative Business Model Based on the Integration of Finance and Logistics Operation:

NRF-LC financing model, Proceeding of The 8th International Conference of Chinese Transportation and

Logistics Professionals, July 31- Aug. 3, Chengdu China, 2008

[87] Daozhi Zhao, Min Wang, Decision making of supply chain involved in new product development with method

of grey incidence analysis, Proceeding of The 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, Aug. 25-27, Shandong China, 2008


【Academic Research Projects】

[1] Director of research project funded by National Natural Science Foundation (71072155) "Research of

enterprise practices and operations optimal decision-making based on low-carbon supply chain ", 01, 2011 -12, 2013

[2] Director of NSFC Project (70771073), “Research on Pareto Improvement for Supply Chain with the Structure

of Unbalanced Bargaining Power under VMI Mode”, 01/01/2008 - 01/12/2010

[3] Director of research project supported by Development Research Center of the State Council “Research on

Resources Operation Mode and Its Support Technology”, 01/2006 – 12/2007.

[4] Director of research project funded by Tianjin Economic and Information Technology Commission “Auto

Industry Development Program on 11th Five Years”, 09/2005 – 12/2005.

[5] Director of research project funded by National Soft Science Research Plan (2003DGQ2D090), “Research

on Global Manufacturing Industry Re-positioning in 21 Century and the Countermeasure of Chinese

Manufacturers”, finished in 2005.

[6] Director of research project funded by Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development of

P. R. China (03-5-061), “Research on Lean Construction Mode based-on e-Construction”, finished in 2005.

[7] Director of research project funded by Tianjin Nature Science Fund, “Research on Strategic

Position and Development Strategy of Manufacturing Industry under the Environment of Knowledge Economy”, finished in 2001.

[8] Director of research project funded by Tianjin Natural Science Foundation (953601311), “Simulation

of the Artificial Neural Network under FMS Random Scheduling”, finished in 2001.

[9] Director of research project funded by Tianjin Natural Science Foundation (973610611), “Research of

Computer-aided Assembly Line Balancing Design and Analysis Method”, finished in 1998.

[10] Director of soft science project funded by Tianjin Science and Technology Commission (951510600),

“Benefit Evaluation and Countermeasures of Reasonable Utilization of Foreign Investment”, finished in 1998.

【Company Cooperative Projects】

[1] Research project commissioned by Shandong Laiyang government "Cluster development strategy research

of agricultural products industry standardization in Laiyang".

[2] Research project commissioned by Shandong Province Energy Group "Modern Logistics Development

Strategy of Shandong Energy Group".

[3] Director of research project sponsored by Beijing Development and Reform Commission and World

Bank "Research of Smart Grid development prospects and promotion Model in Beijing - Analysis of the

industry regional market and related industries development prospects and investment climate" 08, 2010-03, 2011.

[4] Director of research project "Development Industry Plan for Tangshan High-speed railway city" in October, 2010.

[5] Director of research project "Layout of Tangshan Fengrun High-speed railway city - Industrial Development

Project" in September, 2010.

[6] Director of research project "Project Proposals for the establishment of ‘eco-Jun Ding International Logistics

and Inland Port Bounded Logistics Zone’ in Xuchang, Henan Province" in August, 2010.

[7] Director of research project "Development Strategic Planning Report for Yingtan Modern Logistics

Park" in May, 2010.

[8] Director of research project "Feasibility Study for the establishment of 'Tianjin Airport Railway Logistics

Limited'" in December, 2008.

[9] Director of research project "Feasibility Study for Logistics Center Plan in Fang Shan Yan Village,

Beijing" in February, 2008.

[10] Director of research project "Development Strategy Consultation of Tianjin Seamless Logistics

Development Co., Ltd." in October, 2007.

[11] Director of research project "Reasoning of logistics platform demonstration program for China

Datang Corporation" in August, 2007.

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time Job】

[1] Deputy Director of China Collaboration Group of Master of Engineering in the field of Logistics Engineering;

[2] Standing Director of China Society of Logistics;

[3] Reviewer of some academic Journals including Management Science, EJOR, Systems Engineering-Theory

& Practice (Chinese), Journal of Systems Engineering (Chinese), Journal of Management Sciences (Chinese),

Industrial Engineering and Management (Chinese), Industrial Engineering Journal (Chinese), Journal of Tsinghua

University (Science and Technology) (Chinese), Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Chinese), etc. and some

science foundations, such as NSFC and Social Science Foundation of Ministry of Education of P R China.