

Faculty Research

LIN Sheng



【Education and Career】

Time Education/Working Experience Degree/position
2003 Systems Engineering,Tianjin University Ph.D
1995 Business Administration,Tianjin University Master
2006-今 School of Management, Tianjin University Professor
2001-2006 School of Management,Tianjin University Associate Professor
1996-2001 School of Management,Tianjin University Lecturer
1986-1996 The Bicycle Factory of Tianjin assistant economist

【Representative Academic papers】

[1] Liu JinPei , Lin Sheng. The Continuous Quasi-OWA Operator and its Application to Group Decision Making. Group Decision and Negotiation, 2013, Vol22, No.4 (SSCI).

[2] Liu JinPei , Lin Sheng. Penalty-based Continuous Aggregation Operators and their Application to Group Decision Making. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2013, Vol37(SCI)..

[3] Liu JInPei, Lin Sheng. Fuzzy Bonferroni Mean Operator and its Application to Multi-criteria Group Decision Making. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2012, Vol34 NO.1 (EI).

[4] Liu JinPei, Lin Sheng. Supply Chain Coordination of Perishable Goods with the Price Continuously Decreasing under Stochastic Demand. Operations Research and Management Science, 2012, Vol21,No.2.

[5] Guo Dao, Lin Sheng. University Teachers' Scientific Research Performance Evaluation: a Multi Criteria Decision Analysis Model. Statistics and Decision, 2012, Vol357, No.9.

[6] Lin Sheng, Hua YanLi. Empirical Research on Relationship Between Brand Asset and Customer Satisfaction. Journal of Xidian University (Social Science Edition), 2012, Vol22 , No.6.

[7] Liu JinPei, Lin Sheng, Guo Tao, Chen Youhua. Nonlinear Time Series Forecasting Model and its Application for Oil Price Forecasting. Journal of Management Science, 2011, Vol24 No.6.

[8] Lin Sheng, Ye Xin, Liu JInPei. Analysis and Prediction of International Oil Price based on Multi-factor Wavelet and Regression Method. Journal of Xidian University (Social Sciences Edition), 2011, Vol21, No.6.

[9] Lin Sheng, Liu JinLan, Song WenJun. Study on Influencing Factors of Outpatient Satisfaction. Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration, 2006, V0l 22, No.10.

[10] Lin Sheng, Wu BingFu, Ning LuQiao, He Tao. Iterative Procedure based on Multi-LV PLS Algorithm. Journal of Systems Engineering, 2006, Vo121, No.4.

[11] Lin Sheng, Kang Jian. Game of Customer Satisfaction and Market Share. Research On Economics And Management, 2006 , No.8.

[12] Lin Sheng, Bai Yin. The Improved System Cluster Analysis Method based on PLS. Statistics and Decision, 2006, No.14.

[13] Lin Sheng, Liu JinLan. Customer Perceived Value in Estate Market. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2006, Vo120.No.2.

[14] Lin Sheng, Liu JinLan. Evaluating Balanced Scorecards with Data Envelopment Analysis. Journal of Tianjin Universary (SOCIAL SCIENCES), 2006, Vol8, No.2.

[15] Lin Sheng, Xiao Xu. A Method of Telecom Consumer Market Segmentation based on the RFM Model. Journal of Harbin Institude of Technology, 2006, Vol38, No.5.

[16] Lin Sheng, Liu JinLan, Han WenXiu. Method on Customer Satisfaction Assessment based on the Partial Least Square for Structural Equation. Journal of Systems Engineering, 2005, Vol20, No.6.

[17] Lin Sheng, Xiao Xu, Wang Hui. Value Analyses and Management Strategies based on the Hierarchy of Customer Behaviors. Industrial Engineering Journal, 2005, Vol8, No.6.


[1] Petroleum Enterprise Funds Centralized Management System, First Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress of the Ministry of Education, 2005

[2] Continental Petroleum Enterprise single well oil gas cost accounting and control system, The 3rd of Tianjin Science and Technology Progress Award.

[3] High-tech project evaluation and optimal fund allocation decision support system, The 3rd of Tianjin Science and Technology Progress Award.

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

[1] Research on Evaluation of Pipeline Integrity Management Efficiency. Pipeline Technology Research Center of PetroChina Company Limited Pipeline Company, 2011-2012.

[2] China National Petroleum Corporation Budget Management Information System-Analysis Section. China National Petroleum Corporation, 2011-2012.

[3] Research on Market Segmentation based on Observable Variables and Latent Variables Dual Subdivision Foundation. New Century Talent Supporting Project by Education Ministry, 2008-2011.

[4] The Budget Management Information System Project. China Petroleum Finance Company Limited, 2007-2009.

[5] The Development of Evaluation System for Oil and Gas Pipeline Hydraulic Protection Project Performance. PetroChina Company Limited, 2007-2009.

[6] Funds Management Subsystem of Financial Management Information System. PetroChina Company Limited, 2006-2007.

[7] Management System of Oil and Gas Production. China National Offshore Oil Corporation Tianjin Branch, 2004-2005.

[8] Capital Accounting Subsystem of Financial Management Information System. Chinese Petroleum Corporation, 2003-2004.

[9] Study on the Trend of the Future Real Estate Development of Tianjin. Tianjin Housing Authority, 2003-2004.

[10] High Viscosity Congealable Rude Oil Pipeline Integrity Maintenance. PetroChina Company Limited Pipeline Company, 2002-2003.

[11] Single-well Oil and Gas Costing and System Development of Huabei Oilfield Company. PetroChina Company Limited Huabei Oilfield Company, 2001-2003.

[12] Hohhot Petrochemical Company's Development Strategy. Hohhot Petrochemical Company, 2001-2002.

[13] Research on the Development Strategy of Huabei Oilfield Logging Department. PetroChina Company Limited Huabei Oilfield Company, 2000-2001.