

Faculty Research

ZHANG Huiying



【Education and Career】

Time Education/Working Experience Degree/position
1998-2003 Tianjin University Management Science Ph.D
1990-1993 Nankai University Automation Master
Jul. 2005-Now College of Management & Economics,Tianjin University Professor
Nov. 1999-Jun. 2005 School of management, Tianjin University Associate Professor
Jun. 1993- Nov. 1999 School of management, Tianjin University Lecturer

【Representative Academic papers】

[1] Huiying Zhang, M. Cocosila and N. Archer, “Factors of Adoption of Mobile Information Technology by Homecare Nurses: A TAM2 Approach” CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing & January/February 2010.1 Vol. 28, No. 1, 49–56

[2] Xiande Zhao, Chee-Chuong Sum, Yinan Qi, Huiying Zhang and Tien-Sheng Lee. A taxonomy of manufacturing strategies in China,Journal of Operations Management, 24(5):621-636 September, 2006

[3] Zhang Huiying, Wang Hui. Analysis of Knowledge Map for the Relationship between Innovation and Knowledge Creation, 2011.7, 6th International Conference on Product Innovation Management (ICPIM2011) :514-517

[4] Dai Wanliang;Zhang Huiying. Rethinking of Innovation Value Evaluation Based on Innovation Ethics. Proceeding of the 2010 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering (ICIII2010) : 464-467

[5] Hongcui Wu;Huiying Zhang. Research on innovation capability based on System Dynamics Model. Proceeding of the 2010 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering (ICIII2010) : 468-471

[6] Empirical Study on Innovation Capability of Service Outsourcing Enterprise Based on Perspective of Provider:Taking Binhai New Are of Tianjin as Example,TechnologyEconomics (Accepted)

[7] Fuzzy Cognitive Research of the Influencing Factors during Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation Based on Innovation Diffusion Perspective, Science of Science and Management of S&T, (Accepted)

[8] MA Huzhao,ZHANG Huiying,WANG Hui. Is new technology revolution the best measure to cope with financial crisis in China?———the thinking on the relation of economy development and new technology revolution, Studies in Science of Science, 2012 30 (1): 36-43

[9] ZHANG Huiying,WANG Hui. The research on the effect of product complexity and agent patterned interactions on innovation performance Studies in Science of Science, 2012 30 (2): 294-300

[10] ZHANG Huiying , KOU Jisong , LEE TS, ZHAO Xiande. Optimal decisions of safety stock for individual item inventory systems based onσ/ Q, Journal of Management Sciences in CHINA, 2004, Vol.7(6):46-51


[1] 2010, the third prize of 12th social science outstanding achievements in Tianjin.

[2] 2010, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communications magazine best paper award.

[3] 2010, the second prize of education scientific research outstanding achievements in Tianjin.

[4] 2008, the second prize of 11th social science outstanding achievements in Tianjin.

[5] 2008, the second prize of the fourth economic information system outstanding achievements in Tianjin.

[6] 2006, the third prize of science and technology progress in Tianjin.

[7] 2004, the second prize of 9th social science outstanding achievements in Tianjin.


【Research Projects】

[1] 2011-2013, research on social science achievements evaluation standard and evaluation system, 2011 annual education commission social science major project in Tianjin

[2] 2011-2014, research on enhancing service ability to local economic and society of universities-- the perspective of transformation of scientific and technological achievements, key topics of education science projects in Tianjin.

[3] 2010-2012, research on innovation ability of service outsourcing enterprise in binhai new area in Tianjin, Tianjin philosophy social science research program funded projects

[4] 2010-2012, research on the mechanism structure about university key subject achievement transformation in Tianjin, Tianjin philosophy social science research program funded projects

[5] 2010-2012, research on enterprise innovation ability evaluation and countermeasures, Tianjin science and technology committee and science and technology development strategy research project

[6] 2010, research on R&D input and output delay and the relative efficiency evaluation of universities, 2010 university science and technology statistical research subject

[7] 2008-2010, research on assessment index system of innovative area county in Tianjin, Tianjin science and technology development strategy research of special plan

[8] 2007-2009, research of philosophy and social science achievements transformation mechanism, Tianjin philosophy social science research program funded projects.

[9] 2006-2008, research of interactive development among Tianjin counties and Binhai new area, Tianjin science and technology committee and science and technology development strategy research project

[10] 2005-2006, research of evaluation system on philosophy and social sciences academic innovation, tianjin philosophy social science research program funded projects.

【Enterprise Cooperation Project】

[1] Study of vigorously promoting urban construction and management, keeping on the regional economic main support role of countermeasures, Housing supporting construction management office in nankai district of Tianjin, 2011

[2] research of applying scientific research institution evaluation indexes, ISTIC - THOMSON REUTERS joint laboratory open fund research project, 2009

[3] Developing of chongqing fire asset management system, chongqing fire station, 2003 - 2005.

[4] Developing of charge management system of Tianjin cancer general hospital, Tianjin cancer general hospital, 2000 - 2001.

[5] Developing of information analysis system of Tianjin university staff health, Tianjin university hospital, 1999 - 2000,.

[6] Developing of charge management system of Tianjin cancer hospital, tianjin tumour hospital, 1998 – 2001

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

[1] Senior Member of the Chinese Society of Technology Economics

[2] Research fellow of the Center for Supply Chain Management and Logistics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong

[3] Reviewer of GEBRC journals, Including Information Systems and Management,International Journal of Electronic Commerce etc.