

Faculty Research

DU Gang



【Education and Career】

Time University Specialty Degree/ Position
1978.2-1982.1 Nankai University, Mathematics Bachelor
1986.9-1989.3 Tianjin University, Operations Research Master
1991.9-1995.1 Tianjin University, System Engineering Ph.D (co-cultivation by China&Canada)
1982.1-1984.9 Basic Department, Tianjin University of Commerce Teacher (Assistant Teacher)
1984.9-now School of management, Tianjin University Teacher (Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor)
2008.8- 2008.11 The University of Exeter, UK Visiting Scholar
2010.7- 2010.9 Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Visiting Scholar

【Published Monographs】

[1] Gang Du, Foundations of Management Mathematics—Theory and Application (The Revised Edition), Tianjin University Press, 2007.

[2] Yuhua Wu, Gang Du, Foundations of Management Science (The Third Edition), Eleventh National Five-year Plan Official Textbook, Tianjin University Press. 2009.

[3] Gang Du, Yuhua Wu, Foundations of Management Science—Learning Points, Exercises and Example, English Words and Teaching Courseware, Tianjin University Press. 2006.

【Journal Paper】

[1] Gang Du, Roger J. Jiao and Mo Chen, Joint Optimization of Product Family Configuration and Scaling Design by Stackelberg Game. European Journal of Operational Research, 232 (2014), 330–341. (SCI)

[2] Xiang Li, Gang Du, BSTBGA: A hybrid genetic algorithm for constrained multi-objective optimization problems. Computers and Operations Research, 40 (2013), 282–302. (SCI)

[3] Xiang Li, Gang Du, Inequality constraint handling in genetic algorithms using a boundary simulation method. Computers and Operations Research, 39 (2012), 521–540. (SCI)

[4] Gang Du, Qing Huang, and Li Sun, Research of Synergy Product Maturity Based on Maturity Cycle. Advanced Materials Research, 538-541 (2012), 2813-2821. (EI)

[5] Yi Xia, Gang Du, A numerical method for solving bilevel programming based on moving space response surface, Advanced Materials Research, 472-475(2012), 3178-3181. (EI)

[6] Huawei Zhi, Gang Du, Analysis of Product Family Design Chain Using Strategy-engineering Perspective, Advanced Materials Research, 472-475(2012), 644-648. (EI)

[7] Gang Du, Yi Xia, Hua-wei Zhi, Mo Chen, Hierarchical Optimization in Architecture and Design of Product Family, Proceedings of ICMSE 2012, 425-431. (EI)

[8] Gang Du, Jun-peng Guo at el, The Innovation and Practice of Three-dimension Instructional Design in Operations Research, Proceedings of IEMI 2012, 1092-1096. (EI)

[9] Gang Du, Youmin Gao at el, The Construction and Evaluation of Consistency between Compensation Management and Strategy, Proceedings of IEMI 2012, 1560-1565.(EI)

[10] Gang Du, Weifeng Lin, Baocheng Zhang, The improved CCR returns to scale method in DEA. Proceedings of ICAI 2011, 3490-3494. (EI)

[11] Gang Du, Jianzhong Wang, Product Family Hierarchical Associated Design and Its Hierarchical Optimization, Proceedings of IEEM 2009, 1642-1645. (EI)

[12] Yan Li, Gang Du, Robust solution of bilevel programming under box disturbance and its application in product design, Proceedings of IEEM 2011, 830-833. (EI)

[13] Jianzhong Wang, Gang Du, A Solution to Interval Linear Bi-level Programming and Its Application in Decentralized Supply Chain Planning, Proceedings of IEEE Inter. Conf. 2008, 2035-2038. (EI)

[14] Yi Xia, Gang Du, Xing Fu, Principal Subordinate Associated Optimization of Micrometric Displacement in Tunnel Sensing System, Mechanical Engineering, 2012(9), 10-17.(EI)

[15] Yi Xia, Gang Du, Huawei Zhi, Coupled Design of Product Family Platform and Customization : A Stackelberg Games Model. Computer Integrated Manufacturing System. 2013. (EI)

[16] Huawei Zhi, Gang Du, A Review of Product Family Architecture. Computer Integrated Manufacturing System. 2013. (EI)

[17] Shiquan Zhong, Gang Du, Open Type Vehicle Routing Problem Research Based on Core Routing Tabu-search Algorithm, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2007(4), 827-832. (EI).

[18] Naizhuo Xue, Gang Du, Human Resource Effects in Knowledge Organizations Economic Gain, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2006(11), 264-267. (EI)

[19] Yan Li, Gang Du, Robust Linear Bi-level Programming under Ellipsoidal Uncertainty, Systems Engineering, 2011(11), 96-100.

[20] Jianzhong Wang, Gang Du, The Best Optimum Solution to Interval Linear Bilevel Programming, Systems Engineering, 2009(4), 100-103.

[21] Huawei Zhi, Gang Du, The Driving Factors of Product Family Customer Satisfaction Based on Hierarchical Architecture Perspective, Industrial Engineering and Management, 2013(1), 53-61.

[22] Gang Du, Jianping Yu at el, Leader-followers Joint Optimization of Product Family Configuration and Supply Chain Design, International Journal of Knowledge, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2013(1-2), 6-23.

[23] Xiaoyong Luo, Gang Du, Yan Rui, Chen Fei, Performance Management System and Its Associated Structural Model, Journal of Systems Science and Information, 2009(3), 261-264.

[24] Baocheng Zhang, Gang Du, The DEA/PCA Model of Evaluating the Efficiency of Urban Infrastructure Construction. Journal of Information and Decision Science, 2007(1), 29-36.

[25] Gang Du, Jinqun Liu at el, Matrix Organization Design and Post Performance Management of Health Clinics in Towns [J]. Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration, 2010(2), 99-103.


[1] National Top Quality Course, Operations Research, 2007.

[2] The Third Prize of Tenth Tianjin Social Science Outstanding Achievement, Post-performance Oriented Hospital Compensation Design, 2006.

[3] The Third Prize of Ninth Tianjin Social Science Outstanding Achievement, Foundations of Management Science, 2004.

[4] The Third Prize of Tianjin Progress Prize in Scientific and Collective Technology, Macro-adjustment DSS of Construction Industry, 1996.

[5] The Second Prize of Sixth Tianjin Excellent Teaching Achievement, The Integral Optimization of Course Platform and Course Series of Operations Research, 2009.

[6] Tianjin Top Quality Course, The Operations Research, 2007.

[7] The Third Prize of Third Tianjin Higher Education Research Paper Achievement, 2005.

[8] Bao-steel Excellent Teacher Prize, 2008.

[9] Tianjin Education System “Vanguard of Teacher” Advanced Individual, 2012.

[10] Tianjin P.P.C. Excellent Motion Prize, 2012.

[11] Tianjin S.T.S. Institute Advanced Individual, 2011.

[12] Star Teacher of Tianjin University, 2009.

[13] Woman Pace-setter of Tianjin University, 2009.

“Good Teacher in My Eyes” of Tianjin University, 2008.


【Research Projects】

[1] Research on Leader-follower Joint Optimization Decision Chain and Decision Methods for Product Family Design and Architecturing, Project belonging to the Natural Science Foundation of China (71371132), 2014-2017.

[2] Principal and Subordinate Associated Optimization Model and Method of Integrated Product Family Architecture, Project belonging to the Natural Science Foundation of China (71071104), 2011-2013.

[3] Principal and Subordinate Associated Optimization Problem in Product Family Architecture and Design, International Exchange Project belonging to the Natural Science Foundation of China (71210107019), 2012-2012.

[4] Research of Corporation Capability Level-Dimension System and its Level Evolvement Mechanism, Project belonging to the Natural Science Foundation of China (70172025), 2002-2004.

[5] Theory and Application Research of Nonhierarchical Excitation System with Multiple-level Followers, Project belonging to the Natural Science Foundation of China (79670065), 1997-1999.

[6] Research of Transitional Community Health Organization and its Performance Management, Project belonging to the Social Science Planning Foundation of Education Ministry (07JA630059), 2008-2010.

[7] Research of Harmony Degree in Binhai New Area, Major Project belonging to Social Science Foundation of Tianjin (TJSKGC0808), 2008-2010.

[8] Business Management Model Study of Synergy Product Based on Core Competence. Project belonging to Social Science Foundation of Tianjin (TJ03-GL020), 2003-2005.

[9] Core Competence Oriented Research of Corporation Capability Level-Dimension and Its Indicator System, Project belonging to Social Science Foundation of Tianjin (2001-104), 2001-2003.

[10] Research of Corporation Core Competence Evaluation System, Project belonging to Social Science Foundation of Tianjin, 1999-2001.

[11] Development of Components for Space Application Validation Procedure Guide Tools, Military Project, 2011-2011.

[12] Research of Three-dimension Instruction System Oriented to Developing Managerial Synthetic Ability, Project of Tianjin Education and Science Planning Foundation (HE4065), 2012-2014.

【Enterprise Cooperative Projects】

[1] Strategic Compensation System Research of Haikou Agricultural Industry and Trade Limited by Shara Ltd, 2010-2011.

[2] Post, Performance and Compensation Research of Yiwu Suxi Central Health-center, 2005-2006.

[3] Post, Performance and Compensation Research of Jinan Maternal and Child Care Service Center, 2003-2004.

[4] Strategy Map of the Tianjin University 12th Five-year Planning, 2010-2011.

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time Jobs】

[1] Director of the Operations Research Society of Tianjin

[2] Editorial Board Member of Operations Research and Management Science