

Faculty Research




【Personal Profile】

Jin Tian is currently a professor in the Department of Information Management and Management Science, College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, China. Jin Tian received the Ph.D. degree in management science and engineering from Tianjin University in 2008. Her primary research interests are in the area of E-commerce and business intelligence, data mining and machine learning, personalized recommendation, and social network analysis.

She has published more than 20 papers in journals and conferences, such as IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Information & Management, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications and Journal of Systems Engineering. She has published a monograph. She is the leader of several projects, such as the General Program of the National Science Foundation of China and the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China. She is also a main researcher of several projects, such as the Key Program of the National Science Foundation of China, the Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Teams in Universities of China.


【Published Monographs】

[1] Jin Tian, Minqiang Li. Radical basis function neural network and co-evolutionary learning. Science Press, 2017.

【Journal Paper】

[1] Jin Tian, Minqiang Li, Fuzan Chen, Nan Feng. Learning Subspace-based RBFNN Using Coevolutionary Algorithm for Complex Classification Tasks. IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2016, 27(1): 47-61.

[2] Haoyuan Feng, Jin Tian*, Harry Jiannan Wang, Minqiang Li. Personalized Recommendation based on Time-Weighted Overlapping Community Detection. Information & management, 2015, 52(7): 789-800.

[3] Na Zhou, Jin Tian, Minqiang Li. Online recommendation based on incremental-input self-organizing map. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2021, 50, 101096.

[4] Jin Tian, Minqiang Li, Fuzan Chen, Jisong Kou. Coevolutionary learning of neural network ensemble for complex classification tasks. Pattern Recognition, 2012, 45(4): 1373-1385.

[5] Jin Tian, Minqiang Li, Fuzan Chen. Dual-population based coevolutionary algorithm for designing RBFNN with feature selection. Expert Systems with Applications, 2010, 37(10): 6904-6918.

[6] Jin Tian, Minqiang Li, Fuzan Chen. A hybrid classification algorithm based on coevolutionary EBFNN and domain covering method. Neural Computing & Applications, 2009, 18(3): 293-308.

[7] Jin Tian, Minqiang Li, Fuzan Chen. Improving Multiclass Pattern Recognition with a Coevolutionary RBFNN. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2008, 29(4): 392-406.


【Research Projects】

[1] PI. Research on the recommendation strategy based on community evolution and information transfer in a complex social network scenario. Granted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. 2015-2018

[2] PI. Research on User Profile Evolution and Personalized Recommendation in M-Commerce. Granted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. 2011-2013

[3] PI. Incremental Learning for the Knowledge Recommender System. Granted by the Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China. 2010-2012

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time Jobs】

[1] Current member of associate for information systems (AIS)

[2] Reviewer of many journals, such as Knowledge-Based Systems, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Pattern Recognition Letters, Neurocomputing, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Journal of Management Sciences in China, and Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence.