

Faculty Research

NAN Guofang



【Personal Profile】

Guofang Nan received the Bachelor’s degree from the Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 1998, M.Sc. degree from College of Electrical Automation and Energy Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, in 2002, and Ph.D. degree from the Management Science and Engineering, Tianjin University in 2004. He has been with Tianjin University as a professor since 2012. He was a visiting scholar at the department of computing, Imperial College, London, U.K, in 2005, and a post-doctoral research associate at the Polytechnic Institute of Turin, Turin, Italy, from 2008 to 2009. He has published more than 50 papers in international academic journals such as Journal of management Information system, Soft Computing, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Systems Journal, IEEE Network, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, Computers & Industrial Engineering, knowledge-based Systems, Information Technology and Management, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. His current research interests include information economics, platform economics, information systems, electronic commerce, data mining and intelligent computing.


【Journal papers】

[1] Guofang Nan, Xingtao Li, Zan Zhang, Minqiang Li. (2017). Optimal pricing for new product entry under free strategy, Information Technology and Management, online.

[2] Runliang Dou, Guofang Nan*. (2017). Optimizing sensor networks coverage and regional connectivity in industrial IoT systems, IEEE Systems Journal, online.

[3] Runliang Dou, Yubo Zhang, Guofang Nan*. (2017). Application of combined Kano model and interactive genetic algorithm for product customization, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, online.

[4] Zan Zhang, Guofang Nan*, Minqiang Li, Yong Tan. (2016). Duopoly pricing strategy for information products with premium service: free product or bundling? Journal of Management Information Systems, 33(1): 260-295.

[5] Guofang Nan, Feihong Shi, Runliang Dou, Minqiang Li. (2016). Duopoly pricing of software products under free strategy: Limited-feature vs. seeding, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 100: 13-23.

[6] Runliang Dou, Yubo Zhang, Guofang Nan*. (2016). Customer-oriented product collaborative customization based on design iteration for tablet personal computer configuration, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 99: 474-486.

[7] Weijun Zeng, Minqiang Li, Fuzan Chen, Guofang Nan. (2016). Risk consideration and cooperation in the iterated prisoner’s dilemma, Soft Computing, 20:567-587.

[8] Runliang Dou, Chao Zong, Guofang Nan*. (2016). Multi-stage interactive genetic algorithm for collaborative product customization, Knowledge-Based Systems, 92:43-54.

[9] Guofang Nan, Chao Zang, Runliang Dou, Minqiang Li. (2015). Pricing and resource allocation for multimedia social network in cloud environments, Knowledge-Based Systems, 88: 1-11.

[10] Li Qian, Dou Runliang, Chen Fuzan, Guofang Nan. (2014). A QoS-oriented web service composition approach based on multi-population genetic algorithm for Internet of things, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 7:26-34.

[11] Guofang Nan, Zhifei Mao, Minqiang Li, Yan Zhang, Stein Gjessing, Honggang Wang, Mohsen Guizani. (2014). Distributed resource allocation in cloud-based wireless multimedia social networks, IEEE Network, July/August:74-80.

[12] Guofang Nan, Zhifei Mao, Mei Yu, Minqiang Li, Honggang Wang, Yan Zhang. (2014). Stackelberg game for bandwidth allocation in cloud-based wireless live-streaming social networks, IEEE Systems Journal, 8(1): 256-267.

[13] Guofang Nan, Zhongnan Chen, Minqiang Li, Liang Huang, Ajith Abraham. (2014). Distributed deployment algorithm based on boundary expansion and virtual force for mobile sensor networks, Neural Network World, 2014, 14(3):309-332.

[14] Chin-Feng Lai, Honggang Wang, Han-Chieh Chao, Guofang Nan. (2013). A network and device aware QoS approach for cloud-based mobile streaming, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 15(4):747-757.

[15] Guofang Nan, Huidong Lian, Minqiang Li. (2013). Distributed k-coverage decision scheme for system deployment in mobile sensor networks, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. DOI: 10.1155/2013/485250.

[16] Guofang Nan, Shuaiyin Zhou, Minqiang Li Jisong Kou. (2012). Heuristic bivariate forecasting model of multi-attribute fuzzy time series based on fuzzy clustering, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 11(1):167-195.

[17] Ting Yang, Chunjian Kang, Guofang Nan. (2012). An energy-efficient and fault-tolerant convergecast protocol in wireless sensor networks, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, DOI:10.1155/2012/429719.

[18] Guofang Nan, Zhifei Mao, Minqiang Li. (2012). Game-theoretic approach to power and admission control in hierarchical wireless sensor networks, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 23(2): 216-224.

[19] Zhifei Mao, Guofang Nan, Yan Zhang. (2012). Game-theoretical approaches in wireless multimedia social networks, IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter, 7(5): 11-14.

[20] Zhifei Mao, Guofang Nan*, Minqiang Li. (2012). A Dynamic Pricing Scheme for Congestion Game in Wireless Machine-to-Machine Networks, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, DOI:10.1155/2012/840391.

[21] Guofang Nan, Guanxiong Shi, Zhifei Mao, Minqiang Li. (2012). CDSWS: Coverage-guaranteed distributed sleep/wake scheduling for wireless sensor networks, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 44: 1-14.

[22] Guofang Nan, Minqiang Li. (2010). Energy efficient query management scheme for a wireless sensor database system, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, DOI:10.1155/2010/978694.

[23] M.M.R Mozumdar, Guofang Nan, Francesco Gregoretti, Luciano Lavagno, Laura Vanzago. (2009). An efficient data aggregation algorithm for cluster-based sensor network, Journal of Networks, 4(7): 598-606.

[24] Guofang Nan, Minqiang Li, Jisong Kou. (2006). Design and analyze of multi-level genetic algorithm and its application to clock binary tree, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. 6(2): 75-82.

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