

Faculty Research

FU Liping



【Education and Career】

Time Institution Degree/Position
1997 - 2001 Economics, Department of International Economics and Trade, Nankai University, Tianjin, China Ph.D.
1994-1997 Economics, Department of International Economics and Trade, Nankai University, Tianjin, China M.S.
1981 - 1985 Economics, School of Economics and Business Administration, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China B.S.
9/2016-present Dean of Public Administration Management, College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
12/1988-9/2003 Institute of Public Administration Management, College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
7/1985-12/1998 College of Social Science and International Studies, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
2/2017-3/2017 Department of Theory Course Education of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Tianjin, China         Visiting Scholar at Business School, University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia
9/2014-10/2014 Visiting Scholar at College of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland, Maryland, U.S.A.
10/2009-4/2010 Visiting Scholar at Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Boston, U.S.A.
4/2002-4/2004 Post-doctoral Explorationin Management Science, College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

【Published Monographs】

Fu, L. He, L., From Industry Cluster to Innovation Cluster: Industrial Cluster’s Development based on the Scope of Global Value Chain, Economics Science Press, 2016

Fu, L. He, L. Dai, Y., Evaluation of Scientific Social Governance of Tianjin, Economics Science Press, 2015

Fu, L. Zheng. Z. Liu, Y., Technology Catch up through Importing and Regional Industrial Innovation Capacity: Based on the Exploration of Tianjin’s Major Industry, Economics Science Press, 2015

Fu, L. Tu, J. He, L., To Explore Management Model and Operation Mechanism of Green Campus, People’s Publishing House, 2015

Fu, L. He, L., Research Method of Public Administration Management, Tianjin University Press, 2015

Conference Papers/Presentations

Fu, L. Teng, T., Social Capital and Capacity of Community Governance: Mechanism and Path, 12th China Two sides and Four Places’ Public Administration(CSCPA), 2016, Taipei

Liping Fu,Ye Zhang,An exploration of the pro-environmental awareness and behavior of various stakeholders on campus: an evidence in Tianjin, China ,Global Cleaner Production and Consumption Conference 2015,Spain

Liping Fu,An approach to exploring the connotation of green campus evaluation on the perspective of public policy, The 20th ACPSS International Conference, State University of New York Buffalo StateBuffalo, 2014, U.S.A.

Liping Fu,Zuting Zheng,Jun Tu,Green University: the Important Influencing Factor of Regional Development, Regional Studies Association Annual European Conference 2013,Finland

Liping Fu, Jun-hui Li. An Empirical Study of Urbanization Development Based on the Specialization Division and Transaction Efficiency,The 7th Chinese Academy of Management Annual Meeting ( MAM2012 ),Tianjin

Liping Fu, Empirical Study and Comprehensive Evaluation of Urbanization Quality in China, The 16th ACPSS International Conference,2010,Harvard University

【Journal Paper】

Fu, L. Cai, X. He, L., Explore Local Government Policy’s Effects on Backwardness Enterprises’ Innovation Decision, Industrial Engineering and Management, 2016.12: 163-167+175

Fu, L. Cai, X. He, L., Exploration of Backwardness Enterprises’ Optimal Innovation Decision, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2016.6: 2719-2726

Fu, L. Li, Y., Government Subsidy, Innovation Capacity and Survival Time, Studies in Science of Science, 2015:1496-1503

Li, X. Fu, L., Government Intervene, Foreign Direct and Enterprise’ Self-innovation, Science and Technology Management Research, 2015.10:1-6

Shen, Meng、Cui, Qingbin、Fu, Liping,Personality traits and energy conservation,Energy Policy, v 85, p 322-334, October 1, 2015

Fu, L. Li, Y., Local Servant’s Promotion, Personality and Efficiency of Enterprise Investment, Modernization of Management, 2015.2:40-42

Fu, L. Tu, J., University’s Spatial Spillover Effects on Enterprise’s Technical Innovation: Based on the Scope of Technology Transfer, R&D Management, 2015.2:56-62

Fu, L. Li, Y., Exploration of the City Expand Affected by the Local Servant’s Promotion and Personality, Urban Problems, 2015.1:27-32+40

Fu, L. Li, X., Analysis of Government Subsidy’s Signal Transition Effects on Enterprise’s Innovation, Systems Engineering, 2014.11:50-58

Fu, L. Tu, J., Market Factorsand Spatial Issue’s Effects on College Students’ innovation and Spillover, Chinese Journal of Management, 2014.10:1499-1506

Fu, Liping; Li, Juan,Analysis of the public satisfaction index of public cultural services based on the Grey Correlation AHP method,Computer Modelling and New Technologies, v 18, n 7, p 197-203, 2014

Fu, L. Tu, J., Evaluation of Civil Resident’s Social Participant and Degree of Satisfactory, Urban Problems, 2014.5: 85-91

Fu, L. Zhou, X. Zhang, Y., Spillover of High-Tech Industrial Cluster’s Effects on Regional Innovation Outcome: Based on the case of Beijing ZhongGuancun Science Park, Journal of Tianjin University, 2014.4:300-304

Fu, L. Li, Y., Local Servant’s Competition of Promotion, Personality and Regional Industry Upgrading, Reform of Economics System, 2014.3:58-62

Fu, L. Zhou, X. Luo, Y., Exploration of Knowledge Spillover and Industry-University Network Synergistic Mechanism, Studies in Science of Science, 2013.10:1541-1547

Liping Fu,Yifang Liu,Yong Liu,Study on the Big Data Method for Low Carbon Campus Governance,Journal of Applied Sciences(EI:20134717008767),2013 V.13, N.22:4936-4942

Zheng Zuting, Fu Liping; Li Juan, Liu Yifang,Path of improving industrial technological innovation capability,International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics(EI:20134016797561),2013.V45,N15:119-125

Fu, L. Zhou, X. Luo, Y., Exploration of Industry-University Synergistic Innovation: Spillover’s Mechanism and Influencing Factors, Journal of Tianjin University, 2013.15:293-297

Fu, L. Liu, J., Empirical Study of Strategic Emerging Industry’s Technological Catch up Capacity, Scientific Management Research, 2013.2:31-34

Fu, L. Li, J. Zhou, X., To Explore Driving Mechanism of Urbanization from New Classical Economics Scope: Base on the Case of Henan, Urban Problem, 2014.1:9-15

【Courses Taught】

Research Methods of Public Management, Regional Planning Management, Socialist Economic Theory and Practice, Politics

Professional Societies/Activities

Member of America Chinese People Social Science

Member of European Research Council

Vice-Chairman of Administration tManagement Association of Tianjin

Executive Director of Agriculture Economics Association of Tianjin

Director of Marco-Economics Association of Tianjin

Director of Bohai SeaCycle Regional Economics Association of Tianjin


【Research Projects】

2015-2018, Fu, Liping, To Explore Industrial Clusters’ Transformation and Upgrading:Based on the Scope of Global Value Chain and Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, funded by National Social Science Foundation of China(SSFC) , 300,000 yuan

2012-2016, Fu, Liping, Sub Project of Green Campus Foundation and Development of Critical Technology (Operation and Evaluation of Green Campus), Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, 125,000yuan/398,000yuan

2014-2016, Fu, Liping, Multiple Principals of Chinese Specific Community’s Autonomy, Model Design and Path Exploration: Based on the Case of Baoan District of Shenzhen, Social Management Event funded by Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs, 500,000yuan

2014-2016,Fu, Liping, To Upgrades Tianjin Industrial Clusters’ Status in Global Value Chain: Strategy and Plan, Major Project funded by Tianjin Science and Technology Strategy Exploration, 100,000yuan

2014-2015,Fu,Liping, Explore the Problem and Policy Implication of Strategic Emerging Industry Innovation: Based on the Case of Binhai District of Tianjin, Major Event funded by Tianjin Social Science Foundation, 30,000yuan

2009-2012, Fu, Liping, Technological Catch Up Through Introduction and Regional Industrial Technological Innovation Ability: Based on the case of Tianjin’s Major Industry, General Event of Humanities funded by Ministry of Education, 70,000yuan

2009-2010,Fu, Liping, Explore the Revolution of China’s College Entrance Examination in New Situation, Major Project of National Educational Science, 30,000yuan

2016-2018, Fu, Liping, To Promote the Detailed Social Governance and Improve the Basic Level’s Public Service, Major Project of Social Science funded by Education Commission of Tianjin, 80,000yuan

2014-2015, Fu, Liping, Exploration of Tianjin’s Equitable and Sustainable Social Security during the 13th Five-year, Project of Tianjin Development and Reform Commission, 80,000yuan

2011-2015,Fu, Liping, To Explore Problems of Indicators Foundation Concerning about Social Management Socialize, Major Project of Social Science funded by Education Commission of Tianjin, 80.000yuan

2013-2015, To Explore the Training System of Public Servant: Based on Characteristics of Qualified, Commission of Human Resource and Social Security of Tianjin Binhai District, 210,000

Honors and Awards

2016,Third Prize of 14th Social Science Excellent Achievement, Government of Tianjin

2016,Excellent Individual of Staff Position Competition of Tianjin Educational System, Tianjin Labor Union

2011,Most Popular Professional Tutor of MBA, China MBA Union

2011, Third Prize of 10th Social Science Excellent Achievement, Government of Tianjin

2009,Excellent Teaching of MPA, National MPA Professional Degree Educational Steering Committee

Academic & social Service