

Faculty Research

LI Xiaomei




2004-2008 Ph. D in Management Science and Engineering,College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University

2002-2004 Master in Management Science and Engineering,College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University

1996-2000 B. Eng. In Construction Engineering School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University


June., 2023-

Professor College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University

June, 2014-June.,2023

Associate Professor College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University

Jan. 2012-July, 2013

Visiting Scholar in OBHR,Krannert School of Management,Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907

July, 2008-June, 2014

Lecturer/Assistant professor College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University

June, 2008- June, 2002

Section Chief in Foreign Scholar Office International cooperation office, Tianjin University

June, 2008- June, 2002

Staff in President Office, Tianjin University

【Teaching Experience】

Tianjin University:

2090030 Organizational Behaviour (Undergraduate/MBA/MPA/MEM)

2090086 Cross-cultural Management (Undergraduate/MBA)

2090467 Managerial Innovation and Technical Innovation (Undergraduate/Postgraduate)


【Representative Academic papers】

1. Li, Xiaomei*, and Ruiyi Li. (2024). “How Game-Based Learning Supports the Creativity of University Students? The Context of China.” Innovations in Education and Teaching International. (SSCI,ABS2 , IF=1.9)

2. Xie, Z., Li, X., Huang, D., Appolloni, A. and Fang, K. (2024). “Simultaneous product platform design and scheduling on unrelated additive/subtractive hybrid machines”. Industrial Management & Data Systems. (SCIE, ABS2, IF=4.2)

3. Sven Horak, Andreas Klein, David Ahlstrom, Xiaomei Li. (2024). “Resilience or decline of informal networks? Examining the role of trust context in network societies” International Business Review. (SSCI, ABS3, IF=5.9)

4. Jing Liu, Yuting Chen, Hai peng Ji, Xin Sun, Xiaomei Li*. (2024).“A multi-objective optimization method for industrial value chain under carbon risk”. Computer Industrial Engineering (SCI, ABS2, IF=6.7)

5. Xiaomei Li, Zhengbo Liang, Yan Liu. (2022). “Information provision and consumer search behavior for products with asymmetric uncertainty ”. Journal of Management Science and Engineering . (ESCI, IF=5.4)

6. Zhaofang Mao, Ting Liu, Xiaomei Li*. (2021). “Pricing Mechanism of Variable Opaque Products for Dual-channel Online Travel Agencies”.Annals of Operations Research (2021). (SCI, ABS3, IF=4.4)

7. Chengbo Wang, Xiaomei Li*, Hong Su, Ying Tian (2021). “Knowledge utilisation in Chinese medium sized manufacturing firms – an exploration under the backcloth of quality improvement”. Journal of Knowledge Management. (SSCI, ABS3, IF=8.182)

8. Andreas Klein, Sven Horak, Sabine Bacouël-Jentjens, and Xiaomei Li.(2021). “Does culture frame technological innovativeness? A study of millennials in triad countries”.European Journal of International Management.(SSCI, ABS2, IF=1.2)

9. Sven Horak, Andreas Klein, Xiaomei Li.(2020). “Can General and Particularistic Types of Trust Mix? Advancing the Trust (Dis-)Continuity Debate in a Chinese Context”.International Journal of Emerging Markets. (SSCI, ABS, IF=2.7)

10. Na Liu, Xiaomei Li*, Ershi Qi, Man Xu, Ling Li, Bo Gao. (2020). “A Novel Ensemble Learning Paradigm for Medical Diagnosis with Imbalanced Data”. IEEE Access (SCI, IF=3.4)

11. Xiaomei Li*,Mengxin Wu. (2019). “ Meta Analysis on factors effect of Radical Innovation”. Science & Technology Progress and Policy. 2019,36(18):1-6. (CSSCI)

12. Zhaofang Mao, Shan Zhang, Xiaomei Li*. (2017). “Low carbon supply chain firm integration and firm performance in China”. Journal of Cleaner Production. (SSCI, ABS2, IF=9.7)

13. Mao Zhaofang. Dong Zhaochao, Liu Wei. Li Xiaomei.(2017).“Comparative research on joint strategy of advance selling and buy-back to conventional products and new products”.Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems (CIMS, CSCD).

14. Chengbo Wang, Xiaomei Li, Xuan Ou, James O'Kane, Zhaofang Mao and Wenquan Zhang. (2015). “An Exploration of the Readiness, Challenges and Expected Support for Their overseas Study of Chinese Business and Management Programme Students”.Higher Education Quarterly. (SSCI, ABS2, IF=2.8)

15. Andrea Appolloni, Hui Sun, Fu Jia, Xiaomei LI*.(2014) .“Green Procurement in the private sector: a state of the art review between 1996 and 2013”. Journal of Cleaner Production (SSCI, ABS2, IF=9.7)

16. Xiaomei Li. (2014). “National Macroeconomic Development and Entrepreneur from the View of Social Capital and Human Capital Theory”. Science development and Policy .(CSSCI)

17. Xiaomei Li, Yanping Xu, Shitian Cai.(2014).“Back Home or Not—Return Researchers Motivation and Policy Support”. International Journal of Advances in Management Science.

18. Chengbo WANG, Xiaomei LI*, Zhaofang MAO.(2013). “Green retailing practices: An exploratory comparison between Chinese and British retailers”. Journal of General Management (SSCI, ABS2, IF=1.2)

19. Xiaomei Li. (2013). “Social and Cultural Value do a great effect on the National Innovative Performance”. Science and Scientific Technology management. (CSSCI)

20. Ershi QI, Xuegang Shi, Xiaomei Li.(2010). “A review of research on modern manufacturing service industry”. Industrial Engineering Journal. (JST)

21. Xiaomei Li, Xinyi Yang, Yicong Geng.“A Does transparency moderate the relationship between supply network and firm innovation”. AIB/AOM Annual Meeting , 2024, AIB Best paper Nominated

22. Xiaomei Li, Lifeng Liu, Yanfang Huo. “Is closer Kinship better? Kinship and innovation investment in Family Firms during Intergenerational Succession”. AIB Annual Meeting, Seoul, 2024

23. Xiaomei Li, Di Wang. “Envy can be Empowered! The Impact of Benign Envy and Desiring to Gain Face on Bootleg Innovation”. AOM, 2023.

24. Xiaomei Li, Ruijing Liu. “Research on the impact of social networks of overseas executives on the performance of technological innovation in enterprises”. IACMR, Hong Kong, 2023.

25. Xiaomei Li, Youqi You. A Cross-Cultural Meta-Analysis of How Enterprise Social Media Use Influences Innovation Performance. AIB Annual Meeting, Warsaw, 2023.

26. Xiaomei Li.“How do trust environment and firm size take complementary effect on firm level innovation? Evidence from China individual firms”.IACMR Conference ,2014

27. Xiaomei Li, Chengbo Wang.“Critical Success Measuring Criteria for BTB E-Commerce Usage”. INFORMS Healthcare, Chicago, 2013

【Conference Presentations】

1. Xiaomei Li, Xinyi Yang, Yicong Geng.“A Does transparency moderate the relationship between supply network and firm innovation”. AIB/AOM Annual Meeting , 2024, AIB Best paper Nominated

2. Xiaomei Li, Lifeng Liu, Yanfang Huo. “Is closer Kinship better? Kinship and innovation investment in Family Firms during Intergenerational Succession”. AIB Annual Meeting, Seoul, 2024

3. Xiaomei Li, Ruijing Liu. “Research on the impact of social networks of overseas executives on the performance of technological innovation in enterprises”. IACMR, Hong Kong, 2023.

4. Xiaomei Li, Youqi You. A Cross-Cultural Meta-Analysis of How Enterprise Social Media Use Influences Innovation Performance. AIB Annual Meeting, Warsaw, 2023.


1. Xiaomei Li & Lawrence A. Plummer. (2017) “Mental and Natural: Building a Cloud-Based Collaboration Platform in China.” Ivey Business School Case Series, 9B17M067

2. Xiangyang Ma, Zeng Wang, Tieshan Li, Xianyi Li, Xiaomei Li(2019)“NIO: Developing a Business Model in China.” Ivey Business School Case Series, 9B19M109

3. Xiaomei Li; Xue-bing Dong; Mingyang Yuan; Sing loudly; "' Iron Trees Blossom '-- Leveraging the' Belt and Road 'to Leverage the Mysterious Arab (Micro Case) China Management Case Sharing Center, Dalian University of Technology (Case No. : MSL-0096.2018)

4. Xiaomei Li; Yiming Huang; Xinyue Shi; Zhen Quan; "See famous doctors at home: 'Good doctor Online' business model innovation exploration." China Management Case Sharing Center, Dalian University of Technology (Case No. : STR-1019.2019)

5. Xiaomei Li; Xue-bing Dong; Mingyang Yuan; Sing loudly; "' Outstanding 'or' into the public '- Lianzhong steel pipe overseas market development journey. China Management Case Sharing Center (Case No. STR-0927.2019)

6. Xiaomei Li; Shaofeng Li; Practice martial arts and Strive for the Top of the ranking -- Fenghui's Gamified Management Road, China Management Case Database HRM- 0399,2021.04 (The 14th "National 100 Excellent Cases")

7. Xiaomei Li; Xiaoyu Xie; Plum blossom three lane, Tangshan Xiangyu international road. China Management case Base sharing Center,China Management Case Sharing Center (Case No. CPGN-0186,2022)

Academic & social Service