

Faculty Research

SHANG Yanfen



【Personal Profile】

Shang Yanfen is an associate professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering in the College of Management & Economics, Tianjin University. She received her Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering & Logistical Management from Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST) in 2011, M.S. in Management Science & Engineering from Tianjin University in 2007 and B.S. in Industrial Engineering from Tianjin University in 2004. Her research interests focus on Quality Management and Statistical Process Control especially. Processor Shang teaches Human Factors Engineering and Production Plan & control etc. in the College of Management & Economics, Tianjin University.

Prof. Shang has published several SCI articles in some international journals, such as Journal of Quality Technology, IIE Transactions, Computers and Industrial Engineering, etc. She is co-author of one book (one chapter). She has also been the project leader for two research projects granted by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Moreover, she has been invited to be a reviewer by many international journals, such as Technometrics, Computers & Industrial Engineering, International Journal of Production Research, IIE Transactions and so on.


【Published Monographs】

[1] Tsung, F., Shang, Y., and Ning, X., " Statistical Quality Control - Recent Advances," in " Springer's International Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences ," Ed. Lovric, M., Springer, New York, 2011.

【Journal Paper】

[1] Shang, Y., Wang, K. and Tsung, F., " An improved run-to-run process control scheme for categorical observations with misclassification errors ," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 25, 397-407, 2009.

[2] Shang, Y., Tsung, F., and Zou, C. " Profile Monitoring with Binary Data and Random Predictors", Journal of quality technology, 43,196-208,2011.

[3] Shang, Y., Tsung, F., and Zou, C. " Statistical Process Control for Multistage Processes with Binary Outputs”, IIE Transactions, 45(9),1008-1023,2013.

[4] Shang, Y., Zi, X., Tsung, F., & He, Z. “LASSO-based diagnosis scheme for multistage processes with binary data”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 72,198-205,2014.

[5] Shang, Y., Man, J., He, Z., & Ren, H. (2016). Change-point detection in phase I for profiles with binary data and random predictors. Quality & Reliability Engineering, 32(7), 2549-2558.

[6] He, Z., Wang, Z., Tsung, F., & Shang, Y.* (2016). A control scheme for autocorrelated bivariate binomial data. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 98, 350-359.

[7] Shang, Y., Wang Z., He Z., & He S. “Nonparametric change point detection for profiles with binary data.” Journal of quality technology, Accepted, 2016.

【Conference Paper】

[1] Ning, X., Shang, Y. and Tsung, F. " Statistical Process Control Techniques to Service Processes: a Review, " Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, Xiamen, June, 2009.


【Research Projects】

[1] Monitoring and Diagnosing Schemes for Service Processes with Categorical Data, belonging to the National Natural Science Foundation of China projects, 2013-2015.

[2] Statistical Process Control for Spatiotemporal Categorical Data, Elite Scholar Program of Tianjin University, 2015-2016.

[3] Statistical Process Control Techniques for Spatiotemporal Categorical Data, belonging to the National Natural Science Foundation of China projects, 2017-2020.

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

[1] Reviewer of many journals, such as Technometrics, Computers & Industrial Engineering, International Journal of Production Research, IIE Transactions, etc.