

Faculty Research

ZHANG Jinyue



【Education and Working Experience】

Time Institution Degree Position
2004-2009 University of Toronto Construction Management Ph.D
2002-2003 University of Toronto Construction Management M.A.Sc.
Jan. 2012-Now Department of Construction Management, Tianjin University Associate Professor
Jan. 2010-Now i2c Lab, University of Toronto Research Associate
Sep. 2007-Now Department of Civil Engineering,University of Toronto Special Lecturer

【Representative Academic papers】

[1] Zhang, J and El-Diraby, T. E. (2012) “Social Semantic Approach to Support Communication in AEC”. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. Vol. 26(1), 90-104.

[2] Zhang, J. and El-Diraby, T. E. (2009) “SSWP: A Social Semantic Web Portal for communication in construction”. Journal of Computers. Vol. 4(4), 330-337.

[3]Zhang, J. and El-Diraby, T. E. (2009) “Mapping actors and roles in construction knowledge”. The 2009 Conference ASCE Construction Research Congress. Seattle, Washington, USA, April 5-7.

[4] Zhang, J. and El-Diraby, T. E. (2009) “A Social Web approach to managing information and knowledge in the AEC industry”. International Conference on Engineering, Management and Service Sciences EMS. Beijing, China, September 20-22.

[5] El-Diraby, T. E. and Zhang, J. (2007) “Modeling actors and roles for AEC community”. The 2007 Conference ASCE Construction Research Congress, Grand Bahamas Island, May 6-8.

[6] Zhang, J. and El-Diraby, T. E. (2006) “Constructability analysis of the bridge superstructure rotation construction method in China”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. Vol. 132(4), 353-362.

[7]El-Diraby, T. E. and Zhang, J. (2006) “A semantic framework to support corporate memory management in building construction”. Automation in Construction. Vol. 15(4), 504-521.

[8] El-Diraby, T. E. and Zhang, J. (2004) “Semantic documentation of lessons learned in building construction industry”. The 11th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering. Beijing, China, June 26-30.

【Monographs and Textbooks】

[1]Zhang, J. (2011) Communication in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry: A Social Semantic Way, ISBN 9783845407982, Lambert Academic Publishing, Koln, Germany.

[2] Zhang, J.(2009) Documenting Lessons Learned in the Building Construction Industry, ISBN 9783838315133, Lambert Academic Publishing, Koln, Germany.


【Academic Research Projects】

[1]An ontological framework to support smart BIM, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2013-2016.

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

[1]Research Associate, i2c Lab, University of Toronto

[2]Special Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto

[3]Reviewer of academic journals, including Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Automation in Construction, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering.