

Faculty Research

ZHANG Hongjuan



【Personal Profile】

Zhang Hongjuan, is an associate professor in the Department of Business Administration, College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University. She received her bachelor’s degree in management science and engineering from Nankai University in 2008, received her master's degree in management science and engineering from Nankai University in 2008 and a doctorate in business management from Nankai University in 2012. Her main research interest including strategic management, network organization and innovation, industrial clusters, and international business.

Zhang Hongjuan has publications on the international management journals, such as Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Journal of Asia Business Studies, and Chinese management journals, including Management World, Journal of Management Science in China, Nankai Management Review, Chinese Journal of Management, and Management Review. She has also been in charge of 2 NSFC projects, 2 provincial projects, and one talent fund in Tianjin University, besides participation in a number of national and provincial projects.

Zhang Hongjuan have went to Hong Kong Baptist University as a visiting scholar. She also joined the IACMR, SMS and other international management societies, served as reviewers for Journal of Management Science in China, AOM, AIB, and IACMR.


【Journal Paper】

[1] TAN Justin, ZHANG Hong-juan, LIN Run-hui. Modeling and Analyzing the Evolution Mechanism of Industrial Innovation Network, Journal of Management Sciences in China, forth coming (in Chinese)

[2] LIN, R. H., LI, Y., PENG, T., and ZHANG, H. J. Venture Capital Reputation and Portfolio Firm Performance in an Emerging Economy,Asia Pacific Journal of Management, DOI 10.1007/s10490-016-9500-1, 2017 on line

[3] TAN Justin, ZHANG Hongjuan*, and WANG Liang, Network Closure or Structural Hole? The Conditioning Effects of Network-Level Social Capital on Innovation Performance, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2015, 39(5): 1189-1212.(ABS 4, SSCI)

[4] ZHANG Hongjuan, ZHOU Changbao, SUN Weizheng, ZHANG Li. Institutional Gap, Social Capital and Legitimacy of Foreign Subsidiary of MNCs. Chinese Journal of Management, 2015, 12(7), 969-975. (in Chinese)

[5] ZHANG Hongjuan and TAN Justin, Alliance Network and Organizational Innovation Performance: A Cross-level Study, Management World, 2014.3, pp.163-168. (in Chinese)

[6] LIN Runhui, ZHANG Hongjuan and FAN Jianhong, Literature Review on Collaborative Innovation Based on Network Organization, Management Review, 2013.6, pp31-46. (in Chinese)

[7] LIN Runhui, ZHANG Hongjuan, FAN Jianhong, and HOU Rujing. Alliance Network and Innovation: Evidence from China’s Third Generation Mobile Communications Industry. Journal of Asia Business Studies, 2012, 6(2): 197-222.

[8] LIN Runhui, XU Yekun, FAN Jianhong, ZHANG Hongjuan, FEI Wenying. Equity Governance and Entry Mode of Multinational Corporations——A Theoretical Framework. Review of Corporate Governance, 2012,4(4):1-32.

[9] LIN Runhui, FAN Jianhong, ZHAO Yang, ZHANG Hongjuan,and HOU Rujing, Research on the Relationship between the Corporate Governance Environment, Governance Behavior and Governance Performance: Evidence from the Evolution of the Chinese Telecommunication Industry, Nankai Business Review International, 2011, 2(4):358-382.

[10] ZHANG Hongjuan, XIE Siquan, and TAN Justin, Environment-Strategy Co-evolution and Industry Spatial Transformation: A Historical Account of the Bicycle Industry. Chinese Journal of Management, 2011.5, pp.666-675. (in Chinese)

[11] ZHANG Hongjuan, and TAN Justin. Evolution Mechanism of Traditional Manufacturing Industrial Clusters: Longitudinal Case Study of Tianjin Bicycle Cluster, Science of Science and Management of S.&T., 2011.4, pp.116-126. (in Chinese)

[12] ZHANG Hongjuan, XIE Siquan, and LIN Runhui, Knowledge Transfer in the Network Innovation Process——Based on the Information Space Theory, Scientific Management Research(, 2011.1, pp.21-26. (in Chinese)

[13] LIN Runhui, FAN Jianhong, ZHAO Yang, ZHANG Hongjuan and HOU Rujing, Research on the Relationship among Corporate Governance Environment, Governance Behavior and Governance Performance: Evidences from the Evolution of Chinese Telecommunication Industry. Nankai Business Review, 2010.6, pp.138-148. (in Chinese)

[14] LU Yuanyuan, and ZHANG Hongjuan. Literature Review on Entrepreneurship in China. Management World, 2009.6. pp.158-167. (in Chinese)

[15] LIN Runhui, ZHANG Hongjuan, FAN Jianhong, SHUAI Yanxia, Network Governance Evaluatioin of Business Groups ——Case Study of Acer Group, Review of Corporate Governance. 2009.4. pp.29-44. (in Chinese)

【Conference Paper】

[1] ZHANG Hongjuan, WANG Liang, and HAN Rong, A Meta-analysis of Social Capital between China and the West. SMS Special Conference, Contextualizing Strategic Management in Asia: Institutions, Innovation and Internationalization, Dec 10-12, 2016, Hongkong, China

[2] ZHANG Hongjuan, WANG Liang, and HAN Rong, Does Social Capital Work the Same Way in China and the West? A Meta Analysis. The Seventh Biennial IACMR Conference, 2016.6.15~19, Hangzhou, China.

[3] ZHANG Hongjuan, SUN Weizheng. Institutional Distance, Transnational Governance and Performance of MNCs: Comparative Case Analysis from Legitimacy Perspective. The Third (2016) Symposium on Network Governance and Business Mode Innovation, 2016.5.28-29, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China

[4] ZHANG Hongjuan, SUN Weizheng, Institutional Distance, Transnational Governance and Legitimacy of Subsidiaries of MNCs, The Forum on Case Study and Qualitative Study of Chinese Company Management, 2015.11.6~8, Guangzhou, China. (in Chinese)

[5] ZHANG. H. J., WANG, L., and HAN, R., Does Social Capital Work the Same Way in China and the West? The 9th annual China Goes Global (TM) research conference, 2015.10, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (Conference Best Paper)

[6] TAN, J., WANG, L., and ZHANG, H. J., Network Governance and Structure Dynamics: The Case of TD-SCDMA Standard-Setting Alliance, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2015.8, Vancouver, BC, Canada

[7] ZHANG Hongjuan, TAN Justin, and LIN Runhui, Evolution and Innovation Mechanism of Industrial Network: Simulation and Case Study. 2014 Forum of Network Governance and Business Model Innovation, 2014.6.6-8, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Tianjin, China. (in Chinese)

[8] ZHANG Li, and ZHANG Hongjuan. Research of Crowdsourcing Model Based on Case Study. The 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM’11), 2011, 6 (Indexed by EI), Tianjin, China.

[9] LIN Runhui, FAN Jianhong, ZHANG Hongjuan, and HAN Rong, Collaborative Innovation and Adaptive Innovation Process of Network Organization: A Multi-Case Study, The 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM’11), 2011, 6 (Indexed by EI), Tianjin, China.

[10] LIN Runhui, XU Yekun, FAN Jianhong, ZHANG Hongjuan, and FEI Wenying. Choice of MNC’s Entry Mode——Theoretical Analysis, The 6th International Symposium on Corporate Governance, 2011.8.20-21, Dalian, China. (in Chinese)

[11] LIN Runhui, ZHANG Hongjuan, FAN Jianhong, and HOU Rujing, Alliance Network and Innovation: Evidence from the Third Generation Mobile Communication Industry in China, Lucas School Co-sponsors Conference at Stanford on the Future of Industry and Innovation in Asia: Firms, Networks and Alliance, July 2010, California, U.S.

[12] LIN Runhui, FAN Jianhong, and ZHANG Hongjuan, A Study of the Characteristics of Co-authorship Network of Chinese Scholars in Management and Their Impacts on Cooperative Performance, The 6th Symposium for Social Network and Guanxi Management, 2010.12.12~14, Guangzhou, China. (in Chinese)

[13] ZHANG Hongjuan, TAN Justin. Evolution Mechanism of Traditional Manufacturing Industrial Clusters: Longitudinal Case Study of Tianjin Bicycle Cluster, The Case Study and Theory Building Forum of Chinese Company Management, 2010.11.5~7, Beijing, China. (in Chinese)

[14] LIN Runhui, ZHANG Hongjuan, and LI Na, Empirical Study on Corporate Network of Directorship Interlocks-Based on Chinese Listed Companies, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium for Corporate Governance, Books 1 and 2, 2009, pp.957-964, IDS: BPO33.(indexed by ISTP)

[15] TAN Justin, LIN Runhui, ZHANG Hongjuan, The Evolution and Innovation Mechanism of Industrial Network: A Mixed Methodology of Simulation and Case Study. 2008.10.10~13, Beijing, China. (in Chinese)


【Research Projects】

[1] NSFC (71672123), Research on the Cross-level Bidirectional Transmission Mechanism of Enterprises’ Collaborative Innovation Behavior, 2017-2010 (Principal Investigator)

[2] NSFC for Young Scientist (71302097), Institutaional Gap, Social Capital and the Legitimacy of Foreign Subsidiary of Chinese MNCs, 2014-2016 (Principal Investigator)

[3] Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Encourage and Guide the Establishment of a Modern Corporate System in Private Companies, 2014-2015 (Principal Investigator)

[4] Tianjin Strategic Development Program of Science and Technology (14ZLZLZF00034), The Business Model Innovation Mechanism of the Emerging Strategic Industries in Tianjin, 2014-2015 (Principal Investigator)

[5] Elite Scholar Program of Tianjin University, The Relationship between Alliance Network and Firm Innovation Performance, 2015-2016 (Principal Investigator)

[6] NSFC (71472131), The Relationship between Alliance Network and Firm Innovation Performance: A Cross-level and Dynamic Perspective. 2015-2018. (key researcher)

[7] Key project of NSFC (71132001), Cross-national Governance and Evaluation of Chinese Business Groups, 2012-2016 (key researcher)

NSFC (70972085), Dynamic Influence of Network Structure, Governance Mechanisms on Collaborative Innovation of Network Organizations, 2010-2012 (key researcher)

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

[1] Member of Division of Social Network and Social Capital, Chinese Sociological Association

[2] Member in IACMR, SMS, Network Governance Committee, The Chinese Institute of Business Administration.

[3] Served as reviewer for Journal of Management Science in China, AOM, AIB, IACMR