

Faculty Research



MAO Zhaofang


电子邮箱[email protected]

研究方向:Operations Management; Lean Supply Chain Management; Intelligent Manufacturing; Management Innovation.


【Education and Career】

Time Institution Degree/Position
2012.7-2014.1 Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, US Visiting Scholar
2022.11-Now College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University CPC party chief
2012.7-2022.11 College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University Vice Dean
2010.3-Now College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University Associate Professor
2008.6-2010.3 FAW-MEXICO Joint Venture Project Group Senior Project Manager
2006.9-2010.3 FAW (First Automotive Works) Group Project Manager
2005.4-2006.4 School of Management, Cranfield University, UK Joint Ph.D
2003.3-2006.3 Management Science and Engineering, Tianjin University Ph.D
2001.9-2003.1 Management Science and Engineering, Tianjin University Master
1999.7-2001.7 President’s Office, Tianjin University
1998.5-1999.5 Tianjin Students’ Union President
1997.9-1998.9 Students’ Union of Tianjin University President
1995.9-1999.7 Automobile Engineering, Tianjin University Bachelor

【Books and Chapters】

[1] Chengbo WANG, Xiaomei LI, Zhaofang MAO. The Readiness, Challenges, and Expected Support for Chinese Students’ Overseas Study: A Focus on Business and Management Programmes. Handbook of Research on Education and Technology in a Changing Society (ISBN:978-1-4666-6047-2). 2014, v.2, p1084-1092.

[2] Chapter 10: Lean Production. Innovation Method Society, The Administrative Center for China’s Agenda 21. Innovation Methods (High Level).Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2012.

[3] Chapter 10: Evaluation and Supervision Tools. LIU Yanhua, ZHOU Yuan, QI Ershi. The Ten Categories of Tools for Innovation Management. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2011.

[4] Chapter 6: Management Control System of Production Operations. QI Ershi. Industrial Engineering and Management. Beijing: Science Press. 2011.

【Representative Academic papers】

[1] Zhaofang Mao, Zelin Du*, Ruiying Yuan, Qiqi Miao. Short-term or long-term cooperation between retailer and MCN? New launched products sales strategies in live streaming e-commerce. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 2022, 67, 102996.

[2] Mao Zhaofang, Yu Shiqiang, Li Hui, Yuan Ruiying. Research on time-limited discount pricing model considering consumer demand transfer. System Engineering-Theory & Practice. 2021, 41(12): 3232-3248

[3] Dian Huang, Zhaofang Mao, Kan Fang, Lin Chen. Solving the shortest path interdiction problem via reinforcement learning. International Journal of Production Research. DOI: //doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2021.2002962

[4] Zhaofang Mao, Ting Liu, Xiaomei Li*. Pricing Mechanism of Variable Opaque Products for Dual-channel Online Travel Agencies, Annals of Operations Research (2021). DOI: //doi.org/10.1007/s10479-021-04163-4

[5] Dian Huang, Zhaofang Mao, Kan Fang*. Combinatorial Benders decomposition for mixed-model two-sided assembly line balancing problem. International Journal of Production Research. DOI: //doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2021.1901152

[6] Mao Zhaofang, Zhai Mengyue. The "consumer bid" marketing model considering consumer risk preference and random floor price. Journal of Systems Engineering. 2021, 36(1): 13-29.

[7] Mao Zhaofang, Zhang Fan, Li Hui. Study on the marketing strategy of agricultural products considering variable opacity. Operations Research and Management Science.

[8] Qi Feng, Zhongjie Ma, Zhaofang Mao*, J. George Shanthikumar. Multi‐Stage Supply Chain with Production Uncertainty. Production and Operations Management. 2021, 30(4): 921-940.

[9] Bo Feng, Zhaofang Mao*, Hui Li. Choices for Competing Service Providers with Heterogeneous Customers: Traditional versus Opaque Sales Modes. OMEGA: The International Journal of Management Science. 2021, 98: 102133.

[10] Chengbo Wang, Zhaofang Mao*, Hong Su, Ying Tian. Knowledge identification in medium-sized enterprises under the context of quality improvement - an exploration in manufacturing companies in China. Production Planning & Control. 2020, 32(5): 415-440.

[11] Zhaofang Mao, Dian Huang, Kan Fang*, Chengbo Wang, Dandan Lu. Milk-run routing problem with progress-lane in the collection of automobile parts. Annals of Operations Research. 2020, 291(1): 657-684.

[12] MAO Zhaofang, LIU Lu, LI Hui. Pricing Decision of a Dual Channel under After-sales Service Cooperation. Journal of Management Sciences in China. 2019, 22(5): 47-56.

[13] Zhaofang Mao, Wei Liu, Bo Feng*. Opaque Distribution Channels for Service Providers with Asymmetry Capacities: Posted Price Mechanisms. International Journal of Production Economics, 2019. 215(9): 112-121.

[14] Bo Feng, Wei Liu, Zhaofang Mao*. Use of Opaque Sales Channels in Addition to Traditional Channels by Service Providers. International Journal of Production Research, 2018, 56(10): 3369-3383.

[15] MAO Zhaofang, FENG Bo, LIU Wei, LI Ge. Choice of mixed opaque marketing strategy of OTA. Syetems Engineering – Theory & Practice. 2018, 38(3): 655-664.

[16] MAO Zhaofang, WANG Fangyuan. Two-Period pricing decision on perishable products considering difference of customer behavior and valuation discount. Chinese Journal of Management. 2017, 14(3): 129-138.

[17] MAO Zhaofang, DONG Zhaochao, LIU Wei, LI Xiaomei. Comparative research on joint strategy of advance selling and buy-back to conventional products and new products. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems (CIMS). 2017, 23(4): 867-873.

[18] Zhaofang Mao, Shan Zhang, Xiaomei Li. Low carbon supply chain firm integration and firm performance in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2017, 153(6): 354-361.

[19] MAO Zhaofang, LIU Wanwan, LI Hui. Joint Strategy of Advance-selling and Buy-back for Seasonal Perishable Products. Journal of Management Sciences in China. 2016, 19(2): 74-84.

[20] Chengbo Wang, Zhaofang Mao*, John Johansen, James T Luxhøj, James O'Kane, Jun Wang, Liguo Wang, Xuezhong Chen. Critical Success Criteria and their Application for B2B E-commerce Systems in the Chinese Medical Supply Chain. International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications. 2016, 19(2):105-124.

[21] MAO Zhaofang, LI Ge, LIU Wei. Comparative Analysis of Sale Model about Hotels Based on Information Transparency. Industrial Engineering and Management. 2016, 21(1): 1-7.

[22] WANG Chengbo, MAO Zhaofang, O'Kane James, WANG Jun. An exploration on e-retailers’ home delivery – strategic elements and their prioritization. Business Process Management Journal. 2016, 22(3): 614-633.

[23] MAO Zhaofang, ZHANG Shan. The Effect of Firm Green Integration on Eco-Innovation. Nanjing Business Review. 2015, 12(4): 78-90.

[24] Chengbo Wang, Xiaomei Li, Xuan Ou, James O’Kane, Zhaofang Mao, Wenquan Zhang. An Exploration of the Readiness, Challenges and Expected Support for Their Overseas Study of Chinese Business and Management Programme Students. Higher Education Quarterly. 2015, 69(4): 314-341.

[25] LI Hui, QI Ershi, MAO Zhaofang. Study of Advance Selling Strategy Based On Limited and Unlimited Capacity. Journal of Dalian University of Technology (Social Sciences). 2015, 36(3): 93-98.

[26] Wang Chengbo, Vaughan John, Edgar David, Mao Zhaofang, Chen Xuezhong. A comparative study of the Chinese and British GP systems. The IUP Journal of Business Strategy. 2014, 11(2): 7-27.

[27] Chengbo WANG, Xiaomei LI, Zhaofang MAO. Green Retailing Practices: An Exploratory Comparison Between Chinese and British Retailers. Journal of General Management. 2013, 39(2): 35-60.

[28] Chengbo Wang, Tong Yang, Zhaofang Mao, Lixin Zhang, John Vaughan and John Mercer. An empirical exploration of hospital service quality assessment criteria in China. Journal of General Management. 2011, 37(2): 51-68.

[29] MAO Zhaofang, WANG Gang, LI Xiaomei. A study on the Collaborative Production System Model for Vehicle Manufacturing Supply-demand Network in China. Automotive Engineering. 2009, 31(8): 777-781.

[30] QI Ershi, LI Xiaomei, XIA Guohong, MAO Zhaofang. Supply Network Support Level Factor Analysis and Sustained Development. Journal of Tianjin University (Social Sciences), 2007, 9(1): 24-28.

[31] MAO Zhaofang, XIA Guohong, QI Ershi. Study on the Deepen the Reform in the Separation of Ownership and Management and the Problem of the Distribution of Income of Chinese Enterprises. Journal of Tianjin University (Social Sciences), 2006, 8(2): 87-92.

[32] LUO Yimei, QI Ershi, MAO Zhaofang. Higher Education Development in Industrial Engineering. Industrial Engineering. 2005(4): 106-109.

[33] MAO Zhaofang, QI Ershi, HUO Yanfang, LI Xiaomei. Study on Pre-Evaluation of Basic Consultation for CIMS Project in Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises based on SPSS Statistic Method. Industrial Engineering. 2005(2): 70-73.

[34] QI Ershi, MAO Zhaofang, HUO Yanfang, LI Xiaomei. Summarize of the Development of Virtual Enterprises. Mechanical Technology and Machine. 2004(9): 37-41.

[35] XIA Guohong, QI Ershi, HUO Yanfang, MAO Zhaofang. Study on Personnel and System Management Model of Military Enterprises. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems (CIMS). 2004, 10(4): 361-366.

【Conferences Presentations】

[1] MAO Zhaofang, LIANG Zhengbo, HAN Yuqing. Government purchasing policy considering the negotiation in the agricultural supply chain. 2022 POMS 32nd Annual Conference, US, Online, 2022 (April 21-25)

[2] MAO Zhaofang, JIANG Yuqiong, HAN Yuqing.Trade-offs between quality and speed in customer-intensity services: free or not free under customers’ rating. 2022 POMS 32nd Annual Conference, US, Online, 2022 (April 21-25)

[3] MAO Zhaofang, HAN Yuqing, LIANG Zhengbo. Mode of Store-Brand Introduction and Contracting Sequence Under Manufacturer Encroachment. 2022 POMS 32nd Annual Conference, US, Online, 2022 (April 21-25)

[4] MAO Zhaofang, YUAN Ruiying, DU Zelin. Precision marketing for newly-launched online courses: How to offer free trials to consumers? 2022 POMS 32nd Annual Conference, US, Online, 2022 (April 21-25)

[5] MAO Zhaofang, YANG Zhe. Make or Buy?Design an online marketplace with Sponsored Advertising. 2022 POMS 32nd Annual Conference, US, Online, 2022 (April 21-25)

[6] MAO Zhaofang, YAN Xinghao, JIANG Yuqiong. Opaque Pricing Strategy In Healthcare Management. INFORMS 2019 Annual Conference, US, Seattle, 2019 (October 20-23)

[7] MAO Zhaofang, LIANG Zhengbo, LIU Yan. Information Provision and Consumer Search for Products with Asymetric Uncertainty. 2019 POMS International Conference in China, China, Tianjin, 2019 (June 21-24)

[8] MAO Zhaofang, LI Ge. Choice of mixed opaque marketing strategy of OTA. The 29th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2018), Spain, Valencia, 2018 (July 8-11)

[9] Xiaomei LI, Zhaofang MAO, Chengbo WANG, Tong Yang, Liguo Wang, Jun Wang, Xuezhong Chen. Critical Success Measuring Criteria for BTB E-Commerce Usage in Chinese Medical Supply Chain Selling, INFORMS 2nd Conference on Healthcare, US, Chicago, 2013 (June 23-26)

[10] Mao Zhaofang, Chengbo Wang, John Mercer, John Vaughan. Develop A Knowledge Model Supporting Hospital Service Supply Chain Management And Strategy Formulation. European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2012. Rotterdam, Netherland, 2012.

[11] MAO Zhaofang, QI Ershi, JIA Fu. Research on supply strategy driven factors of SDN based on product and service characteristics. 2009 IEEE/INFORMS International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics (SOLI 2009), p713-717, 2009.

【Honors and Awards】

[1] May, 2022. Awarded Outstanding Prize of 2022 Mathematical Contest In Modeling.

[2] Mar., 2022. Awarded Excellent instructor of Engineering degree of Tianjin.

[3] Dec., 2021. Awarded Second Prize of the 17th Outstanding Social Science Achievement of Tianjin.

[4] Nov., 2021. Won the Best speech Award of the first National Short Video Competition of supply chain and Operations Management.

[5] Mar., 2021. Awarded the First prize of first Teaching Innovation Competition of Tianjin University (Professor Group)

[6] Mar., 2021. Won the Teaching academic innovation award of first Teaching Innovation Competition of Tianjin University

[7] Mar., 2021. Won the Teaching activity innovation award of first Teaching Innovation Competition of Tianjin University

[8] Dec., 2019. Awarded Special Prize of Tianjin Engineering degree Outstanding Teaching Achievement.

[9] Dec., 2019. Awarded the First Prize of the first Tianjin Industrial Engineering and Lean Management Innovation Competition.

[10] July, 2019. TAwarded First Prize of the 14th Outstanding Social Science Study of Tianjin.

[11] June, 2012. Awarded First Prize of the 9th Young Teacher Lecture Contest of Tianjin University.

[12] Nov., 2012. Awarded First Prize of the 11th Tianjin Young Teacher Lecture Contest.


【Academic Research Projects】

[1] Jan., 2022 - Dec., 2024

Production self-organization coordination mechanism and management method for intelligent manufacturing value chain. Supported by the Major Research Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.(No.92167206) (Principal)

[2] Dec., 2020 - Dec., 2023

Innovate the management service system of the three divisions and the construction of information platform and its application demonstration. Innovative Methods Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology. (No.2020IM030300) (Principal)

[3] Jan., 2018 - Dec., 2021

Research on Opaque Selling Strategy Decision of OTA Platform in Hotel Industry: An Inventory Resource Sharing Perspective. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China. (No.71872125) (Principal)

[4] Oct., 2016 - Oct., 2019

Study on lean supply chain management mode of agricultural machinery equipment intelligent production. Supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China. (No. SQ2016IM030200) (Principal)

[5] Jan., 2016 - Dec., 2016

Research on management mechanism of professional institution. Supported by National Science and Technology Innovation Strategy Programme. (No. ZLY2015066) (Principal)

[6] Dec., 2014 - Dec., 2015

Strategic High Technology Development Strategy and Solutions during the Transformation Stage from Tracking to Leading Status. Supported by National Soft Science and Technology Programme. (No. 2014GXS6K237) (Principal)

[7] Aug., 2013 - Mar., 2014

Study On the Technical Achievements Transformation Model For Servicing Middle And Small-Sized Enterprise's Development. Supported by Tianjin Science and Technology Database Key Decision and Consultation Programme. (Principal)

[8] Nov., 2012 - Nov., 2014

Development of Management Innovation Database and Think Tank of Tianjin Technical Enterprises. Sub-Project of “Innovation Methods Application and Experimental Demonstration of Tianjin Technical Enterprises”. Supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China. (No. 2012IM020400) (Principal)

[9] Jan., 2012 - Dec., 2014

Study on Lean Logistics System Decision Model of Automotive Offshoring Production based on Supply and Demand Behavioral Game. Supported by Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education. (No. 20110032120085) (Principal)

[10] Jan., 2011 - Jun., 2012

Research on Industrialized Promotion and Demonstration Application of Technical Innovation Software System for Equipment Manufacturing Industry. Supported by National Science & Technology Pillar Program. (No.2011BAH01B02-02) (Principal)

[11] Jan., 2010 - Dec., 2010

Study and Systematic Training of Management Key Technical Innovation Methods. Supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China. (No. 2009IM020700) (Principal)

[12] Oct., 2009 - Oct., 2010

Study on key technologies of automotive components and spare parts international logistics integrated system faced to collaborative manufacturing and Logistics Social Responsibility. Supported by Special Foundation of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. (No. 200902271) (Principal)

[13] Oct., 2009 - Oct., 2010

Study on developing strategy of independent innovation System of Tianjin automotive industry. Supported by Tianjin Scientific Developing Strategy Programme. (No.09ZLZLZT04300) (Principal)

[14] Aug., 2008 - Aug., 2009

Study on key technologies of supply-demand network collaborative manufacturing based on generalized stochastic Petri net technology. Supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. (No. 20080430728) (Principal)

[15] Sept. 2014 - Sept. 2016

Research on The Managerial Innovation Method of Supporting Mutation Innovation. Sub-Project of “Integrative Methods and Tools Development of Production Mutation Innovation and Demonstration and Application for Enterprises”. Supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China. (No. 2013IM030400) (Key Participant)

[16] Oct., 2013 - Oct., 2015

Research on integrated innovation on Tianjin enterprise managerial method. Supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China. (No. 2013IM020700) (Key Participant)

[17] July, 2011 - Dec., 2012

Study on policy effects on the National Natural Science Reward from Science Funding. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China. (No.L1122101) (Key Participant)

[18] Oct., 2010 - Oct., 2013

The development and application for enterprises of Management Innovation Key Technologies and Method Tools. Supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China. (No. 2010IM040300) (Key Participant)

[19] Oct., 2009 - Oct., 2012

Theory system construction and technical realization of Management Innovation Methods: Study on “Ten Main tools of Management Innovation Methods” and “Enterprises comprehensive management and comprehensive innovation methods”. Supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China. (No. 2009IM040100) (Key Participant)

[20] Oct., 2007 - Dec., 2008

Study on technical development thinking innovation of Tianjin Binhai New Area. Supported by Scientific Developing Strategy Programme of Tianjin. (No. 09ZLZLZT04300) (Key Participant)

[21] Jan., 2007 - Dec., 2009

Study on mate model and methods of managerial system and informational system in informatization of manufacturing industry. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China. (No. 70671072)(Key Participant)

[22] Nov., 2003 - Oct., 2004

Enterprise Diagnoise of Yunxi Essence and Perfume Company. Supported by Technology Committee of Yunnan Province and Technology Committee of Yuxi City, Yunnan Province of China. (Key Participant)

[23] Oct., 2003 - Apr., 2005

Study on the Management Theories and Methodology Facing to ERP Projector of the Whole Production Cycle. Supported by National ‘863’ program of China. (Key Participant)

[24] May, 2003 - Apr., 2005

R&D on ERP System(for KINGDEE). Supported by National ‘863’ program of China. (Key Participant)

[25] Oct., 2002 - Oct., 2004

Study on Collaborative Management Model of Aerospace Significant Products. Supported by National ‘863’ program of China. (Key Participant)

【Company Cooperative Projects】

[1] May, 2007 - Mar., 2010

Project of FAW Mexican Automotive Joint Venture Company in Mexico. Founded by China FAW and Mexico Group of Salinas.

[2] Nov., 2004 - Apr., 2006

Aligning Supply Strategies with Demand to Deliver “Customer Responsiveness”: a Cross-Sectoral Framework. Supported by Cranfield School of Management and British American Tobacco, UK.

[3] Mar., 2004 - Apr., 2005

Study on the “People-Science-System” Model for Enterprises Management. Supported by National ‘863’ Programme.

Academic & social Service

【Academic Services】

[1] Vice President-Australasia, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS).

[2] Deputy Secretary-General, Society of Management Science and Engineering of China.

[3] Executive Director, Center for China-Europe Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation.

[4] Executive Syndic Member, Management Technology Institution of Innovation Method Society.

[5] Secretary-General, Industrial Engineering and Management Institute, Society of Management Science and Engineering of China.