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研究方向:the direction of the professional research 1. Simulation and experiment calculation of Financial and Economic complex system 2. Chaotic Economic and Financial Reconstruction and prediction of time series 3. Complex supply chain modeling and its application
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研究方向:Operations Management; Lean Supply Chain Management; Intelligent Manufacturing; Management Innovation.
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研究方向:Transportation: Urban Traffic Management Information Management, Transportation Systems Engineering MBA Interests: Information Management, Enterprise Informatization and E-commerce, Human Resources and Performance Management MPA Interests:Urban Traffic Management, Government Informtization and E-Government ME Interests: Logistic Engineering, Project Managemen, Industrial Engineering, Transportation Engineering
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研究方向:Enerprise Strategy and Marketing Management: Corporate culture and Strategic Social Responsibility; Brand and Consumer Behavior; Entrepreneurship Management; Corporate Governance and Performance; Asset Evaluation. Regional Economic Management: Regional Governance and Regional Marketing; Cluster Management of Emerging Strategic Industries, Cultural and Creative Industries Management.
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研究方向:Construction Project Cost Management; International Construction Project Bidding