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研究方向:Project management; Real estate management.
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研究方向:asset pricing
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研究方向:Innovation; Marketing Models; Entertainment Marketing; Platform Economy
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研究方向:Enterprises strategic management; Human resources; Marketing management; Entrepreneurial management; Customer relationship management; Risk management; Decision theory of system optimization; Theory and application of neural network in management; Theory and application of systems engineering.
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研究方向:Project Finance; International Finance.
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研究方向:Basic Research Direction MBA Research Direction MPA Research Direction MEM Research Direction
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研究方向:Consumer Choice Dynamics, Consumer Online Search, Structural Modeling, Bayesian Estimation Methods, Machine Learning
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研究方向:International Investment and Multinational Corporation Management, Human Resources Management, Marketing, Public Administration, Public Organizations, Feasibility Research on Engineering Project, Analysis and Evaluation of Investment Environment, Enterprise Culture Research
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研究方向:Construction supply chain management; Project risk analysis.
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研究方向:Macroeconomics, Growth Theory, Monetary Economics, Wealth Inequality, Public Finance
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研究方向:Management on business incubator and venture capital;Small enterprises management; Technology innovation management; Entrepreneurial finance
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研究方向:IT Use in Organizations, Social Media, Human-Computer Interaction, E-healthcare