

Faculty Research

HE Zhen



【Education and Career】

Time University Specialty Degree
1997-2000 Tianjin University Management Science and Engineering Ph.D
1988-1991 Tianjin University Management Engineering Master
Jul. 2001-Now College of Management and Economics,Tianjin University Professor
Sep.2009-Dec. 2009 Penn State, USA Visiting Scholar
Aug.2001-Aug. 2002 Western Illinois University, USA US-China Fulbright Scholar
Dec.1996-Jul. 2001 School of management, Tianjin University Associate Professor

【Published Monographs】

[1] Quality Tool Box (principal translator),China City Press,2004

[2] Quality Planning and Analysis (principal translator), China Renmin University Press, 2005

[3] Genbao Zhang,Zhen He ,Ying Liu, Quality Management and Reliability,China Science & technology Press,2005

[4] Quality Management; An Integrated Approach(principal translator), China Renmin University Press, 2006

[5] Ershi Qi, Xiuwen Zhu, Zhen He, Production and Operations Management, Qinghua University Press, 2006

[6] Edward Knod, Richard Schonburger, Zhen He, Operations Management,China Renmin University Press, 2006

[7] Zhen He, Liangxing Shi, Quality Tool Box(2nd Edition),China Standardization Press,2007

[8] Lin Ma,Zhen He,Six Sigma Management (2nd edition),China Renmin University Press, 2007

[9] Zhen He, Six Sigma Green Belts Handbook, China Renmin University Press,2011

【Journal Paper】

[1] Shuguang He, Zhen He, G. Alan Wang. Online Monitoring and Fault Identification of Mean Shifts in Bivariate Processes Using Decision Tree Learning Techniques. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing(SCI). DOI: 10.1007/s10845-011-0533-5 (Online available)

[2] Shuguang He, Zhen He,Alan Wang Gang. CUSUM Control Chart for Multivariate Poisson Distribution. Communication in Statistics-Theory and Method , (Accepted,SCI).

[3] Zhen He, Pengfei Zhu, S H Park, A robust desirability function method for multi-response surface optimization considering model uncertainty, European Journal of Operational Research, 221 (2012),241-247

[4] Shuguang He, Zhen He, G. Alan Wang. CUSUM Charts for Monitoring Bivariate Zero-Inflated Poisson Processes with an Application in the LED Packaging Industry. IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing(SCI). 2012, 2(1):169-181

[5] M F TChidi, Zhen He,Yan Bo Li, PROCESS AND QUALITY IMPROVEMENT USING SIX SIGMA IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management(SCI),18(1), pp 158-172, 2012.

[6] Yang Zhang, He Zhen, Juntao Fang, and Min Zhang. A Nonparametric Control Scheme for Monitoring Phase II Nonlinear Profiles with Varied Argument Values, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering.(SCI), 2012, 25(3):587-597.

[7] Zhen He, James Hill, Ping Wang, Validation of the theoritical Model Underlying the Baldrige Criteria, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2009, 22(2): 243-263.2011(SSCI)

[8] Zhen He, Jing Wang, Jinho Oh, Park S H, Robust Optimization for Multiple Response Using Response Surface Methodology, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 2010,26(2):157-171, (SCI: 591VX)

[9] Zhang Wu, Yafen Liu, Zhen He, Michael B.C. Khoo. A cumulative sum scheme for monitoring frequency and size of an event. Quality and Reliability Engineering International. 2010, 26(6): 541-554.(SCI:666GS;EI: 20104913464625)

[10] Yafen Liu, Zhen He, M. Shamsuzzaman, Zhang Wu. A combined control scheme for monitoring the frequency and size of an attribute event. Journal of Applied Statistics.2010,37(12):1991-2013, (SCI 682PR)

[11] He Zhen, Wang Jing, et al. Robust multi-response parameter design based on RSM, The Asian Journal on Quality, 2009,10(3)

[12] He Zhen, Han Yajuan, Zhao Shuang, Park S H. Product and Process Optimization Design Through Design of Experiment: A Case Study. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2009, 20(1): 107-113. (SSCI:400IH)

[13] Liu Yafen, He Zhen, Shu Lianjie, Wu Zhang. Statistical Computation and Analyses for Attribute Events. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,2009,53 (9): 3412-3425(SCI二区,IF:1.126,SCI:450DS,EI:20091712051982)

[14] He Zhen,Zhang Zhihong. Improvement of Economic Integration of Design with Process Capability Index. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence,2009, 20(11): 1255-1262.(SSCI:531PU).

[15] He Zhen, Park S H, Hu Mathew, Knod Ed, Yue Gang. Learn something about your Six Sigma Program’s Maturity. Quality Progress(ASQ flagship journal). Aug, 2009,23-28

[16] Wu, Zhang; Jiao, Jianxin; He, Zhen,"A control scheme for monitoring the frequency and magnitude of an event" , International Journal of Production Research, 2009, 47(11), 2887-2902.(SCI:434QL,IF:0.774;EI : 20094812495028)

[17] Wu Zhang, Jiao Jianxin, He Zhen. A single control chart for monitoring the frequency and magnitude of an event. International Journal of Production Economics, 2009, 119(1), 24-33.( SCI:453XR ,IF:2.026,EI:20091912072912).


[19] Zhiming Lan, Zhen He, An Investigation and Analysis of the Product Liability of Manufacturers in Shenzhen, The Asian Journal on Quality, 9(2), pp 31-37, 2008.

[20] Jiao, Jianxin Roger,Zhang, Lianfeng Linda,Pokharel Shaligram, He Zhen, Identifying generic routings for product families based on text mining and tree matching, DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS, 43 (3): 866-883 APR 2007,DOI: 10.1016/j.dss.2007.01.001,(SCI 162AA)

[21] He Zhen, Zhang Yuxuan, Multiresponse Surfaces Optimization Based on Evidential Reasoning Theory, The Asian Journal on Quality, Vol.5 No.1 2004, pp43-51

[22] Jing Sheng, Zhen He, Liang Xing Shi, Integration of Design of Experiments into Quality Function Deployment, The Asian Journal on Quality, Vol.3 No.1 2002.

[23] Zhen He and Ershi Qi and Liu Zixian , Continuous Improvement through Integration of Quality tools. The Asian Journal on Quality, Vol.3 No.2, 2002


[1] The 9th Tianjin Youth Science and Technology Award, 2008

[2] Study on the methods and implementation of Design for Six Sigma in manufacturing industries(NSFC research report),The 1st level award of the 12th Tianjin Social Science Excellent Achievements, Tianjin city government,2010

[3] Study on the key technologies for implementing Six Sigma(NSFC research report),The 1st level award of the 11th Tianjin Social Science Excellent Achievements, Tianjin city government,2008

[4] Study on the model of methodologies of the integration of quality tools for continuous quality improvement(NSFC project report) The 2nd level award of the 10th Tianjin Social Science Excellent Achievements, Tianjin city government,2006

[5] Study on the strategic development and research priorities for the discipline of Business Administration in the 11th 5-year planning. Research report for NSFC, The 1st level award of the 10th Tianjin Social Science Excellent Achievements, Tianjin city government,2006

[6] Application study of Industrial Engineering methodologies in manufacturing industries for overall business efficiency. 2nd award of Chinese Mechanical Industry Science & Technology Award, 2001.11

[7] National Excellent undergraduate course“Quality Management”

[8] National Bilingual undergraduate course “Quality Management”

[9] National Excellent Championship for implementing TQM in China, China’s 30 years’ anniversary of implementing TQM, China Association for Quality.2009


【Research Projects】

[1] Quality management and quality engineering, National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars of China, 2013-2016

[2] Study on the theory and methods for quality control and diagnosis of complex products ,Key project of NSFC(70931004),2010-2013

[3] Study on the methods of multi-response robust parameter design based on RSM,NSFC project (70871087),2009-2011

[4] Validation process design, project management and quality management for electronic component of aviation, China Aviation Science & Technology Group Company(Sub-project under China Mega Research Plan),2009-2011

[5] Study on the methods and implementation of Design for Six Sigma in manufacturing industries, NSFC project(70572044),2009-2011

[6] Study on the key technologies for implementing Six Sigma, NSFC(70372062),2004-2011

[7] Quality management and quality engineering,New Century Elite Talent Program of Ministry of Education, China (NCET-04-0240),2004-2007

[8] Study on the model of methodologies of the integration of quality tools for continuous quality improvement, NSFC project (70101007),2002-2004

[9] Administrative regulations and process analysis for NSFC mega research plan, NSFC project(J0924006),2009.3-2009.12

[10] Study on the methods and application of integrated quality tools in manufacturing industries, Science & Technology work-out projects of Tianjin Commission of Science and technology, 2004-2006

[11] Study on the methods and application of continuous quality improvement tools for manufacturing industries, 2001-2003,Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin

[12] Study on the product liability prevention system in China, China Scholarship Council,2003-2005

【Enterprise Cooperation Project】

[1] Comparative study of product quality management system between Toyota and Dell and quality management system improvement for Dell, Dell China, 2009

[2] Statistical Quality improvement for Energy Product Group of Motorola, Motorola China,2004-2005

[3] Process quality improvement for Orient Communication Company of Hangzhou,  2003.8-2003.12

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

[1] Executive Member of Standing Committee, Vice director of Quality Academics and Education, China Association of Quality

[2] Chair of Expert Steering Committee, China Council for the Promotion of Six Sigma

[3] Member of Council, China Society of Management Science and Engineering

[4] Member of Council, China Society of Applied Statistics

[5] Member of Council, China Society for Soft Sciences Research

[6] Member of Academic Committee, MOE(Ministry of Education) Key Lab of Process Control and Efficiency Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University

[7] Member of Editorial Board of Journals including Application of Statistics and Management, Journal of Industrial Engineering, Transaction of Tianjin University (Social Science Edition)

[8] Member, Tianjin Youth Science Tianjin Youth Science and Technology Award

[9] Member of Expert Committee for Industrial Brand Cultivation, Ministry of industry and information technology, China

[10] Consultant of Taiyuan Iron and Steel Company