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研究方向:Service supply chain management; Service operations Management; Supply chain financial management and innovation; Smart logistics and supply chain; Sustainable logistics operations
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研究方向:Energy-Economy-Environment (E3)System Analysis and Policy Simulation; Carbon Market and Carbon Finance;Low Carbon Economy & Management
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研究方向:the information management and electronic business, the data mining and business intelligence, the evolutionary computation and its various applications
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研究方向:Research Interests: Financial Asset Pricing and Risk Management; Complex Systems in Finance and Economics. Teaching: Financial Institutes and Markets; Research Methodology in Management
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研究方向:Transportation: Urban Traffic Management Information Management, Transportation Systems Engineering MBA Interests: Information Management, Enterprise Informatization and E-commerce, Human Resources and Performance Management MPA Interests:Urban Traffic Management, Government Informtization and E-Government ME Interests: Logistic Engineering, Project Managemen, Industrial Engineering, Transportation Engineering
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研究方向:Quality Management; Quality Engineering;Six Sigma and Lean Production