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研究方向:Sustainable urban construction and management, Age-friendly cities, AI-based infrastructure management
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研究方向:Quality Management; Statistics;
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研究方向:Human-computer interaction, Digital marketing, Consumer behavior
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研究方向:Project decision analysis and evaluation; Real estate economics; Project quality management; Project cost management.
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研究方向:Building Information Modeling (BIM); Knowledge Management; Green Buildings and Sustainability;Construction Project Information Flow Management; e-Business and e-Government.
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研究方向:Engineering Project Management; Safety Management。
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研究方向:Project Finance; International Finance.
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研究方向:Project management; Real estate management.
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研究方向:Infrastructure Projects Investment and Financing Management; Urban Construction Management.
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研究方向:Construction Project Cost Management; International Construction Project Bidding
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研究方向:Risk Management and Engineering Insurance;Project management of green building
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研究方向:Contract management of construction project;Theory and Practice of construction management;Conflict, dispute and negotiation of construction management
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研究方向:Project management, Electronic Commerce, Information management
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研究方向:Vehicle Routing, Maritime Logistics, Combinatorial Optimization, Stochastic Optimization, Quantum Optimization, Exact Algorithm and Heuristics Design