

Faculty Research

WANG Xiuqin



【Education and Career】

Time Institution Degree/Position
1991-1995 Nankai University Bachelor in International Finance
1996-1999 Tianjin University of Finance and Economics Master in Money and Banking
2000-2004 Nankai University PhD in Finance
1995.7-2000.6 Tianjin University School of Management Teaching Assistant
2000.7-2006.6 Tianjin University School of Management Lecturer
2006.7-今 Tianjin University College of Management and Economics Associate Professor
2007.8-2008.1 Cccc Investment Company Ltd. Investment project Analyst
2010.3-2010.8 Shenzhen China Merchants Group International Overseas project developers

【Published Monographs】

[1] Shuibo Zhang, Xiuqin Wang. Outline and Interpretation of Public-Private Partnerships Reference Guide [M]. China Architecture & Building Press, 2016.

【Journal Papers】

[1] Wang, X., Shi, L., Wang, B. and Kan, M.. A method to evaluate credit risk for banks under PPP project finance[J]. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2020, 27( 2): 483-501.

[2] WANG Bing, ZHANG Shui-bo, WANG Xiu-qin*, HAN Lei-jie. The optimal capital structure of PPP projects: Based on the realoption method. Journal of Management Sciences in China, 2019, 22(6): 73-85.

[3] Bing Wang, Shuibo Zhang, Xiuqin Wang* & Zhuo Feng. The influence of quality benefit and marginal contribution on the optimal equity structure of the PPP projects: balancing public and private benefits[J]. Construction Management and Economics, 2018, 36(11): 611-622.

[4] WANG xiu-qin, KAN Meng-ying, ZHANG Yi-hong. The Minimum Revenue Guarantee Level for PPP Projects Based on Real Option [J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2018, (7):40-46.

[5] Xiuqin Wang, Zhongren Xie.Research on Influencing Factors of Private Sector Refinancing Decisions of PPP Projects [J].Journal of International Economic Cooperation, 2017, (11):57-62.

[6] Xiuqin Wang , Yihong Zhang, Yiwen Zhang and Yao Xiao. Enhancing Financing Efficiency of International PPP Projects: A Case Study of Multi-National Gas Pipeline Project[J]. International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 2016, 5(3): 175-184.

[7] Xiuqin Wang, Yuchen Sun, Ying Gao. Factors Influencing the Financial Efficiency of PPP projects and their relations based on DEMATEL[C]. The 4th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Services Sciences (LISS’2014) July 23-26, 2014, Berkeley, USA

[8] Xiuqin Wang, Yuchen Sun. Key Risk Factors of PPP project loan[C]. 1st International Conference on Public-Private Partnership. Dalian, China. August, 2013.

[9] Xiuqin Wang, Yubin Li.Analysis of Investment Environment of Overseas Infrastructure BOT Projects [J].Journal of International Economic Cooperation, 2012,(1):74-77.

[10] Xiuqin Wang, Danhong Na.Analysis on the Choice of Main Financial Transaction Methods in International Project Contracting [J]. Journal of International Economic Cooperation, 2010, (11):64-68.

[11] Xiuqin Wang.Foreign exchange risk management of international engineering materials procurement [J]. Journal of International Economic Cooperation, 2009, (5): 68-75.

[12] Xiuqin Wang.Modeling and Analysis of of Intermediate Target Choice of Monetary Policy [J]. Journal of Tianjin University(Social Sciences), 2008, 10(1): 56-59.

【Representative Cases】

[1] Xiuqin Wang, Paul W. Beamish. Western Regions Gas Pipelines Company: the Joint Ventures. Iveycases, 2018.

[2] Xiuqin Wang, Hao Wu etc. The Project Financing Risks of Multi-N Project and Their Allocation. China Management Case-sharing Center, 2017.

[3] Xiuqin Wang, Ming Jian. The Pipeline Company: Financing for MNGPP. Iveycases, 2016.


【Research Projects】

[1] Ownership Structure among Social Capital Shareholders of PPP Projects, Humanities and Social Sciences Project of the Ministry of Education, 2020-2022, Person in Charge.

[2] Financing Efficiency of International PPP projects, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2013-2015, Person in Charge.

[3] International PPP Project Contract Governance, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2013-2016, 2nd Participant.

[4] Research and Development of Management System for Central Asia Natural Gas Pipeline Construction Project, 2012-2013, Main Participant.

[5] Risk Evaluation System of International High-speed Railway PPP Project, 2012-2013, Main Participant.

【Conference Papers】

[1] Xiuqin Wang, Yuchen Sun, Ying Gao. Factors Influencing the Financial Efficiency of PPP projects and their relations based on DEMATEL[C]. The 4th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Services Sciences (LISS’2014). Berkeley, USA, July 23-26, 2014.

[2] Xiuqin Wang, Yuchen Sun. Key Risk Factors of PPP project loan[C]. 1st International Conference on Public-Private Partnership. Dalian, China. August, 2013.

Academic & social Service