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研究方向:Financial Engineering and Management; Econometric Methods and Applications.
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研究方向:Service supply chain management; Design of the innovation model for logistics and supply chain service;Logistic industry policy; Agricultural products supply chain management.
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研究方向:Corporate Finance, Financial Market.
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研究方向:Financial risk; The financial management;Calculate thefinancial experiment
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研究方向:Financial Market and Financial Institutions、Commercial Bank Management、Information and Assets Pricing
研究方向:Applied Econometrics, Financial Econometrics
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研究方向:Emergency management, Corporate Finance,Organizational innovation
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研究方向:Intelligent Decision Support Systems; Pricing & Services of Information Products; Big Data Analysis and Business Intelligence; Information Security Management; Energy Management and Policy; CEEUSRO and Collaborative innovation;
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研究方向:Modeling and forecasting of financial volatility; Analysis of financial volatility; Financial risk management; Modeling of social economic system; Business data analysis; Symbolic time series analysis; Wavelets analysis; Information management.
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研究方向:Complex Information Systems Risk Management;IT Security Risk Management; Software Project Risk Management;Business Intelligence and Competitive Intelligence.
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研究方向:Data mining and knowledge discovery; business intelligence;intelligent electronic business;web service oriented information systems; enterprise information systems.
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研究方向:IT Use in Organizations, Social Media, Human-Computer Interaction, E-healthcare
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研究方向:Social Commerce; User Behaviors.
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研究方向:Information Products and Service Management; Economics of Information Systems; E-Commerce and Big data analytics.
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研究方向:International Investment and Multinational Corporation Management, Human Resources Management, Marketing, Public Administration, Public Organizations, Feasibility Research on Engineering Project, Analysis and Evaluation of Investment Environment, Enterprise Culture Research
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研究方向:Leadership; human resource management; innovation and creativity; career development and management; entrepreneurship.
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研究方向:Enterprises strategic management; Human resources; Marketing management; Entrepreneurial management; Customer relationship management; Risk management; Decision theory of system optimization; Theory and application of neural network in management; Theory and application of systems engineering.
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研究方向:trategic Management: internal and external environmental analysis and strategic positioning of Enterprise, Choice of strategy, Strategy implementation and evaluation, core competitiveness of enterprises creation and enhancement, Standardization Management Platform for SMEs Corporate Culture: the Misunderstanding of enterprise culture and Prevention Strategies, The construction of Core enterprise culture and process control, How to choose the Mode of Corporate Culture, Risk of cross-border business culture and prevention strategy Knowledge Management: the specific use and core values of Knowledge management in modern enterprise management, the optimization and integration of Enterprise knowledge resources, the Establishment and maintenance of a learning organization Human Resource Management: recruitment, training, compensation and performance appraisal plan
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研究方向:Enerprise Strategy and Marketing Management: Corporate culture and Strategic Social Responsibility; Brand and Consumer Behavior; Entrepreneurship Management; Corporate Governance and Performance; Asset Evaluation. Regional Economic Management: Regional Governance and Regional Marketing; Cluster Management of Emerging Strategic Industries, Cultural and Creative Industries Management.
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研究方向:The economics of money and banking;International Finance;World Economy;
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研究方向:Human resource management Marketing
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研究方向:Brand and Consumer Behavior,Network Marketing, Strategic Management, Emergency Management, Human Resource Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Management, Behavioral Finance
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研究方向:Logistics Engineering and Supply Chain Management; Organizational Behavior; Modern management.
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研究方向:Construction supply chain management; Project risk analysis.
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研究方向:Logistics Engineering and Management; Supply chain management.
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研究方向:Research of IE’s application in enterprise; Planning, designing and management of logistics system;Optimized designing and operational management of logistics service system; Enterprise strategic management; Marketing research and forecast; Marketing management; Human resources management.
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研究方向:Contract Design in Supply Chain and Logistic Management; Work Study; Industrial Purchasing and Purchasing Management; Operation Management in Hospital
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研究方向:Supply chain collaboration, lean management
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研究方向:Logistics and supply chain management;Service and manufacturing operations; Carbon emission abatement;Behavioral operations management and research