

Faculty Research




【Personal Profile】

Wu Yi, Associate Professor, Department of Information Management and Management Science, Department of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Master's supervisor, Bachelor's degree in Information Management and Information Systems, School of Information, Renmin University of China ,2009, and Doctor's degree in Information Systems, National University of Singapore ,2015. Major research interests include Internet finance, social media, e-commerce and e-health. Findings published in internationally authoritative journals (e.g., Journal of the Association for Information Systems,EuropeanJ ournal of Information Systems,Information & Management, and international conferences (e.g. International Conference on Information Systems,International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction,Pacific Asia Confe); and rence on Information Systems). Lectures include business analysis, system software principles and techniques, electronic payments, etc.


【Journal Paper】

1. Yi Wu, Klarissa Chang, Xitong Guo*, and Ben CF Choi, “Understanding User Adaptation toward A New IT System in Organizations: A Social Network Perspective”, Journal of the Association for Information Systems (Accepted, ABS Grade 3, SSCI)

2. Junpeng Guo, Zeng Gao, Yi Wu*, and Na Liu, “Recommend Products with Consideration of Multi-category inter-purchase Time and Price”, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2017, forthcoming (DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2017.02.031). (SCI, corresponding author)

3. Xiaofei Zhang, Xitong Guo*, Yi Wu*, Kee-hung Lai, and Vogel, D., “Exploring the Inhibitors of Online Health Service Use Intention: A Status Quo Bias Perspective”, Information & Management, 2017, forthcoming (DOI: 10.1016/j.im.2017.02.001). (ABS Grade 3, SSCI, corresponding author)

Yi Wu, Klarissa Chang, and Xiqing Sha*, “Creative Performance in the Workplace: The Roles of Simmelian Ties and Communication Media”, Computers in Human Behavior, 63 (2016), p.575-583. (SSCI/Q1, first author)

【Conference Paper】

1. Yi Wu, Yimeng Deng and Tingru Cui, “How Does Mobile Computing Develop Transactive Memory in Virtual Teams? A Social Identification View”, Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2016), Dublin, Ireland, 11-14 Dec, 2016.

2. Ben CF Choi, Yi Wu, and Liwei Xin, “An Agentic Perspective on Privacy Choices: Enhancing Awareness of Control through Privacy Verification Agent”, Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Information Systems, Dublin, Ireland, 11-14 Dec 2016.

3. Ben Choi, Jie Yu, Yi Wu and Zhenhui Jack Jiang, “Network Privacy Dispositions: An Objective Measurement Scale and a Causal Model”, Proceedings of the 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Chiayi, Taiwan, Jun 27 – July 1 2016

4. Yi Wu, Ben CF Choi, and Jie Yu, “The Effects of Social Structure Overlap and Profile Extensiveness on Facebook Friend Requests”, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2016

5. Ben Choi, Yi Wu, and Jie Yu. “The Effects of Network Mutuality, Profile Diagnosticity, and Interplay of Privacy Dispositions and Privacy Tradeoff on Social Connectivity”, Pre-ICIS JAIS paper development workshop, Ft. Worth, Texas, USA, 13 Dec 2015

6. Yi Wu, Klarissa Chang and Xitong Guo, “Network Density as a Double-Edged Sword: A User Adaptation Approach of IT System Use”, Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2014), Auckland, New Zealand, 14-17 Dec, 2014

7. Wenyong Chua, Maffee Wan, Klarissa Chang and Yi Wu, “Improving Mobile Applications Usage Experience of Novice Users through User-Acclimatized Interaction: A Case Study”, Proceedings of the 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2014), Savannah, GA, USA, 13-15 Aug, 2014

8. Yi Wu and Klarissa Chang (2013), “Network Diversity and Social Cohesion in Creative Performance: A View of Communication Media Mix”, Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2013), Milan, Italy, 15-18 Dec, 2013

9. Yi Wu and Klarissa Chang (2013), “An Empirical Study of Designing Simplicity for Mobile Application Interaction”, Proceedings of the 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2013), Chicago, USA, 15-17 Aug, 2013

10. Yi Wu, Xiqing Sha and Klarissa Chang (2012), “Knowledge Diversity and Simmelian Tie in Generating Creative Ideas: The Importance of Media Multiplexity”, Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012), Orlando, FL, USA, 16-19 Dec, 2012, (Runner-Up Award in Recognition of Best Research-in-Progress Paper)

11. Yi Wu and Klarissa Chang (2012), “Social Networks and Communication Media for Generating Creative Ideas”, Proceedings of IFIP Working Group 8.2 Conference 2012, Tampa, FL, USA, 14-15 Dec, 2012

12. Xiqing Sha, Yi Wu and Klarissa Chang (2012), “Creativity in Dyads: The Role of Closeness and Media Multiplexity”, Proceedings of ACM SIGMIS CPR 2012, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 24-25 Aug, 2012

13. Yi Wu and Klarissa Chang (2011), “Simmelian and Multiplex Ties in Organizations: Importance of Media Multiplexity”, IFIP WG 8.2 Organizational and Society in Information Systems (OASIS) 2011 Pre-ICIS Workshop, Shanghai, China, 4 Dec, 2011

14. Yi Wu, Zheng Wang and Klarissa Chang (2011), “Exploring Continuous Participation on Entertainment Applications of Social Network Sites”, Proceedings of the 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2011), Brisbane, Australia, 7-11 July, 2011

15. Klarissa Chang, Michelle Gwee, Yimeng Deng, Yi Wu, Xiqing Sha and Bernard Tan (2011), “Location-Based and Mobile Services in The Fishing Industry of The Informal Economy”, the 11th IFIP Working Group 9.4 Conference (IFIP WG94 2011), Kathmandu, Nepal, 22-25 May, 2011

16. Zheng Wang, Jing Chen, Shan-Ling Pan and Yi Wu (2011), “Bridging Boundaries In Offshore Outsourcing Organizations: A Case Study of Promoting KM Initiatives in Wipro Technologies”, Proceedings of the 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-44), Kauai, Hawaii, USA, 4-7 Jan, 2011

17. Yi Wu, Jackson Wong, Yimeng Deng and Klarissa Chang (2011), “An Exploration of Social Media in Public Opinion Convergence: Elaboration Likelihood and Semantic Networks on Political Events”, Proceedings of International Conference on Social Computing and its Applications (SCA 2011), Sydney, Australia, 12-14 Dec, 2011

18. Yi Wu, Zheng Wang, Klarissa Chang and Yunjie Xu (2010), “Why People Stick to Play Social Network Site Based Entertainment Applications: Design Factors and Flow Theory Perspective”, Proceedings of the 14th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2010), Taibei, Taiwan, 9-12 July, 2010


· ICIS 2012 Runner-Up Award in Recognition of Best Research-in-Progress Paper (by AIS)


【Research Projects】

2015-2017, Participant, “• The Impact of Dyadic Ties on Creative Performance in Entrepreneurship Teams::A Perspective of Matching”, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Youth Program.

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

· Membership: AIS, CNAIS, CSWIM

· Journal paper reviewer: European Journal of Information Systems, Information & Management, Information System Journal, Journal of Strategic Information Systems

· Conference paper reviewer: ICIS, AMCIS, PACIS, HCII, CSWIM

· CSWIM 2017 Program Committee Member