

Faculty Research

HE Longfei



【Education and Career】

Time Institution Degree/Position
2007-2010 Tianjin University Industrial Engineering Ph.D
2007-2009 Georgia Institute of Technology Industrial and systems engineering Joint Ph.D. Program
2004-2007 Tianjin University Industrial Engineering Master
2000-2004 Tianjin University Industrial Engineering B.A(minor)
2000-2004 Tianjin University Engineering Mechanics B.E(major)
Jul. 2010-Now College of Management & Economics, Tianjin University Assistant Professor

【Representative Academic papers】

[1] Longfei He, D.Zhao. Optimization of inventory and transportation and fuzzy coalitional game based coordination for responsive supply chain. System Engineering-Theory & Practice. 2011,vol.31(06):1045-1055.

[2] Longfei He, D. Zhao. Side-payment self-enforcing contract based supply chain dynamic game coordination. System Engineering-Theory & Practice. 2011,vol.31(10) :1864-1878.

[3] Daozhi Zhao, Longfei He*(corresponding). Research on Supply Chain Cooperative Contract on the Theory of Downside-Risk Control. System Engineering-Theory & Practice. 2007(4). p34-40.

[4] Yan Zhu, Zhanwen Niu, Longfei He*(corresponding). Operational Decision-making for a Supply Chain with Suppliers Competition under Consignment Mode. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems. 2012. ( forthcoming).

[5] Longfei He, D. Zhao. Crisp and fuzzy coalitional games based optimization for joint operations with order backlogging. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems. 2012. ( forthcoming).

[6] Longfei He†. Multi-level assembly job shop scheduling through combined control of order review/release and dispatching rules. International Journal of Production Research. (under review) (with H. Lu et al.)

【Honors and Awards】

[1] 2011 “SF Cup” Third National Undergraduate Logistics Design Contest. (organized and hosted by University Logistics Teaching Instruction committee of Education Ministry of China and China Society of Logistics), Awarded the Second Place. Faculty Instructor.

[2] 2011 Excellent Senior Design. Faculty Instructor.

[3] 2010 Excellence in Tianjin University New Faculty Orientation: Innovation and Career Development.

[4] 2010 Selected into and Awarded by Tianjin University New Faculty Enhancement Project for Overseas Scholars sent by Government.


【Academic Research Projects】

[1] NSFC Grant (No.71202086) “An Investigation into Coordination and Decision-making Optimization of Supply Chain Operations under Carbon Emission Regulations”, 2013-2015, Principal Investigator

[2] NSFC Grant (No.71110307013) “New Frontiers in Operations Management­—The Fourth International Annual Conference of Overseas Chinese Scholars Association in Management Science and Engineering, 2011.01—2011.12, Principal Investigator

[3] NSFC Grant (No.71072155) “Supply Chain Low-carbonization Based Optimization of Enterprise Behavior and Operation Decision”, 2011-2013.Participant (2/9), (PI: Prof. Daozhi Zhao)

[4] NSFC Grant (No.70802044) “Product design, process design and supply chain design: a study based on auto manufacturing industry, 2009-2011, Co-PI (2/6 with Dr. Ji)

[5] NSFC Grant (No.70771073) “Research on Pareto Improvement for Supply Chain with the Structure of Unbalanced Bargaining Power under VMI Mode”, 2008-2010, Participant (3/10), (PI: Prof. Daozhi Zhao)

【Company Cooperative Projects】

[1] Strategies design and planning of Logistics and supply chain in Shandong Energy Group, 2011

[2] Beijing Smart Grid Industry development and promotion analysis 2010-2011

[3] Proposal for Launching the High-End Services Based Comprehensive Industrial Platform (HESCIP) in Cao-Fei-Dian Port Area, 2011

[4] Tangshan (Fengrun) China High-speed Rail manufacturing base planning, 2010

[5] Hebei Tanshan North Logistics Center Design and Planning, 2006-2007

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time Job】

[1] Member of Chinese Scholar Association in Management Science and Engineering

[2] Member of Systems Engineering Society of China (the committee of young scholars)

[3] Member of China Society of Logistics

[4] Referees of Journal of Management Science in China, System Engineering—Theory & Practice, Journal of Systems science and Mathematical Sciences and IJPR.