

Faculty Research

CHEN Fuzan



【Personal Profile】

Fuzan Chen is currently a professor in the Department of Information Management and Management Science, College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, China. She received her PhD degree in Management Science and Engineering from Tianjin University in 2000, and finished her post doctor research in 2002. Dr. Chen was supported by China Scholarship Council as a visiting scholar in Old Dominion University in USA from 2015 to 2016.

She has published dozens of academic papers in journals, such as Knowledge-Based Systems、Expert Systems with Applications, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Enterprise Information Systems, Applied Soft Computing, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Journal of Management Science, Journal of Systems Engineering, System Engineering – Theory & Practice. She holds and attends several research projects including Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.71631003), National Natural Science Founds for Distinguished Young Scientists (No.70925005), National Science Foundation of China (No.71771169 and No. 71101103), and Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China.

Her current research interests include: (1) Big data analysis, data mining and business intelligence, decision making based on big data; (2) Cloud computing, cloud service operation management and pricing, Web service classification, discovery, composition, cloud service personal recommendation; (3)Social media analysis and influence maximization in social networks.

【Education and Career】

Time Institution Degree/ Position
2002.7- Tianjin University Associated Professor/Full Professor
2000.9-2002.6 Tianjin University Post Doctor

【Journal Paper】

[1]. Fuzan Chen, Minqiang Li, Harris Wu*, GACRM: A Dynamic Multi-Attribute Decision Making Approach to Large-Scale Web Service Composition, Applied Soft Computing(JCR Q1, IF=3.907; IDS 号: FP5AQ) , Volume 61, Issue 12, 2017, 947-958

[2]. Fuzan Chen, Minqiang Li, Runliang Dou, Harris Wu, A High-dimensional Classification Approach based on Class-dependent Feature Subspace, Industrial Management & Data Systems (ABS 1, JCR Q2, IF=2.205; IDS 号: FT7XH), Vol.117, Issue.10, 2017, pp.2325-2339

[3]. Fuzan Chen, Minqiang Li, Harris Wu, Lingli Xie, Web Service Discovery among Large Service Pools Utilizing Semantic Similarity and Clustering, Enterprise Information Systems(JCR Q2, IF=1.908, IDS 号: EI6JN), Vol.11, Issue.3, 2017, 452-469

[4]. Fuzan Chen, Chenghua Lu, Harris Wu*, Minqiang Li, A Semantic Similarity Measure Integrating Multiple Conceptual Relationships for Web Service Discovery, Expert systems with applications (ABS 3, JCR Q1, IF=3.928, IDS 号: EA8BZ), Vol. 67, Iss.1,2017, 19–31

[5]. Fuzan Chen, Runliang Dou, Minqiang Li, Harris Wu, A Flexible Service Selection method by Multi-objective optimization for QoS-aware Web service Composition in Cloud Manufacturing, Computers & Industrial Engineering (IF= 2.086), Vol. 99, 2016, 423–431

[6]. Fuzan Chen, Minqiang Li, Harris Wu, Lingli Xie, Web Service Discovery among Large Service Pools Utilizing Semantic Similarity and Clustering, Enterprise Information Systems(IF=2.269), 2015, DOI:10.1080/17517575.2015.1081987

[7]. Fuzan Chen, Yanlan Wang, Minqiang Li, Harris Wu, Jin Tian, Principal Association Mining: An Efficient Classification Approach, Knowledge-Based Systems(IF=3.058, IDS=AM9SP), Vol.67(6), 2014, 16-25, cited=2

[8]. Li Qian, Dou Runliang, Chen Fuzan*, Guofang Nan, A QoS-oriented Web service composition approach based on multi-population genetic algorithm for Internet of things, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems(IF=0.451, IDS=AN0GP), Vol.7, 2014, 26-34, cited=2

[9]. Qianwen Yang, Jisong Kou, Fuzan Chen*, Minqiang Li. A Novel Two-Stage Scheme built upon clustering for Sequential Pattern Mining, International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control (IDS:764AS, IF=2.932)(IDS:20112113999659),Vol7, No.5(B), 2011.5, 2809-2820

[10]. Fuzan Chen, Minqiang Li, Jisong Kou. An Efficient Hybrid Method based on compressed bitmap for Mining Frequent Patterns. ICIC Express Letters(EI:20101312815737), 2010,Vol.4 No.2, 347-352

[11]. Zhihong Zhang, Jisong Kou, Fuzan Chen*, Minqiang Li. Multi-objective Product Portfolio Selection Based on Association Mining for Cross-selling Consideration. ICIC Express Letters (EI:20110213564058),2011,Vol.5 No.1, 183-188

[12]. Chen Fuzan,Li minqiang. An Efficient Algorithm Based on Itemset-lattice and Bitmap Index for Finding Frequent Itemsets,Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice(Online English edition of the Chinese language journal),Vol. 28, Is. 2, Feb 2008, 26-34 (EI:082011255877)

[13]. Yun Fu, Minqiang Li, and Fuzan Chen, Impact propagation and risk assessment of requirement changes for software development projects based on design structure matrix, International Journal of Project Management(SSCI), 30(3), 2012, . 363-373

[14]. Minqiang Li, Haiyang Feng, Fuzan Chen. Optimal versioning and pricing of information products with considering or not common valuation of customers. Computers & Industrial Engineering(IF=1.543), volume 63, issue 1, August 2012, .173-183

[15]. Fuzan Chen, Qing Liu, Minqiang Li, A novel web usage mining method based on web session clustering, Journal of Systems Engineering,Vol.27, No.1, 2012.2, 129-136

[16]. Qianwen Yang, Jisong Kou, Fuzan Chen*, Minqing Li, Semantic Web Session Clustering and Visualization Method Based on Ontology, Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence(EI:20111713935688), Vol.24, No.1, 2011.2, 111-116

[17]. Zhihong Zhang, Jisong Kou, Fuzan Chen*, Minqing Li, Multi-objective products selection method based on association analysis, Journal of Systems Engineering,Vol.26, No.1, 2011.2, 132-138

[18]. Fuzan Chen,Minqiang Li. An Efficiently Algorithm Based on Itemsets-Lattice and Bitmap Index for Finding Frequent Itemsets,Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice,Vol. 28, Is. 2, Feb 2008, pp26-34 (EI:082011255877)

[19]. Fuzan Chen,Minqiang Li. An efficiently algorithm based on itemsets2lattice and bitmap index for finding frequent itemsets,Journal of Systems Engineering,VOL22,No.3,2007,pp293-299.

[20]. Fuzan Chen,Minqiang Li. Algorithm based on adjacent lattice for finding frequent itemsets. Journal of Management Sciences in China,VOL.9,No.3,2006,pp54-61


【Research Projects】

[1]. Optimal Strategy on Tiered Pricing for Cloud Service Considering Demand Diversity, National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 71771169), Principle investigator,2018-2021

[2]. Information production and service management in "Internet+" Economic Form,Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.71631003), Main participant, 2017-2021

[3]. New Media Propagation Characteristics Specification and Government's Response In Event-oriented Environment,Institute of Automation of Chinese Academy of Sciences , Principle investigator, 2016-2016

[4]. Service Composition and Evolution in Web Service Applications under Complicated Management Environment,National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.71101103), Principle investigator,2012-2014

[5]. Information Systems and Management(Research Field),National Natural Science Foundation of China for Distinguished Young Scientists (No.70925005),Main participant,2011-2014

[6]. Influence evaluation and ranking approach for Micro Blog Users,Institute of Automation of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Principle investigator,2012-2013

[7]. Study on the Standard and Evaluation Index System of the Quality of Scientific Research in Colleges and Universities, Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China,Principle investigator,2011-2013

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

[1] China Association for Information Systems (CNAIS): Council member