

Faculty Research

FU Hongjuan



【Education Working Experience】

Time University Specialty Degree/Position
1998-2001 Tianjin NankaiUniversity         World Economy Ph.D
1991-1995 Tianjin NankaiUniversity         The Economics of money and banking Master
1987-1991 Tianjin NankaiUniversity         Finance Bachelor
June,1998- June,2003 School of management, Tianjin University Lecturer

【Representative Academic papers】

[1] “Study on China governmental debt” Journal of Tianjin University, Jan, 2001.Vol.3.No1 first author.

[2] “Macroeconomic policy:effects on exchange rate of RMB”Economic theory and business manage , April,2001, first author.

[3] “Method of comprehensive evaluation on city housing level”systems engineering theory & practice,2000,Vol,20,No1 second author.

[4] “Evaluation method of the economic development level”,Journal of Tianjin University,Vol.32, No.6,2000, second author.

[5] “Research on uniform approximation and it’s application in multi-criteria evaluation”systems engineering theory & practice,1999,Vol.19,No12. second author.

【Monographs and Textbooks】

[1] Chapter8: Business international trade development strategy and practice. «Modern business management » Sept.2002, first edition, Tianjin university press.

[2] Chapter9; Regional economic integration and China’s opening. «Economic globalization and the choice of China’s policy» Jan.2001, first edition, Economic science press.

[3] Chapter8: Fiscal and tax systems in China facing up to world systems. «Tianjin economy facing up to world economy» Nov.2001, first edition, Tianjin people press.

[4] Chapter8: Business international trade development strategy and practice. «Modern business management » Sept.2011, second edition, Tianjin university press.


[1] Excellent student, Nankai University, 1992

[2] Excellent instructor, Tianjin University, 1998


【Academic Research Projects】

[1] Tianjin Municipal philosophy and social science research project《Research on the brand Strategy of Tianjin Binhai New Area》,Set up in 2010,Responsible for the research on the theory of brand strategy. Completed.

[2] Tianjin Municipal Science and technology development strategy research program《Research on policy and case of science and technology enterprises founded by the college teachers and students–Based on the theory of University spinout companies》,Set up in 2011,Responsible for the business model and financing research, Responsible for the theory and practice.

Academic & social Service