

Faculty Research

Pan Jingzhou



【Education and Career】

Time Education/Working Experience Degree/position
20102013 Renmin University of China (Adviser: Wenxia Zhou)         Major: Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management Ph.D.
20112012 University of Washington (Adviser: Xiao-Ping Chen)         Major: Organizational Behavior Joint Ph.D. Student
20132017 College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University Assistant Professor
2017.4-2017.9 College of Business, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Visiting Scholar
2017 – Present College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University Associate Professor
2018 – Present Department of Organization and Strategic Management, College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University Head of Department
2019.11-2019.12 College of Business,University of Kentucky (United States) Visiting Scholar
2019.9-2020.11 College of Business,University of Iowa (United States) Visiting Scholar

【Published Monographs】

[1] Zhou, W. and Pan, J (Translation). Sukiennik, D., Bendat, W. & Raufman, L. (a). “The Career Fitness Program: Exercising Your Options” (7111328973, 978711132897), China Machine Press, 2010.

[2] Pan, J. “An Exploration of the Relationship between Career Success and Happiness under the Perspective of Social Comparison” (978-7-5618-5587-4), Tianjin University Press, 2010.

[3] Pan, J. “Stakeholder Theory”. In Xu, S., Li, C. et al. (Translation). “40 must-read theories in management and organization research” (978-7-301-28837-5), Beijing University Press, 2017.

[4] Pan, J. “Research Content and Progress of Organizational Culture”. In Zhou, W. “40 Years of Human Resource Management in China” (978-7-5203-3703-8), China Social Sciences Press, 2018.

[5] Pan, J. and Zhong, R. “Minority Influence Theory”. In Li, C., Xu, S. et al. “60 Theories Commonly Used in Management and Organization Research” (978-7-301-30251-4), Beijing University Press, 2019.

【Journal Paper】

[1] Li, N., Liao, H., Pan, J.*, & Harris, T. B. Exploring the pandemic’s potential effects on workers’ collectivist values, prosocial behaviors, and attitudes toward mistreatment. Human Resource Management, In press. (ABS 4, SSCI Q1)

[2] Pan, J., Zheng, X.*, Xu. H., Li, J., & Lam, C. K. What if my coworker builds a better relationship with my leader? An emotional perspective to understand how and when lower LMX social comparison is associated with learning and undermining behaviors. Conditionally accepted by the Journal of Organizational Behavior. (ABS 4, SSCI Q1)

[3] Luo, N., Sun, T., Lin, C. Luo, D., Qin, G., Pan, J.* The human resource architecture model: A twenty-year review and future research directions. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2020, 32(2), 241-278. DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2020.1787486. (ABS 3, SSCI Q2)

[4] Pan, J., Guan, Y., Wu, J., Han, L., Zhu, F.*, Fu, X., & Yu, J. The interplay of proactive personality and internship quality in Chinese university graduates' job search success: The role of career adaptability. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2018, 109(6), 14-26. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvb.2018.09.003. (ABS 4, SSCI Q1)

[5] Pan, J.#, Liu, S. #*, Ma, B.#, & Qu, Z. How does proactive personality promote creativity? A multilevel examination of the interplay between formal and informal leadership. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 2018, 91(4), 852-874. (DOI: 10.1111/joop.12221). (ABS 4, SSCI Q1)

[6] Luo, N., Sun, T., Lin, C. Luo, D., Qin, G., Pan, J.* The human resource architecture model: A twenty-year review and future research directions. International Journal of Human Resource Management, Published online. DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2020.1787486. (ABS 3, SSCI Q2)

[7] Liu, S., Jiang, K. Chen, J., Pan, J.* & Lin, X. Linking employee boundary spanning behavior to task performance: The influence of informal leader emergence and group power distance. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2018, 29(12), 1879-1899. (DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2016.1216872). (ABS 3, SSCI Q2)

[8] Bai, Y., Yuan*, J., Pan, J. Why SMEs in emerging economies are reluctant to provide employee training: evidence from China. International Small Business Journal, 2017, 35(6), 1-16. (ABS 3, SSCI Q1)

[9] Tsai, S., Huang, C., Wang, C., Chen, Q., Pan J., Wang, G., Wang, J., Chin, T. & Chang, L., Using a Mixed Model to Evaluate Job Satisfaction in High-Tech Industries, Plos One, 2016, 11(5), 1-13. (SCI 3区)

[10] Pan, J. Wu, Q. Zhou W.* & Lou, Y. When is the leader’s creativity related to the followers’ creativity? A cross-level examination in China. Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, 2015, 17 (3), 364-382. (SSCI)

[11] Pan, J. & Zhou W. * How do employees construe their career success: An improved measure of subjective career success. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2015, 23(1), 45-58. (ABS 3, SSCI)

[12] Guo Y., Pan, J. * et al. Career adaptability, calling and the professional competence of social work students in China: A career construction perspective. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2014, 85(3): 394-402. (ABS 4, SSCI Q1)

[13] Pan, J., & Zhou W. * Can success lead to happiness? The moderators between career success and happiness. Asia pacific journal of human resources, 2013, 51: 63-80. (SSCI,ABS2)

[14] Zhou, W., Sun, J., Guan Y.*, Li Y., & Pan, J. Criteria of Career Success among Chinese Employees: Developing a Multi-dimensional Scale with Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Journal of Career Assessment, 2013, 21: 265-277. (SSCI)

[15] Pan, J., & Zhou, W.* Under Dual Perspective of Work Exchange and Social Exchange: the Study of Impact of LMX on Affective Commitment. Nankai Business Review International, 2011, 4: 402 - 417.

[16] 潘静洲,唐子阳,张光磊*,钟锐,领导-下属交换关系差异化基础对分配公平氛围及团队绩效的影响. 南开管理评论, 2021,24(1): 202-212. (中文B, CSSCI)

[17] 刘松博,潘静洲*,王亚楠,李金,吴寒. “大材小用”也有积极效应?团队集体主义取向对资质过度感和创造力关系的调节作用. 管理评论, 2021, 33 (4), 205-214. (中文B, CSSCI)

[18] 李翊君,黄一鸣,王紫,潘静洲. 促进还是阻碍:实践职业召唤对员工组织公民行为的影响机制研究. 中国人力资源开发. 2021, 38(1), 20-32.

[19] 韩丽红,潘静洲,路琳. 员工支持感知对知识共享行为的影响研究——基于心理资源的视角. 科技管理研究,2020, 40(9): 142-148.

[20] 潘静洲,唐子阳,王弋川,王缘. 非道德亲组织行为的成因及其影响. 天津大学学报,2019, 5: 436-445.

[21] 潘静洲. 中小企业创新状况及影响因素研究——基于天津市中小企业的调查. 信息速递(国家知识产权局内刊), 2017 (46): 1-11. 获国家知识产权局贺化副局长批示

[22] 潘静洲,王震*,周文霞,苗仁涛. LMX差异化对创造力的影响:一项多层次研究. 管理科学学报,2017, 20(2): 109-126. (中文A, CSSCI)

[23] 潘静洲,赵煌,周文霞*,龚铭. 得到的并非我想要的—职业成功观与职业成功感知的差异对幸福感的影响. 中国人力资源开发,2016, 10: 6-17.

[24] 周文霞*,辛迅,潘静洲. 职业成功的资本论:构建个体层面职业成功影响因素的综合模型. 中国人力资源开发, 2015, 17: 42-49.

[25] 苗仁涛, 周文霞*, 刘丽, 潘静洲, 刘军. 高绩效工作系统有助于员工建言?一个被中介的调节作用模型. 管理评论, 2015, 7: 105-115. (中文B, CSSCI)

[26] 潘静洲, 娄雅婷, 周文霞*. 龙生龙,凤生凤?领导创新性工作表现对下属创造力的影响. 心理学报, 2013, 45(10): 1147-1162. (中文A, CSSCI)

[27] 周文霞, 潘静洲*, 庞宇. “关系”对个体职业发展的影响:综述与展望. 中国人民大学学报, 2013, 3: 148-156. (CSSCI)

[28] 潘静洲, 韩仁生, 周文霞*. 把脉员工行为背后的原因:工作归因风格问卷的开发. 经济管理, 2012, 1: 104-113. (CSSCI)

[29] 潘静洲, 韩仁生, 周文霞. 把脉员工行为背后的原因:工作归因风格问卷的开发. 人大复印资料 (企业管理研究, 转载), 2012, 5: 58-65.

[30] 周文霞, 潘静洲*. 零售企业销售人员的收入水平对于工作投入的影响:一个有调节的中介作用模型. 北京工商大学学报(社会科学版), 2011, 4: 7-14. (CSSCI)

[31] 潘静洲, 周晓雪, 周文霞*. 领导—成员关系、组织支持感、心理授权与情感承诺的关系研究. 应用心理学, 2010, 2: 167 -172. (CSSCI)

[32] 周文霞, 潘静洲, 梁春艳. 中美高校校长基本人口统计特征的比较研究. 东吴学术, 2010, 3: 83-89.

[33] 潘静洲, 周晓雪*. 组织管理中的归因研究综述. 社会心理科学, 2009, 6: 8- 14.

[34] 马俊杰, 周文霞, 梁春艳, 潘静洲. 对大学校长角色和工作的期待:来自大学生的声音. 江淮论坛, 2010, 5: 142- 147.

【Conference Paper】

[1] Li, J., Lian, H., & Pan., J. A Norm-Based Perspective on The Relation Between Gossip and Gossipers' Status. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2020, August, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

[2] Du, C., Li, J., Lian, H., Ferris, L., & Pan, J. Social Information Processing and Third Party Reactions to Abusive Supervision. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2020, August, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

[3] Ma, B., Pan, J., Liu, W., & Zhou, K. Charismatic Leadership and the Perception of Social Exchange Inequity. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2019, August, Boston, Massachusetts, US.

[4] Li, J., Lian, H., & Pan, J. Are Gossipers Looked Down Upon? A Norm-Based Perspective on the Relation between Gossip and Gossipers’ Status. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2019, August, Boston, Massachusetts, US.

[5] Cai, W., Pan, J., Tang, Z., & Wang, F. (In)Congruence of Perceiving and Living A Calling and Employee Behavioral Work Outcomes. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2019, August, Boston, Massachusetts, US.

[6] Pan, J., Huai, M., & Zhong, R. When LMX Differentiation can Backfire on Leaders: An Equity Theory and Conservation of Resources Perspective. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2018, August, Chicago, Illinois, US.

[7] Pan, J., Ma, B., Huang, X., & Tang, Z. CEO Career Calling and Firm Ambidexterity Innovation. International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, 2018, June, Wuhan, China.

[8] Pan, J., & He, W. The Basis of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Differentiation: Content and Consequence for Employee Work Performance. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2017, August, Atlanta, Georgia, US.

[9] Pan, J., Guan, Y., Wu, J., Han, L. & Fu, X. Internship Quality, Proactive Personality and University Graduates’ Job Search Outcomes: A Career Construction Perspective. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2017, August, Atlanta, Georgia, US.

[10] Ma, B., & Pan, J. Third Party Judgement and Reaction to Abusive Supervision of Coworkers. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2017, August, Atlanta, Georgia, US.

[11] Liu, S.,Pan, J. & Wang, Z. Does Proactivity Lead to Creativity? An Interaction between the formal and informal leader. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2016, August, Anaheim, California, US.

[12] Yam, K. C., Fehr, R., Pan, J., & Welsh, D. Does Morality Trump Innovation? The Impact of CEO Moral Identity on Firm Innovation. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2016, August, Anaheim, California, US.

[13] Ma, B., Pan, J. & Vredenburgh. Moral Tainting and Moral Reasoning: Leadership Responses to Unethical Subordinate Behavior. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2016, August, Anaheim, California, US.

[14] Chen, X-P & Pan, J. Do People Trust Guanxi-Rule Based Decision Makers in Chinese Organizations? It Depends on How Close Their Guanxi Is, International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, 2016, June, Hangzhou, China.

[15] Pan, J., Bai, Y., Tan, Y. & Zeng, C. How does political capital create value? Evidence from a transition economy, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2015, August, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

[16] Xin, L., Wu, Q., Pan, J., Zhou, W. & Wang, J. How does a Supervisor’s Creativity Cultivate His or Her Followers’ Creativity?. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2015, August, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

[17] Pan, J., Zhou, W. & Miao, R. An Improved Measure of Subjective Career Success: Developing a Multidimensional Scale in the Chinese Context, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2014, August, Philadelphia PA, US.

[18] Pan, J., Wang, Z. & Zhou, W. Keeping Equal Relationships or Differentiated Relationships with Different Followers: The Influence of Leader-Member Exchange Differentiation on Team and Individual Creativity. International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, 2014, June, Beijing, China.

[19] Pan, J., Zhou, W. & Miao, R., When is the Leader’s Creativity Related to the Followers’ Creativity: A Cross-Level Examination under the Differentiated Context. International conference of HR Division of the Academy of Management, 2014, June, Beijing, China.

[20] Pan, J, , Lv, C. & Zhou, W. Under Dual Perspective of Work Exchange and Social Exchange between Leaders and Members in Organization, The International Conference on Management Science and Artificial Intelligence (EI), 2010, September.

[21] Zheng, G. & Pan, J. The Discussion of Embedding of Psychology Capital on the Background of Enterprise Psychology-Based Management, International Conference On Industry Engineering and Management(ISTP/ISSHP)

[22] Pan, J., Lv, C., & Zhou, W., Are There some People Tending to Rebel? – The Hostile Attribution’s Influence Mechanism on Affective Commitment. Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2011, May, Maastricht, Netherland.

[23] 潘静洲, 周文霞. 成功的人就是幸福的吗?- 职业成功观的调节作用, 第七届华人心理学家学术研讨会, 2011年9月, 台北.

【Teaching Cases】

[1] 潘静洲, 杨林. 大悦之城,创新赋能:创新驱动商业管理(编号:EPSM-0418),中国管理案例共享中心,2020.

[2] 时舒眉,潘静洲,唐斌地. 从王者荣耀的逆袭看腾讯内部创业机制(编号:PJMT-0356),中国管理案例共享中心,2017.


[1] Best Paper Proceeding, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2014, 2017)

[2] Excellence Award of the Doctoral Forum of China Labor Science (2013)

[3] National Scholarship for Graduate Students, Ministry of Education (2012)

[4] Grand Prize of Academic Award, Renmin University of China (2012)

[5] Excellent Thesis Advisor, Tianjin University (2016)

[6] Beiyang Scholars Young Core Teacher Program, Tianjin University (2016)

[7] Shen Zhikang Teaching Award, Tianjin University (2016)

[8] Second Prize, Outstanding Research Achievements in Decision-making Consulting, Tianjin (2016-2017)

[9] First prize, Young Teachers' Teaching Basic Skills Competition, Department of Management and Economics, Tianjin University (2017)

[10] Second Prize, 14th Teaching Competition for Young Teachers Intramural Selection, Tianjin University (2017)


【Research Projects】

[1] 2019.1 - 2022.12. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 71872124). “The Content, Structure, Measurement, Influence and Dynamic Change of Leader-Member-Exchange Differentiation Basis in Organizations”. RMB 480,000.

[2] 2015.1 - 2017.12. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 71402117). “The Influence of Leader-Member Exchange Relationship Differentiation on Team Creativity: Comparison and Separation between Positive Effect and Negative Effect”. RMB 210,000.

[3] 2015.1 - 2015.12. Science and Technology Development Strategy Research Program of Tianjin (S15113140). “The influential factors of organizational innovation of small and medium enterprises in Tianjin”. RMB 100,000.

[4] 2014.1 - 2014.12. Social and Scientific Planning Program of Tianjin (TJGLHQ1401). “A Study of the Relationship between Career Success and Happiness under the Perspective of Social Comparison”. RMB 20,000.

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

[1] Academy of Management (AOM), Member.

[2] International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Member.

[3] European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), Member.

[4] Acta Psychologica Sinica, Journal reviewer.

[5] Journal of Management Science and Engineering, Journal reviewer.

[6] IACMR biennial meeting, Reviewer.

[7] Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal reviewer.

[8] Frontiers of Business Research in China, Journal reviewer.

[9] Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Journal reviewer.

[10] Nankai Business Review International, Journal reviewer.

[11] Chinese Journal of Management, Journal reviewer.

[12] Human Resource Development of China, Journal reviewer.

[13] China Association of career development and management, Deputy secretary general.

[14] Expert Committee of National University artificial intelligence and big data Innovation Alliance (China), Member.

[15] Zhongtian Human Resources Research Institute, Expert consultant.

[16] Intelligence branch of China Human Resource Development Research Association, Executive director.