

Faculty Research

YU Fengyan



【Education and Career】

Time Institution Degree/Position
2013.9 -up to now Dept. of Finance, School of Management and Economics, Tianjin University. Associate Professor
2011.7-2013.9 Institute of Economics, Naikai University Postdoctoral Research
2008.9-2011.7 Dept. of Finance, Naikai University. Ph.D. in Finance

【Journal Paper】

[1]Liang, Q.,and Yu F.Y. (Corresponding Author). Commercial Banks' Consolidated Operation, underwriter independence and IPO quality.Journal of World Economy,2014,1:37-63。

[2]Liang, Q.,and Yu F.Y. (Corresponding Author). Financial Crisis, State Ownership and Capital Investment.Economic Research Journal,2014,Accepted。

[3]Yu F.Y.,HAO X.C.,and Liang, Q.. Does the media repeating the stale information affect the asset price?,Journal of Financial Research ,2012,10:139-152。

[4]Yu F.Y.,and HAO X.C..Does the political connection of independent director affect the financial information quality?.Journal of Nankai Economics studies,2011,1:37-49。

[5]Liang, Q.,Yu F.Y.,and HAO X.C..Market reaction to proclamation of independent director system.Journal of China Industrial Economics,2009,11:141-152。

[6]Liang, Q., Yu F.Y. and HAO X.C. 2009. Does proclamation of independent director system affect firm value?.ISSHP.

[7]Liang, Q., and Yu F.Y. (Corresponding Author), 2013. Do IPOs reduce firms' cost of bank loans?. The 63th Midwest Finance Association (MFA) Annual Meeting,Chicago , Meeting Paper .

[8]Yu F.Y., Liang, Q., and Jian Yang, 2013. Does relationship underwriter affect IPO quality?. SSRN Working Paper. Top Ten download list.

[9]Liang, Q., and Yu F.Y.(Corresponding Author), 2013. Do IPOs reduce firms' cost of bank loans?. The 2013 Eastern Finance Association (EFA) Annual Meeting,Florida , Meeting Paper .


[1]Win the First Prize for the High Quality Paper at the 9th China Finance Annual Conference.

[2]2012 Win the Prize for the Best Essay at the National Postdoctoral Finance Conference.


【Research Projects】

[1]China Postdoctoral Science Foundation—Special Program(No.2012T50219) “Commercial Banks' Consolidated Operation, Underwriter Independence and Resource Allocation Efficiency in Stock Market”,Director,2013-2014 ;

[2]Chinese Nature Science Foundation—General Program (No.71072097)“Study of Credit Risk Measurement for SMES Based on the Corporate Governance”,2nd applicant,2010-2013;

[3]Chinese Nature Science Foundation—General Program (No.71272183)“Study of Commercial Banks' Consolidated Operation on Resource Allocation Efficiency in Stock Market: A Underwriter Independence Perspective”, 2nd applicant,2012-2015;

[4]2012 Chinese Social Science Foundation—Major Program “The Study of Optimizing the Dynamic Relationship between Investment and Consume on the Premise of the Stable Economic Growth”, Director of the 4th part,2012-2016;

[5]Ministry of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences project -Major Program(No.08JJD630008)“Study of Investor Protection System based on the Corporate Governance Estimation”, Director of the 5th part,2008-2010。

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

[1]Acting as the anonymous reviewer for the Journal of World Economics, and Journal of Financial Research.

[2]The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants
