

Faculty Research

WANG Anmin



【Personal Profile】

Professor Wang Anmin is the associate professor in the department of construction management and the Master Supervisor. She got her bachelor’s degree of capital construction management in Tianjin University in 1993, her master’s degree of management science and engineering in Tianjin University in 1999 and her Ph.D of management science and engineering in Tianjin University in 2007. Her main research fields are project management and real estate management and her teaching courses mainly include the real estate economics, appraisal of real estate, project procurement & contract management and urban economy & real estate development.

Professor Wang has got many academic papers and conference papers in academic journals such as the journal of Tianjin University, the international economic cooperation, the journal of construction management, the building economy and the project management technology and in academic conferences such as the International Conference for sustainable development and management and the sustainable design, engineering and construction. Professor Wang has been the host and participator of many national natural science fund project, the technical consulting project of central ministries and enterprise cooperation projects and she has been awarded the “one hundred most outstanding management cases around the country in 2015”.

Professor Wang is the the training expert of Chinese purchasing policies in the World Bank.

【Education and Working Experience】

Time Institution Degree Position
Since 2007 Tianjin University Associate professor
2000-2007 Tianjin University Lecturer
2000-2007 Tianjin University Doctor
1995-1999 Tianjin University Master
1989-1993 Tianjin University Bachelor

【Journal Paper】

[1] Wang an-min, zhang zhen-yu, communication mechanism in international project multi-agent system [J] .journal of Tianjin university (social sciences) 2006.8(3):191-194.

[2] Wang an-min, yang qiu-bo, ma yun-fei, EAP: new thinking of external construction contracting firm management. International economic cooperation, 2007(6):64-67.

[3] Yang rui, wang an-min, Zhang lianying. Improved optimization model of interaction of multiple projects [J]. Journal of Construction Management, 2013 (6).

[4] Wang anmin, Ma xue. Study on the performance evaluation of project management office based on BSC-FNN [J]. Building Economy, 2013 (5).

[5] Wang anmin, Yang fan. Pricing of basic fee rate of design insurance in construction projects [J]. Building Economy, 2013 (10).

[6] Li jinyu, Wang anmin, Cheng wanhai. Study of post evaluation indicator system of social impacts of new campus construction projects of universities [J]. Project management technology, 2016, 14(1): 124-128.

[7] Liu, B. S., Hu, Y., Wang, A. M., Yu, Z. L., Yu, J., & Wu, X. L.(2018) Critical Factors of Effective Public Participation in Sustainable Energy Projects. Journal of Management in Engineering, 34(5):04018029. (ABS2/SCI3/SSCI)

【Conference Paper】

[1] Anmin Wang, Qiujuan Li. The literature review on green buildings evaluation system —— from the aspect of sustainable development [A], International Conference for sustainable development and management [C], 2015.

[2] Anmin Wang, Yang Hu, Bingsheng Liu. Group decision making model of urban renewal based on sustainable development: public participation perspective[A], sustainable design, engineering and construction[C],2016.

[3] Anmin Wang, Hao Zhang, Qiujuan Li. A study on the spatial convergence analysis of regional s and t input-output efficiency in china based on DEA-GIS[A], American Society For Engineering Management[C],2017.

[4] Anmin Wang, Yanxu Wang, Liqun Zheng, Yang Hu. Social risk conduction analysis of large-scale water conservancy projects: a set of survey data from China[A], Construction Research Congress[C],2018.

[5] Anmin Wang, Yan Wang, Yanxu Wang. Revisiting the effect of leader-member exchange on counterproductive work behavior: in the perspective of cross-culture[A], American Society For Engineering Management[C],2018.

[6] Anmin Wang, Xinyue Yang, Yan Wang. A study on the factors of public satisfaction with environmental governance of government[A], American Society For Engineering Management[C],2019.


【Academic Research Projects】

[1] Hosting the technical consulting project of the mid-stage assessment for the construction plan of scientific and technological innovation capacity in Chinese agriculture; 2015.1-2015.12.

[2] Participation in the study of the development and controlling mechanism of the cooperative dilemma of participants in IPD mode; national natural science fund project; 2016-2019.

[3] Participation in the study of decision-making mechanism of dynamic interaction groups in major projects with public participation; national natural science fund project; 2016-2019.

【Enterprise Cooperation Project】

[1] Hosting the core capabilities of operation management; CNOOC Energy Tech-Service Operation Service Company 2008-2009

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time Job】

World Bank China Procurement Policy Training Specialist