

Faculty Research

DU Huibin



【Personal Profile】

Huibin Du is a professor in the College of Management & Economics (CoME) at Tianjin University, Tianjin, China. She obtained engineering and literature double bachelor's degree of Tianjin University in 2000. And she obtained Management Science & Engineering doctor’s degree in 2005. Pro. Du is a visiting scholar at Georgia Institute of Technology, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, and the University of South Australia. She serves on Energy & Resource Systems Engineering Branch of Systems Engineering Society of China, and Low-carbon Development Management Branch of Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning and Economic Mathematics.

Her main research focuses on the design and impact of policies about sustainable energy and environmental technologies, low-carbon transportation, low-carbon power, climate change, etc. In recent five years, she is a principal investigator of three funds from National Natural Science Foundation of China and of more than 10 funds from National Development & Reform Commission, Development Research Center of the State Council, etc; she has co-authored book chapter and authored nearly 20 publications on TRA, Water Research, Energy Policy, Applied Energy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, etc.

And she is the anonymous reviewers of international journals such as Energy Policy、Climate Policy、Applied Energy、Energy Conversion & Management、Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review. She is also a guest editor of the special volume of Journal of Cleaner Production.


【Journal Paper】

[1] D. Liu, H. Du*, F. Southworth, et al., 2017. The influence of social-psychological factors on the intention to choose low-carbon travel modes in Tianjin, China. Transportation research part A: Policy and Practice, 105: 42-53. (SCI, IF2015: 1.994)

[2] H. Du*, D. Liu, F. Southworth, et al., 2017. Pathways for energy conservation and emissions mitigation in road transport up to 2030: A case study of the Jing-Jin-Ji area, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 162: 882-893. (SCI, IF2015: 4.959)

[3] H. Zou, H. Du*, M. A. Brown, et al., 2017. Large-scale PV power generation in China: A grid parity and techno-economic analysis. Energy, 134: 256-268. (SCI, IF2015: 4.292)

[4] R. Li, H. Du. Sustainable construction waste management in Australia: A motivation perspective. In Construction safety and waste management, an economic analysis, 2015, 1-30.

[5] S. Zhang, G. Mao, C. John, X. Liu, H. Du., 2017 Groundwater remediation from the past to the future: A bibliometric analysis. Water Research,119:114-125. (SCI, IF2015:5.991)

[6] H. Zou, H. Du*, J. Ren, et al., 2017. Market dynamics, innovation, and transition in China's solar photovoltaic industry: A critical review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 69: 197-206. (SCI , IF2015: 6.798)

[7] H. Du*, D. Matisoff, Y. Wang, et al., 2016. Understanding drivers of energy efficiency changes in China. Applied Energy, 184:1196-1206. (SCI, IF2015: 5.746)

[8] G. Mao, H. Zou, G. Chen, H. Du, et al., 2016. Past, current and future of biomass energy research: A bibliometric analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 52: 1823-1833. (SCI , IF2015:6.798)

[9] Y. Wang, N. Lai, J. Zuo, G. Chen, H. Du, et al., 2016. Characteristics and trends of research on waste-to-energy incineration: A bibliometric analysis, 1999–2015. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 66:95-104. (SCI , IF2015:6.798)

[10] H. Zou, H. Du*, D. J. Broadstock, et al., 2016. China’s future energy mix and emissions reduction potential: A scenario analysis incorporating technological learning curves. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112:1475–1485. (SCI, IF2015: 4.959)

[11] Y. Wang, S. Geng, P. Zhao, H. Du, et al., 2016. Cost–benefit analysis of GHG emission reduction in waste to energy projects of China under clean development mechanism. Resources Conservation & Recycling, 109:90-95.(SCI, IF2015: 3.280)

[12] G. Mao, X. Liu, H. Du*, et al., 2016. An expanding and shifting focus in recent environmental health literature: A quantitative bibliometric study. Journal of Environmental Health. 2016, 78(6): 54-61. (SCI 四区, IF2015: 0.887)

[13] G. Mao, X. Liu, H. Du*, et al., 2015. Way forward for alternative energy research. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 48: 276-286.(SCI, IF2015:6.798)

[14] B. Peng, H. Du*, S. Ma, et al., 2015. Urban passenger transport energy saving and emission reduction potential: A case study for Tianjin, China. Energy Conversion and Management, 102(SI): 4-16. (SCI, IF2015: 4.801)

[15] H. Du*, B. Li, M. Brown, et al., 2015. Expanding and shifting trends in carbon market research: a quantitative bibliometric study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 103:104-111. (SCI, IF2015: 4.959)

[16] Q. Hou, G. Mao, L. Zhao, H. Du, J. Zuo, 2015. Mapping the scientific research on life cycle assessment: a bibliometric analysis. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 20(4): 541-555. (SCI, IF2015: 3.324)

[17] G. Mao, H. Chen, H. Du*, et al., 2015. Energy consumption, environmental impacts and effective measures of green office buildings: A life cycle approach. Journal of Green Building, 10(4):161-177.

[18] H. Du*, N. Li, M. Brown, et al., 2015. A Bibliographic Analysis of Recent Solar Energy Literatures: The Expansion and Evolution of a Research Field. Renewable Energy, 66: 696–706. (SCI, IF2015: 3.404)

[19] H. Du*, Q. Xia, X. Ma, L. Chai, 2014. A new statistical dynamic analysis of ecological niches for China’s financial centres. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 395: 476–486.(SCI/SSCI, IF2015:1.785)

[20] H. Du*, L. Wei, M. A. Brown et al. A bibliometric analysis of recent energy efficiency literatures: an expanding and shifting focus. Energy Efficiency, 2013, 6 (1): 177-190. (SSCI, IF2015: 1.183)

[21] Y. Lan, H. Du*. A warranty contract model with uncertain demands. Information: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 2013, 16 (2) : 1037-1046.

[22] H. Du*, Q. Xia, L. Wei. Evolution of Shanghai as an international financial centre with non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2012, 141: 703-710.

[23] H. Du*, Guo J., Mao G., Smith A., et al. CO2 emissions embodied in China–US trade: Input–output analysis based on the emergy/ dollar ratio. Energy Policy, 2011, 39 (10): 5980-5987. (SSCI/SCI, IF2015:3.045)

[24] H. Du*, J. Hu, Y. Du, G. Mao. Stated analysis technique of GO methodology for reliability of fire protehction systems. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 183-185: 1383-1388.


【Research Projects】

The main research projects in recent years are as follows:

[1] National Natural Science Foundation of China (71673198): Modeling, Optimization and Policy Simulation of the Energy-Water Nexus System in Climate Change Framework. 2017-2020, PI.

[2] The Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (71431005): The Coordination and Optimization for Low-Carbon-Oriented Urban Transportation Systems: A Perspective of Behavior. 2015-2019, Co-PI.

[3] National Key Technology R&D Program (2014BAC26B00): Study on the Integration and Engineering Mode of Biomass Gas Technology for Clean and High Efficiency Gasification of Industrial Biomass Waste, 2014-2017, Co-PI.

[4] National Natural Science Foundation of China (71273185): Dynamic Mechanism of Systemic Evolution and Policy Simulation of Energy-Economy-Environment (3E) under Constraint of Carbon Emission, 2013-2016, PI.

[5] Scientific Research Institute of State Grid Hunan Electric Power Company (2016GFW-0220): Research on Value - added Profitability Model of Power Grid Based on Customer Satisfaction Demand - Research on Deep Mining of Electricity Demand Based on Customer Satisfaction, 2016/7-2016/12, PI.

[6] The Key Project of National Social Science Foundation of China (12&ZD208): Research on the Influence and Development Strategy of Intelligent Power Grid on China's Energy Supply Mode and Energy Industry Structure.2013-2015, Co-PI.

[7] Department of Transportation Construction Projects (2013328224520): Achieving on-line monitoring of harbor energy consumption and emission by Internet of things and research of dynamic optimization and analysis techniques, 2013-2015, Co-PI.

[8] Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Project (EWG 03 2014S): Clean and Efficient Use of Energy and Water Resources: Initiating an APEC Road Map and Best Practices for the Energy-Water Nexus. 2014-2015, Co-PI.

[9] The National Development and Reform Commission Climate Change Division: Chinese CDM Fund (2012023): The research of the pilot scheme and supporting policies on carbon intensity reduction and building Tianjin Binhai New Area into low carbon economy demonstration plot, 2013.3-2015.1, Co-PI.

[10] Development Research Center under the State Council (2014GKF-0578): Study on the Optimum Marketization of Energy Field, 2014-2015, PI.

[11] China Postdoctoral Science Foundation First Prize (2013M540145): Mechanism design and economic impact analysis of low-carbon market, 2012-2015, PI

National Natural Science Foundation of China (70801042): Dynamic Mechanism Research of Financial Center Evolution Based on Non Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, 2009-2011, PI.

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

[1] Energy & Resource Systems Engineering Branch of Systems Engineering Society of China, Executive Director; Project Management Research Committee (PMRC), China, Branch Executive Director;

[2] The National Natural Science Foundation Committee Peer-Reviewed Experts;

[3] Journal of Cleaner Production, Special Volume, Guest Editor;

[4] Reviewers of both international and domestic journals such as Energy Policy、Climate Policy、Applied Energy、Energy Conversion & Management、Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, Journal of Management Sciences and Journal of System Engineering.