

Faculty Research




【Personal Profile】

[1] Kan Fang, Assistant Professor, College of Management and Economic, Tianjin University.

[2] Research interests: scheduling, combinatorial optimization, transportation research.

[3] Education:

Purdue University Industrial Engineering 2009-2013 Ph.D.

Zhejiang University Operations Research and Control Science 2007-2009 M.S.

Zhejiang University Mathematics and Applied Mathematics 2003-2007 B.S.

[4] Visiting experience:

New York University Stern Business School 2016-2017 Visiting scholar

Columbia University Columbia Business School 2016-2017 Visiting scholar

Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty of Business Administration 2014-2015 Postdoc Fellow

[5] Teaching:

Introduction to Metaheuristics 2016 Fall Undergraduate level


【Journal Paper】

[1] D. Huang, Z. Mao, K. Fang*, B. Yuan. Combinatorial Benders decomposition for mixed-model two-sided assembly line balancing problem. International Journal of Production Research, published online, 2021. (ABS3)

[2] K. Fang, S. Wang*, M.L. Pinedo, L. Chen, F. Chu. A combinatorial Benders decomposition algorithm for parallel machine scheduling with working-time restrictions. European Journal of Operational Research 291(1): 128-146, 2021. (ABS4)

[3] K. Fang*, W. Luo, A. Che. Speed scaling in two-machine lot-streaming flow shops with consistent sublots. Journal of the Operational Research Society, published online, 2020. (ABS3)

[4] Z. Mao, D. Huang, K. Fang*, C. Wang, D. Lu. Milk-run routing problem with progress-lane in the collection of automobile parts. Annals of Operations Research 291, 657-684, 2020. (ABS3)

[5] Q. Yu, K. Fang*, N. Zhu*, S. Ma. A matheuristic approach to the orienteering problem with service time dependent profits. European Journal of Operational Research 273(2): 488-503, 2019. (ABS4)

[6] S. Wang, Z. Zhu, K. Fang, F. Chu, C. Chu*. Scheduling on a two-machine permutation flow shop scheduling under time-of-use tariffs. International Journal of Production Research 56(9): 3173-3187, 2018. (ABS3)

[7] K. Fang, G.Y. Ke*, M. Verma. A routing and scheduling approach to rail transportation of hazardous materials with demand due dates. European Journal of Operational Research 261(1): 154-168, 2017. (ABS4)

[8] H. Zhang, J. Cai*, K. Fang, F. Zhao, J.W. Sutherland. Operational optimization of a grid-connected factory with onsite photovoltaic and battery storage systems. Applied Energy 205: 1538-1547, 2017.

[9] K. Fang, N.A. Uhan*, F. Zhao, J. W. Sutherland. Scheduling on a single machine under time of use tariffs. Annals of Operations Research 238 (1-2), 199-227, 2016. (ABS3)

[10] H. Zhang, F. Zhao*, K. Fang, J. W. Sutherland. Energy-conscious flow shop scheduling under time-of-use electricity tariffs. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63(1) 37-40, 2014.

[11] K. Fang, N. A. Uhan*, F. Zhao, J. W. Sutherland. Flow shop scheduling with peak power consumption constraints. Annals of Operations Research 206(1) 115-145, 2013. (ABS3)

[12] K. Fang, N. A. Uhan, F. Zhao*, J. W. Sutherland. A new approach to scheduling in manufacturing for power consumption and carbon footprint reduction. Journal of Manufacturing Systems 30(4) 234-240, 2011. (ABS1)

【Conference Paper】

[1] K. Fang, N. A. Uhan, F. Zhao, J. W. Sutherland. A new shop scheduling approach in support of sustainable manufacturing. In Proceedings of the 18th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, pp. 305-310, 2011.

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

[1] Production and Operations Management

[2] European Journal of Operational Research

[3] Computational Optimization and Applications

[4] Computers & Operations Research

[5] Computers & Industrial Engineering

[6] International Journal of Production Research

[7] Journal of the Operations Research Society

[8] Journal of Manufacturing Systems

[9] Journal of the Operations Research Society of China