

Faculty Research

LI Chen



【Education and Career】

Time Institution Degree/Position
2016-now Department of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Tianjin University Assistant Professor
2014-2016 Institute of Logistics and Supply Chains, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Postdoctoral Fellow
2011-2014 Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Ph.D
2007-2010 Nankai University's Theory of Operations Planning and Control M.S
2003-2007 Nankai University Information Security B.E

【Representative Academic papers】

[1] Chen LI, Xiangtong QI and Chung-Yee LEE. Disruption Recovery for a Vessel in Liner Shipping. Transportation Science, 2015, 49(4): 900-921.

[2] Chen LI, Xiangtong QI and Dongping SONG. Real-time Schedule Recovery in Liner Shipping Service with Regular Uncertainties and Disruption Events. To appear in Transportation Research Part B: Methodological.

[3] Chen LI, Lei LONG, and Tsiushuang CHEN. A Parallel Branch-and-price Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Simultaneous Delivery and Pick-up. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering.

【Honors and Awards】

Postgraduate Studentship, HKUST, 2011 - 2014

Best Thesis Award, Nankai University, 2010

National Mathematical Contest in Modeling, 2nd Prize, 2006

Tianjin Mathematical Contest in Modeling, 1st Prize, 2006

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

[1] Reviewer of many journals, such as Transportation Research Part B: Methodological,  Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal,  Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research,  International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, etc.