Time | Institution | Degree/Position |
1996.03-2000.03 | School of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University, China. | PhD |
1993.09-1996.03 | School of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University, China. | Master |
1985.09-1989.07 | Tianjin University of Technology, China. | Bachelor |
1989.07-1993.09 | Tianjin University of Technology, China. | teacher |
2001.6-2004.12 | Department of Industrial Engineering, School of Management, Tianjin University, China. | Postdoctoral. |
2004.12-2006.12 | UNSW (The University of New South Wales) ,Sydney Australia | Visiting Scholar, |
2000.03-now | Department of Operations and Supply Chain Management, College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University. | Teacher |
1. Research on Collaboration Mechanism of Closed-loop Supply Chain Considering Behavior under Low-Carbon Constraints, Economic Science Press, 2020.(book)
2. Logistics Engineering and management, Machine press, 2020.(textbook)
3. Logistics Engineering and management, Science press, 2016.(textbook)
4. Logistics system planning and design, Tsinghua university/Beijing Jiao tong University Press 2015.(textbook)
5. Operation Management China Machine Press, 2015.(textbook)
6. Supply chain management, Peking University Press, 2012 .(textbook)
7. Logistics Engineering and management, Peking University Press, 2012.(textbook)
1. Gao Juhong, Zhang Ying, Li Mengmeng, Research on Decision and Coordination of Remanufacturing Closed-Loop Supply Chain with Advertising Impact, Journal System Science and Math. Science, 2019, 39(11), 1785-1807.
2. Gao Juhong, Lv Bing, Closed-Loop Supply Chain Analysis Considering the Influence of Product Characteristics, Journal of Industrial Technological Economics, 2019, 309(7), 3-13.
3. Gao Juhong, Li,Mengmeng, Huo Zhen, Pricing decision of closed-loop supply chain considering consumers’ willingness to pay differentiation under market segmentation, System Engineering-Theory & Practice, 2018,38(12), 3071-3084.
4. Gao Juhong, Teng Jinhui, Hou Liting, Liu Xiaoyu, Pricing Strategy, of Closed-Loop supply Chain Considering Competition under Uncertain demand, Journal of System Engineering, 2017,32(1):78-88
5. Gao Ju-hong, Liu Xiao-yu, Teng Jin-hui, Wang Hai-yan, Decision-making of Remanufacturing Considering Product Disassemblability, System engineering,2017,35(1):110-118。
6. Gao Juhong, Li Mengmeng, Han Bing, Closed-loop supply Network design considering the Risk of Carbon Emissions Reduction, Industrial Engineering and Management, 2017,22(2), 8-14.
7. Gao Juhong, Han Hongshuai, Hou Liting, Wang Haiyan. Pricing and effort decisions in a closed-loop supply chain under different channel power structures,Journal of Cleaner Production, v 112, p 2043-2057, January 20, 2016。
8. Gao Juhong,Han Bin, Teng Jinhui,Pricing Decisions of a Closed-loop Supply Chain under Different Dominant Modes with Uncertain Demand, Journal of Tianjin University (Social Sciences), 2016 ,18(6)507-513。
9. GAO Juhong, WANG Rui, WANG Haiyan, Closed-loop supply chain network design under carbon subsidies,Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems,2015,21(11):3033-3040
10. GAO Juhong, HOU Liting ,WANG Haiyan, HAN Hongshuai, Regularity Research on Revenue Fluctuation Analysis of Closed-loop Supply Chain Considered Carbon Emissions, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2015,Vol.51, No.2:190-197.
11. Gao Juhong, Han Hongshuai, Hou Liting and Wang Haiyan, Decision-making in Closed-loop Supply Chain with Dominant Retailer Considering Products' Green Degree and Sales Effort, Management Review, 2015, 27(4), 187-196。
12. GAO Ju-hong, ZHAO Tian-yi ,Risk analysis for hazmat transportation based on rough set theory, Journal of Safety and Environment, 2015,15(1),40-43
13. GAO Ju-hong , HAN Hong-shuai , HOU Li-ting , WANG Hai-yan, Decision-making and coordination in closed-loop supply chain with social responsibility, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems,2014,20(6):1453~1461。
14. GAO Ju-hong , HOU Li-ting , HAN Hong-shuai , WANG Hai-yan , Revenue fluctuation analysis of closed-loop supply chain considered carbon emissions, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2014,20(8):2008~2018。
15. GAO Juhong ,MENG Yansha,Research on Income Distribution of Closed-loop Supply Chain Based on Different Recovery Prices, Journal of wuhan university of technology(transportation science&engineering)2014,38(4),821-825
16. Gao Ju-hong, Wang Hai-yan, Meng Yan-sha ,Pricing Strategy of Closed-loop Supply Chain Based on Subsidy and Carbon Tax, Industrial Engineering Journal, 2014, 17(3): 61~67
17. GAO Ju-hong , ZHAO Tian-yi, Analysis of Routing Optimization for Hazardous Waste Recycling Path, China Safety Science Journal,2013,23(11), 66-71。
18. GAO Ju-hong, LI Xiao-jun, Equilibrium of closed-loop supply chain in automobile industry, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems,2012,18(1),169-173.
1. Ju-hong Gao, Zhen Huo, Xiao-yu Liu,Decision on Remanufacturing Model Considering Product Disassembly and Recycling Quality, The 48th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE48), Auckland, New Zealand, 2-5 December, 2018.
2. Gao Ju-hong, Li Meng-meng, Huo Zhen, Pricing and Coordination Decision in Closed-loop Supply Chain Considering Joint Advertising, the 29th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2018) Valencia, Spain, July 8-11, 2018.
3. Gao Juhong, Li Mengmeng, Huo Zhen, Pricing and Coordination Decisions in a Closed-loop Supply Chain Based on Willingness to Pay, The POMS (Production and Operations Management Society)29th Annual Conference. Houston TEXAS, U.S.A. 4-7 May 2018.
4. Juhong Gao, Zhen Huo, Mengmeng Li,Pricing Decisions with Low-carbon Responsibility And Remanufacturing Competition In Closed-loop Supply Chain,the 2017 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Houston,Oct.22-25,TEXAS. USA. 2017。
5. Juhong Gao Mengmeng Li Zhen Huo,Energy Efficiency and Pricing in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain Considering Uncertainty of Recycling Quality,The POMS (Production and Operations Management Society)28th Annual Conference. Seattle Washington, U.S.A. 5-8 May 2017.
6. GAO Ju-hong, LI Meng-meng TENG Jin-hui, Pricing Decisions and Coordination in Closed-loop Supply Chain with Patent Licensing and Remanufacturing Competition,the 19th International Society for Inventory Research (ISIR) from August 22nd to 26th, 2016 in Budapest, Hungary.
8. Juhong Gao Mengmeng Li Zhen Huo, Research on Pricing Decision of Remanufacturing Considered Product Disassemblability and Recycling Quality Uncertainty, the 2016 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Nashville,Nov.13-16,TN. USA. 2016。
9. Gao Juhong, Liu Xiaoyu, Teng Jinhui, Wang Haiyan, Pricing Decision of Remanufacturing Considered Product Disassemblability,The POMS (Production and Operations Management Society)26th Annual Conference. Washington DC, U.S.A. 8-11 May 2015.
10. Gao Juhong Li Mengmeng Wang Haiyan Liu Ruimin, Pricing Strategy of Remanufacturing Closed-Loop Supply Chain Based on Consumers’ Willing to Pay,THE 2015 MSOM (the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management ) Conference,University of Toronto, June 28-30, 2015.
11. Gao Juhong, Wang Haiyan, Han Hongshuai, Hou Liting, Pricing strategy of closed-loop supply chain based on Premium and penalty mechanism,IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, p 896-900, November 18, 2014。
12. Gao, Juhong ; Hu, Lanlan,Supply chain profit analysis in uncertainties of supply and demand,Source: Proceeding of 2012 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, ICIII 2012, v 3, p 134-137.
13. Gao, Ju-Hong; Meng, Yan-Sha; Research on the equilibrium of the closed-loop supply chain super-network in the mobile phone industry,Source: ICLEM 2012: Logistics for Sustained Economic Development - Technology and Management for Efficiency - Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference of Logistics Engineering and Management, p 1053-1059, 2012, ICLEM 2012.
1. Research on the logistics engineering and management teaching evaluation system based on the OBE-CDIO, the logistics education reform teaching and research project plan of the Chinese Society of Logistics (JZW202035), 2020-2021
2. Research on Coordination Mechanism of Closed - loop Supply Chain Considering Membership Behavior under Low Carbon Constraints,Humanity and Social Science foundation of Ministry of Education of China(16YJAZH010), 2016-2019
3. Modeling of Closed-loop Supply Chain Structure for multi-channel supply chain. The Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Scholars, State Education Ministry, 2009-2012
4. Three-dimensional Visualization Technology for Stockyard Logistics Management System. The Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, 2009-2012
5. The Advanced logistics technology P&G Centre of Tianjin BINHAI New Area. Tianjin TANGGU District Science and Technology Commission, 2009-2012.
【Enterprise Cooperation Project】
Research on the adaptive mechanism of ecological chain group structure, FUDAN Management Award Foundation "Haier Rainforest Project" (Yulin-202004), 2020-2021.
Member of Chinese Society of Logistics
JCP, JORS reviewer
Reviewers for industrial engineering, operations and management etc.
Gao Juhong, Wang Rui, Liu Xiaoyu,The Submerged Rock in The riptide——The Cross-docking Bring a Dilemma to T Distribution Center(No. OM-0190),China Management Case-sharing Center,//cmcc.dlemba.com/caseshowbyid.php?itemid=2185
Gao Juhong, Liu Xiaoyu,Han Bing, Wang Rui, Site Layout Design is the Basic Magic Weapon to Improve the Management Efficiency(No. 201512560015)China Case Center for professional Degrees Education //ccc.chinadegrees.com.cn/case/enterSearch.do