

Faculty Research

LI Zhongmin



【Education and Career】

Time Institution Degree/Position
1993-1996 Tianjin University Ph.D
1988-1991 Tianjin University Master
1984-1988 Nankai University Bachelor
1998-Now College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University Associate Professor
1996-1998 School of management, Tianjin University Lecturer
1991-1993 Tianjin Zhonghuan Electronic Computer Group Corporation Staff

【Published Monographs】

[1] ZHANG Shiying,LI Zhongmin,Disequilibrium economics model and its control, Tianjin University Press, 2002.

[2] LI Zhongmin, ZHANG Shiying,YUAN Xuemin, An Introduction to Econometrics, Tianjin University Press, 2009.

【Journal Paper】

[1] LI Zhong-min,ZHANG Shi-ying,An optimal control for disequilibrium economics —— a practical analysis for the social general supply and demand of China, Information and Control, 1997, 26(5): 369—378

[2] LI Zhong-min,ZHANG Shi-ying,A dynamic analysis of nonlinear cobweb model, Quantitative and Technical Economics, 1997, 14(2): 45—51

[3] LI Zhong-min,ZHANG Shi-ying,Review of relevant relationship between wage rate and working time —— improvement on becker’s individual consumption model and its equilibrium condition, Economic Science, 1995, (1): 74—78

[4] Li Zhong-min,Zhang Shi-ying,A study for the solvability of disequilibrium model, Journal of Systems Engineering, 1996, 11(2): 37—46

[5] LI Zhong-min,ZHANG Shi-ying,A dynamic analysis to disequilibrium, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 1996, 10(4): 193—200

[6] LI Zhong-min,ZHANG Shi-ying,A price adjustment process in a disequilibrium economics, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 1997, 11(4): 211—218

[7] LI Zhong-min,ZHANG Shi-ying,A research on the cobweb model of controlled, Quantitative and Technical Economics, 1995, 12(8): 28—34


【Research Projects】

[1] Research on adjustment problem of social economics system, belonging to the National Natural Science Foundation of China projects, 1995-1997.

[2] Research on policy of ocean economics development of Tianjin, Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Committee, 1998-2000.

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