

Faculty Research

WU Wenqing



【Personal Profile】

Dr. WU Wenqing is a full associate professor at the Institute of Technological and Quantitative Economics in College of Management and Economics Tianjin University. He received his PH.D. in Technology economy and management from Tianjin University. He went out of the post doctoral post from the Tianjin University School of management in 2009. His research interests focus on innovation and entrepreneurship, small business and business incubator, entrepreneurship finance and crowdfunding etc. Dr. Wu teaches strategic management, management consulting, introduction to actuarial.

Dr. Wu has published tens of articles in the journals at China and abroad, such as Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Journal of Systems Engineering, Journal of Systems & Management, Systems Engineering, Chinese Journal of Management, Science of Science and Management of S.& T., Journal of Management Sciences and so on. He is author or co-author of several books including Cooperative Governance and Policy of Business Incubator and Venture Capital, System Research on Business Incubator, etc. He has also been the project leader for several Key or General research projects granted by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), National Social Science Foundation of China. She has been awarded the first prize in Philosophy and Social Science in Tianjin in 2016, and awarded the second prize in Science and Technology Progress in 2008.

Dr. Wu is the secretary general of academy of Tianjin technology economy and management modernization. He is the Reviewer of several journals such as Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Universal Journal of Management, Chinese Journal of Management.


【Published Monographs】

[1] Zhao Liming, Wu Wenqing etc. Cooperative Governance and Policy of Business Incubator and Venture Capital [M]. China Economic Publishing House, Beijing,China, 2012

[2] Zhao Liming, Wu Wenqing etc. System Research on Business Incubator [M]. China Economic Publishing House, Beijing,China, 2013

[3] Wu Wenqing. Strategic Management of Tourist Attraction, in ZHAO Liming (eds.), Management of Tourist Attraction, Nankai University Press, Tianjin, China, 2009.

【Journal Paper】

Journal Papers (International)

[1] Haihong Zhang, Wenqing Wu*, Liming Zhao. A study of knowledge supernetworks and network robustness in different business incubators [J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2016(447):545-560.

[2] Liming Zhao, Haihong Zhang, Wenqing Wu*(Corresponding author). Knowledge service decision making in business incubators based on the supernetwork model [J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2017(479): 249–264.

[3] Wenqing Wu, Qing Han. Revenue and Knowledge Cooperation Mechanisms between Business Incubators and Venture Capitalists for Collaborative Start-Ups [J]. Theoretical Economics Letters, 2017, 7(5): 1335-1356.

[4] Wenqing Wu, Haihong Zhang. Efficiency and Spatial Correlation of National Torch Program Projects among Chinese Provinces [J]. Advances in information Sciences and Service Sciences, 2013, 5(10):406-413.

Journal Papers (Domestic)

[1] WU Wenqing, ZHANG Haihong, ZHAO Liming. A Model for Coopetition between High-Tech Business Incubators and Venture Capitalists and its Evolution [J]. Journal of Systems & Management, 2016, 25(2):219-226.

[2] WU Wen-qing, FU Ming-xia. Successful Factors and Herding Phenomenon of Crowdfunding [J]. Soft Science, 2016, 30(2):5-8.

[3] WU Wenqing, Huang Xuan. The Threshold Effects of Corporate Donation on Financial Performance and Market Performance [J]. Journal of Tianjin University (Social Sciences), 2016, 18(6):499-506.

[4] WU Wen-qing, LIU Xiao-ying. Manufacturer-supplier Cooperation in R&D with Consumer Learning and Government Subsidies [J]. Systems Engineering, 2015, 33(10):1-7.

[5] WU Wenqing, ZHANG Haihong. A Study of Sharing Decisions in Collaborative Knowledge Creation with the Learning of Business Incubator and Venture Capital [J]. Chinese Journal of Management, 2015, 12(7):1038-1044.

[6] WU Wen-qing, FU Ming-xia. Does Scale of Business Incubator Increase Performance?——Taking National Business Incubators as Example [J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2015, 32(19):1-7.

[7] WU Wenqing, ZHANG Haihong. Research on Emergence of Start-ups Knowledge Network in Business Incubator [J]. Science of Science and Management of S. & T., 2014, 35(12):109-118.

[8] WU Wenqing, LI Chaoqun. Game Model and Coordination of Business Incubators and Entrepreneurs Based on Bilateral Overconfidence [J]. Chinese Journal of Management, 2014, 11(8):1208-1214.

[9] WU Wen-qing, LIU Xiao-ying. S&T Business Incubator Network: Efficiency Differences and Platform Optimization [J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2014, 31(1):86-92.

[10] WU Wenqing, ZHANG Haihong. Study on Knowledge Sharing Game and Policy of Business Incubator and Venture Capital [J]. Soft Science, 2014, 28(1):39-43.

[11] YAN Sen, WU Wenqing. A Study on Incentive Mechanism of Managers Considering Collusion [J]. Chinese Journal of Management, 2013, 10(4):524-527.

[12] WU Wenqing, ZHAO Liming. A Study on Dynamic Efficiency of National Torch Program Projects [J]. Soft Science, 2012, 26(2):1-5.

[13] WU Wenqing, LIU Chao. Fluctuation on Purchases and Sales of State-Owned Food Enterprises——Based on Wavelet Analysis and Granger Causality Test [J]. Economic Theory and Business Management, 2011, 31(10):31-38.

[14] WU Wenqing, ZHAO Liming. Study on Technology Business Incubator and Venture Capital Cooperation [J]. Journal of Management Science, 2008, 21(4):2-7.

[15] ZHAO Liming, WU Wenqing, LIU Jiakun. Predictive study on visitor' s flow trend by neural networks based on wavelet analysis [J]. Journal of Systems Engineering, 2006, 21(2):221-224.

【Conference Paper】

[1] Wu Wen-Qing, Xie Fei. Cooperation among business incubator, venture capital and entrepreneur from the principal-agent's perspective. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IE and EM 2011:2036-2040.

[2] Wu Wen-Qing, Xie Fei,. A study on the operation of Chinese university Science Park based on DEA-Tobit model. Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IE and EM2010. 17th International Conference: 1136-1140.

[3] Wu Wenqing,Zhao Liming. Reliability Analysis of Transmission System Based on Markov Process. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2006: 2679-2682.

[4] Xie Fei, Wu Wen-Qing. Co-integration analysis between performance of business incubator and incubation fund. 2011 IEEE 18th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management: 2028-2031.

【Paper in review】

[1] Wu Wenqing, Ma Saixiang. Entrepreneurial Team Learning, Forgetting and Knowledge Levels in Business Incubators: An Exploration and Exploitation Perspective.

[2] Wu Wenqing, Huang Xuan.Technological boundary-spanning search, crowdfunding interaction and crowdfunding innovation performance: a mediated moderation model of knowledge sharing.

[3] Wu Wenqing, Ma Saixiang.Organizational Leadership Style, Network Structure, and Knowledge Performance.

[4] Wu Wenqing, Ma Saixiang. Double-layer Learning, Leaders’ Forgetting, and Knowledge Performance in Organizations: A Multi-Agent-Based Simulation Approach.


【Research Projects】

[1] Research on internal and external network synergy and cross level governance of business incubator, granted by National Social Science Foundation of China, 2017, responsible

[2] Research on the construction of Tianjin incubating network under the synergistic innovation of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province, the project of Tianjin science and technology development strategy research project, 2017, responsible

[3] Research on the clustering, efficiency and spatial development of small and micro enterprises, granted by National Social Science Foundation of China, 2014, responsible

[4] Research on competition, motivation and regulation of business incubator, granted by the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China, 2014, responsible

[5] Networks, Relationship Embedding and Performance of Business incubator, granted by Humanities and Social Fund of Ministry of Education, 2010,responsible

[6] Research on cooperative governance and policy of business incubator and venture capital, granted by NSFC, 2009, participant

[7] Research on cooperation mechanism and subsidy of business incubator and venture capital, granted Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China, 2010, participant

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