

Faculty Research

LI Shengnan



【Education and Career】

Time University Specialty Degree/ Position
2002-2006 Nankai University Business Management(Financial Management) Ph.D
1999-2002 Shandong Economic University Accounting(Financial Management) Master
Jun. 2006- Jul. 2011 School of management, Tianjin University Lecturer
Jul. 2011-Now College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University Associate Professor

【Published Monographs】

[1] Li Weian, Li Shengnan, Niu Jianbo, charing the board, China Financial and Economic Publishing House. 2007

[2] Niu Jianbo, Li Shengnan, Xiao Xinxing, Entrepreneur Management, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2009.

【Journal Paper】

[1] Li ShengNan, The nature of the ultimate controller of the listed company, bank loans and investment behavior [J]. Journal of Management, 2011.3.

[2] Li ShengNan. Method of listing of Private enterprises, deviation of control right away cash flow right and the value of cash holdings [J]. Economic Management, 2009, 2.

[3] Li ShengNan. Reexamination of Importance of Board size in family-controlled firms: an Integrative Analysis Based on Performance Level and Performance Variability [J]. Economic Management, 2009, 2.

[4] Li ShengNan. Reexamination of the value of Board Independence: An Analysis Based on the Impact on Performance Variability [J]. The Theory and practice of Finance and Economics. 2009, 2.

[5] Li ShengNan. Review on the non-efficiency investment behaviors based on the principal-agent theory from financing methods [J]. Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, 2009, 1.

[6] Niu Jianbo, Li Shengnan. Control Rights Departure, Board Behavior and Firm Value: Comparative empirical Study of the Panel Data in Listed Companies Controlled by the Private [J]. Nankai Business Review, 2007, 2.

[7] Li ShengNan, Zhao Jianfeng. Finance theory, empirical research and company policy [J]. Economic and management study Journal. 2006.9.

[8] Li ShengNan. An Empirical Study of the relationship between debt level and investment spending in China listed companies [J]. Securities Market Herald. 2005.3.

[9] Li ShengNan. Asymmetric Information and Investor Relations Management [J]. Management Science, 2004, 2.

[10] Li ShengNan, Niu Jianbo. The Trade-off theory and the control Rights theory—A Comparative study [J]. Audit and Economy Research. 2004, 1.

[11] Qi Yinfeng, et al. A study of investment and financial behaviors in Chinesecompanies [J]. Management World. 2005.3.

[12] Qi Yinfeng, Li Shengnan, et al. survey report on the investment decision-making method in Chinese enterprises [J]. Journal of Management. 2005.2.

[13] Niu Jianbo, Li Shengnan. Ownership Structure, Private Benefit and Social Benefit: Evidence from China [J]. Security Market Guide. 2004,3.

【Conference Paper】

[1] Shengnan Li, Jianbo Niu. Research on the Governance Effect of Board Size: A New Explanation from Performance Variability, The 2010 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering.

[2] Li ShengNan. The Effectiveness of Board Committees and Corporate Governance Premiums, Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering,


[1] Third prize of Tianjin Youth teachers lecture Contest, 2010

[2] Outstanding Party Member of Department of Management and Economics of Tianjin University, 2011

[3] Advanced Individual of “The faculty Pioneer post” of Department of Management and Economics of Tianjin University, 2012


【Research Projects】

[1] The Influence of the managerial power on the State-owned Enterprise Investment and economic consequence, belonging to the National Natural Science Foundation of China projects, 2011-2013

[2] The Causes and governance countermeasures of over-investment in China 's listed companies, , belonging to Tianjin “Eleven Five” Social Science Fund, 2007-2011

[3] Research on the governance premium from the strategic information disclosures perspective, belonging to the National Natural Science Foundation of China sub-projects, 2012-2015

[4] A study of the mechanism of product market competition on governance efficiency, , belonging to the National Social Science Foundation of China sub-projects , 2007-2011

[5] Operation and management of corporate investment and financing in China, belongs to the Major Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China sub-projects, 2002-2006

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