

Faculty Research

LIU Dayong



【Personal Profile】

Dayong Liu is an associate professor of the College of Management and Economics (CoME) of Tianjin University. His current research focuses on science and technology policy, innovation management, intellectual property right and public policy. His research has been published in Technovation, China Economic Review, Economic Modelling, Pacific Economic Review, etc.


【Journal Paper】

[1] Hu, Y., Liu, D.*, Government as a non-financial participant in innovation: how standardization led by government promotes regional innovation performance in China, Technovation, 2022. //doi.org/10.1016/j.technovation.2022.102524

[2] Liu, D., Xu, C., Yu, Y.*, Rong, K., Zhang, J., Economic growth target, distortion of public expenditure and business cycle in China, China Economic Review, Vol. 63, 2020, 10: 1-20.

[3] Liu, D., Chen, T.*, Liu, X., Yu, Y., Do more subsidies promote greater innovation? Evidence from the Chinese electronic manufacturing industry, Economic Modelling, Vol. 80, 2019, 8: 441-452.

[4] Yu, Y., Wang, Z., Liu, D.*, Fu, L., Official changes, total factor productivity fluctuation and government transformation: evidence from Chinese prefecture cities, Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 26, 2021, 2: 283–299.

[5] Tan, R., Zhang, T., Liu, D., Xu, H.*, How will innovation-driven development policy affect sustainable urban land use: Evidence from 230 Chinese cities, Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol 72, 2021, 9. 103021.

[6] Liu, Y., Zhao, M., Liu, D.*, Exposure, sensitivity, and social adaptive capacity related to climate change: empirical research in China, Chinese Journal of Population resource and environment, 2017, 15(3): 209-219.


【Research Projects】

[1] Research Projects of National Social Science Fund of China, 2015-2021, 2021-2023

[2] Research Projects of National Intellectual Property Strategy Research Base, 2015-2016, 2020-2021

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

[1] Vice Director, National Intellectual Property Strategy Research Base, Tianjin University

[2] Reviewers of Asian Journal of Technology Innovation,Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing,Journal of Management Science and Engineering,PLOS ONE,Regional Economics Development Research, etc.