

Faculty Research

HE Lanping



【Personal Profile】

He lanping is the associate Professor of School of Public Administration, Tianjin University. She has finished the academic training through Anhui University, Xiamen University and Nanjing University respectively. She has trained as a sociologist and graduated from Department of Sociology, Nanjing University. From 2013 -2014, she was a visiting scholar in University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

The main research area contains social governance, social welfare, charity, rural culture and so on. The current focus is on the issue of government purchase services and the development of philanthropy in China. She has published a number of academic papers and three monographs. As the person-in-charge, she has carried out or finished a number of research projects including national social science fund projects, humanities and social science projects funded by the Ministry of Education, and other provincial level social science projects. She has also won eleventh social science award of Tianjin. Main courses: sociology, social research methods.


【Published Monographs】

[1] He Lanping, “Public Space and Cultural Life: A Study of N Village in Central Hebei Plain”, China Social Science Press, 2012

[2] Fu Liping, He Lanping. “Research on the Scientific Evaluation of Social Governance of Tianjin”, Economic Science Press,2015

[3] Fu Liping, He Lanping. “Public Administration Research Methods”, Tianjin University Press,2015

【Journal Paper(First author)】

[1] Some problems in Chinese Venture Philanthropy, China Social Organization,2017(2)

[2] Policy Effectiveness and Satisfaction of Home-based Care for the aged, Population and Society, 2016(2)

[3] The Change of Rural Chinese Intergeneration Relationship: from the perspective of Time and Space, Lanzhou Academic Joural,2016(2)

[4] A consideration about Identify of Rural Community and Related Problems, People’s Tribune, 2011(8).

[5] On the Public Space of Cultural Life and Construction of Rural Culture, Journal of Jiangxi Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2011(2).

[6] Rural Elite and Construction of Rural Culture, Journal of Tianjin University(Social Sciences),2009(6)

[7] On the weakening of social control from the perspective of public space, Theory and Modernization,2008(2)

[8] Research on Weakening of Social Control and Rising of Informal Organization in Rural China, Theory and Reform, 2005(5).

[9] Charitable Brands and the Development of Charities, Journal of Henan Normal University,2011(3)

[10] Study on the Direction of Charity Institutionalized of China with regard to Charity Disputes, Study and Practice, 2009(8).

[11] Charity, morality and social harmoniousness, Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science),2006(5)

Some Points of Developing Charity Cause at Present, Journal of Social Sciences, 2005(8).


【Research Projects】

[1] 2015-2018, Person-in-charge, “Study on the Connecting Model of Philanthropy and Social Aid under Government Purchase Service”, funded by National Social Science Foundation of China.

[2] 2008-2010, Person-in-charge, “Study on community and the construction of rural culture”, funded by National Social Science Foundation of China.

[3] 2013-2016, Person-in-charge, “Study on the Unbalance of Intergenerational Relations in Rural China”, funded by the MOE Project of Research Humanities and Social Sciences.

[4] 2015, Person-in-charge, “ Study on the New Activity Mode of Public Welfare and Charity Organization”, funded by Ministry of Civil Affairs.

[5] 2011-2012, Person-in-charge, “Study on the Functions of Social Organizations in Social Administration: Based on the Survey of Social Groups in Tianjin”, funded by Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of Tianjin.

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

[1] director of Tianjin Sociology Society

[2] director of Tianjin Administration Society