

Faculty Research

CAO Guiquan



【Education and Career】

Time Institution Degree/Position
1998-2001 Nankai University Political economy Ph.D
1990-1993 Nankai University Philosophy of science and technology Master
Jan. 2001-Now College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University Lecture,Associate Professor
Jun.1993-Dec. 2000 Presidential office of Tianjin University Associate Section Chief, Section Chief
Aug.1987-Sep.1990 The Third survey and design railway institute Technician, Associate Engineer

【Research Projects】

[1] A theoretical analysis on how the income distribution policies in China influence the income disparity in China,Team leader , Tianjin Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science,2003-2005

[2] Research on Countermeasures of Coordinating the Development of Three-section of Tianjin With the Head of Binhai New Area, Team leader,Tianjin Development and Reform Commission, 2009-2010

[3] Research on strengthening the streets and towns and ensuring the people’s livelihood in Tianjin Binhai New Area, Team leader, Development and Reform Commission of Binhai New Area of Tianjin, 2010

[4] Research on the Twelfth Five- year Planning of Post Industry of Tianjin, Team leader, Tianjin Post Bureau, 2010-2011

[5] A PositiveResearch on the personal income tax adjusting the income distribution in China, Team leader, State Department of Education, 2011-2013

[6] Research on legislation survey of Tianjin Regulations on Post, Team leader,Tianjin Post Bureau, 2012

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

[1] Part-time lawyer in Magna Law Office.

[2] Social supervisor of post industry of National Post Bureau