Time | Institution | Degree/Position |
Sep. 2000~Jul. 2004 | Architecture and environmental engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology | B.S |
Sep. 2005~Jul. 2008 | Environmental Science,Hohai University | M.A |
Sep.2008~ Oct. 2012 | Management Science and Engineering, Hohai University | Ph.D |
Jun. 2012~ Jul. 2018 | Business School, Hohai University | Lecturer |
Jul. 2018~ May 2020 | Business School,Hohai University | Associate Professor |
Jun.2020~Present | College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University | Associate Professor |
[1]Liu Gang, Chen Junyu, Theory, Method and Practice of Water Ecosystem Service Value Management [M]. Beijing: Science Press. 2023.01 (ISBN: 9787030695550)
[2]Liu Gang, Gao Lei. Practice and Research on Water Rights Trading [M]. China Water Conservancy and Hydropower Press. 2020.02 (ISBN: 9787517087731)
[3] Huimin Wang, Lei Qiu, Gang Liu. Management theory and application of water pollution control [M]. Beijing: Science Press. 2013.11. (ISBN: 9787030390431)
[1] Xinran Guo, Huimin Wang, Yi Xiao, Gang Liu, Weiqian Wang. Reassessing the cost of hydropower for multi-function hydropower bases: A case study from Sichuan [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2023. 413: 137422 doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.137422 (SCI Q1, IF:11.072)
[2] WANG Y, WANG H, ZHANG J, LIU G*, et al. Exploring interactions in water-related ecosystem services nexus in loess plateau [J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 336: 117550. DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.117550. (ABS Q3, SCI Q1, IF:8.91)
[3] Dongying Sun, Xiaoxu Wang, Mengling Yu, Zhaolin Ouyang, Gang Liu, Dynamic evolution and decoupling analysis of agricultural nonpoint source pollution in Taihu Lake Basin during the urbanization process [J]. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.eiar.2023.107048 (SCI Q1, SSCI Q1, IF:6.122)
[4] Zhou Fang, Huimin Wang, Shi Xue, Fan Zhang, Yixin Wang, Shiliang Yang, Qin Zhou, Changgao Cheng, Yuchun Zhong, Yang Yang, Gang Liu, Junyu Chen, Lei Qiu, Yanling Zhi. A comprehensive framework for detecting economic growth expenses under ecological economics principles in China [J]. Sustainable Horizons 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.horiz.2022.100035.
[5] Fan J, Liu G*, Xia Z and Cai S, A bibliometric analysis of climate change risk perception: ot spots, trends and improvements [J]. Front. Environ. Sci. (2022) doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.917469. (SCI Q2, IF:5.411)
[6] Peng, S., Xiao, X., Zou, H. Zheng Yang, Umme Marium Ahmad, Yushun Zhao, Hulin Chen, Gao Li, Gang Liu, Xingxing Duan, Guozhu Mao & Pingjian Yang. Levels, origins and probabilistic health risk appraisal for trace elements in drinking water from Lhasa, Tibet.[J]. Environ Geochem Health (2022). doi.org/10.1007/s10653-022-01424-4 (SCI Q3, IF:4.898)
[7] Tianjiao Li, Huimin Wang, Zhou Fang*, Gang Liu*, Fan Zhang, Haitao Zhang, Xuxia Li, Integrating river health into the supply and demand management framework for river basin ecosystem services [J]. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2022, 33: 189-202. doi.org/10.1016/j.spc.2022.06.025 (SSCI Q1, SCI Q2, IF:8.921)
[8] Zhou Fang, Huimin Wang, Yang Bai, Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz, Gang Liu, Bo Jiang, Framework for a more balanced consideration of hydropower development through ecosystem services assessment [J]. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2022, 33: 557-566. doi.org/ 10.1016/j.spc.2022.07.027. (SSCI Q1, SCI Q2, IF:8.921)
[9] Yang, S., Bai, Y.*, Alatalo, J. M., Wang, H.*, Tong, J., Liu, G., Zhang, F., & Chen, J. Spatial–temporal pattern of cultivated land productivity based on net primary productivity and analysis of influencing factors in the Songhua River basin [J]. Land Degradation & Development, 2022, 33( 11), 1917– 1932. //doi.org/10.1002/ldr.4273 (SCI Q2, IF: 4.377)
[10] WANG Y, WANG H, LIU G*, et al. Factors driving water yield ecosystem services in the Yellow River Economic Belt, China: Spatial heterogeneity and spatial spillover perspectives [J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 317 (115477). doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115477. (ABS Q3, SCI Q1, IF:8.91)
[11] Weiqian Wang, Huimin Wang*, Gang Liu, Li Gao. Analysis of the trade-off between hydroelectricity generation and ecological protection from the perspective of eco-efficiency in Southwest China [J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022,315 (115063): doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115063. (ABS Q3, SCI Q1, IF: 8.91)
[12] Fang Zhou, Wang Huimin, Xu Rui, Xu Jinxue, Liu Gang et. al. Framework of Land Use Planning in Energy Producing City of Northwest China Based on Water-Energy-Food Nexus [J/OL]. SSRN, 2022, //dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4096634
[13] Shiliang Yang, Huimin Wang, Jinping Tong*, Yang Bai*, Juha M. Alatalo, Gang Liu, Zhou Fang, Fan Zhang. Impacts of environment and human activity on grid-scale land cropping suitability and optimization of planting structure, measured based on the MaxEnt model [J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 836 (155356): doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155356 (SCI Q2, IF:10.753)
[14] Li Gao*, Jianhua Zhanga, Gang Liu*, Life cycle assessment for algae-based desalination system [J]. Desalination, 2021,512: 115148 doi.org/10.1016/j.desal.2021.115148 (SCI Q1, IF:11.211)
[15] Gao, Li, Liu, Gang*, Zamyadi, Arash, Wang, Qilin, Li, Ming, Life cycle cost analysis of a hybrid algae-based biological desalination - low pressure reverse osmosis system [J]. Water Research, 2021,195: 116957 doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2021.116957 (SCI Q1 TOP, IF:13.4)
[16] Min Jiang, Michael Webber, Jon Barnett, Wenjing Zhang, Gang Liu. Making a water market intermediary: the China Water Exchange [J], International Journal of Water Resources Development, 2021, DOI: 10.1080/07900627.2021.1889478 (SCI Q3 , IF:3.776)
[17] Shiliang Yang, Yang Bai, Juha M. Alatalo, Huimin Wang, Bo Jiang, Gang Liu, Junyu Chen. Spatio-temporal changes in water-related ecosystem services provision and trade-offs with food production [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 286:125316 (SCI Q1, IF:11.072)
[18] Fang Z, Chen J, Liu G*, Wang H*, Alatalo JM, Yang Z, Mu E, Bai Y, Framework of basin eco-compensation standard valuation for cross-regional water supply – a case study in northern China [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 279: 123630 (SCI Q1, IF: 11.072)
[19] Zhang, L.; Wang, H.; Chen, Z.; Fang, Z.; Sun, D*.; Liu, G. Empirical Analysis and Countermeasures of the Irrigation Efficiency Paradox in the Shenwu Irrigation Area, China. Water 2020, 12, 3142. (SCI , IF:3.53)
[20] Jiang, Bo; Bai, Yang; Chen, Junyu; Alatalo, Juha M.; Xu, Xibao; Liu, Gang; Wang, Qing, Land management to reconcile ecosystem services supply and demand mismatches-A case study in Shanghai municipality, China, Land Degradation & Development, 2020, 31(17): 2684-2699. (SCI, IF:4.377)
[21] Zhou Fang, Yang Bai, Bo Jiang, Juha M. Alatalo, Gang Liu, Huimin Wang. Quantifying variations in ecosystem services in altitude-associated vegetation types in a tropical region of China [J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2020 (726): 138565 (SCI , IDS: HQ8HD, IF:5.589)
[22] Gang Liu, Weiqian Wang, Kevin W. Li. Cross-scale Analysis of Input-output of Water Resources under Cross Regional Lexicographic Allocation of Water Footprints [J]. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2019, 16(5), 743. (SSCI, SCI, IDS: HQ8HD, IF:2.145)
[23] Gang Liu, Hu Fan ,Yixin Wang, Huimin Wang. Assessment of Lexicographic Minimax Allocations of Blue and Green Water Footprints in the Yangtze River Economic Belt Based on Land, Population, and Economy [J]. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2019, 16(4), 643. (SSCI, SCI, IDS: HO3FK, IF:2.145)
[24] Liu, Gang.; Shi, Lu.; Li, K.Wu. Equitable allocation of blue and green water footprints based on land-use types: A case study of the Yangtze River Economic Belt [J]. Sustainability. 2018, 10, 3556. (SSCI, SCI, IDS: GY4UB, IF:2.075)
[25] Chen J, Cui T, Wang H, Liu G, Gilfedder M, Bai Y. Spatio-temporal evolution of water-related ecosystem services: Taihu Basin, China. [J]. PeerJ 6:e5041 //doi.org/10.7717/peerj.5041(SCI, IDS: GK0XA, IF:2.118)
[26] Liu Yang, Gang Liu. Pricing method of water property rights based on differential game theory [J]. Water Resources and Power, 35(9): 127-130, 2017.
[27] Gang Liu, Xintong Guo. Enhance the Talent Competitiveness of the Real Economy Enterprise [J]. Mass. 2017, (13):61-62.
[28] Gang Liu, Baoping Wang, Yeshuai Xu, Junyu Chen. Research into Alienation Features of Water Footprint Structure of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and Coordination Development Strategy [J]. Journal of Hohai University. 2017.19(03):42-48+91-92.
[29] Gang Liu, Liu Yang, Yubo Shi, Zhou Fang, Sheng Wang. Empirical Study on Double Layer Dynamic Game Price Decision Mechanics of Water Rights Transaction under Quasi-Market [J]. China Population Resources and Environment. 2017, 27(4):151-159.
[30] Gang Liu, Yaqian Song, Lishuo Fan, Zhiqiang Wang. Empirical Research of Housing Perceptions of Reservoir Immigrant Based on Orderly Logistic Regression [J]. Resources & Environment in the Yangtze Basin. 2017, 26(04):519-529.
[31] Huimin Wang, Lishuo Fan, Gang Liu. Spatial Heterogeneity of Policy Satisfaction of Operational Management in Reservoir Areas [J]. Journal of Economics of Water Resources. 2017, 35(03):1-6+75.
[32] Huimin Wang, Kai Wang, Gang Liu. The Relationship between Technological Innovation and Regional Economic Development—a Case of Jiangsu Province [J]. Science and Technology Management Research. 2017, 37(08): 98-105.
[33] Gang Liu, Lan Chen, Sheng Wang. Optimization of Macro Water Use Strategy under Coupled State Quantity and Quality of Lake Water Resources: Case of Taihu Lake basin [J]. Journal of Economics of Water Resources. 2016.07 (34): 51-68.
[34] Teng Qin, Gang Liu. Study on Construction Path of Water Environmental Lawsuit System [J]. Journal of North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power (Natural Science Edition). 2016.08 (37): 41-46.
[35] Hua Zhang, Huimin Wang, Gang Liu. Efficiency Assessment and Optimized Countermeasure of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Policy Based on WSBM—a Case Study of “Technology Entrepreneur Training Project” Policy in Jiangsu Province [J]. Science and Technology Management Research. 2016(14):37-44.
[36] Junyu Chen, Gang Liu, Yang Bai. Evaluation of Service Value of Water Conservation in Taihu Lake Basin Based on InVEST Model [J]. Journal of Economics of Water Resources. 2016.03 (34): 25-29.
[37] Jinghui Lia, Hongwei Jiang, Yang Bai, Juha M. Alatalo, Xin Li, Huawei Jiang, Gang Liu, Jun Xu. Indicators for Spatial–Temporal Comparisons of Ecosystem Service Status between Regions: A Case Study of the Taihu River Basin, China [J]. Ecological Indicators. 2016(60): 1008-1016 (SCI, IDS: CZ9GW).
[38] Gang Liu, Kai Wang, Yingmin Wei, Lei Qiu. Research into Implementation Difficulties in the Process of the Strictest Water Resources Management Based on Internet Information [J]. Journal of Hohai University. 2015.08.17(4): 75-81.
[39] Yanling Zhi, Huimin Wang, Gang Liu. Study of Fuzzy Evaluation Method on Ecological Civilization Construction Based on Grey Interval Number [J]. International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology. 2015, 8(2): 263-280 (EI, Accession Number: 20151100630686).
[40] Huimin Wang, Sheng Wang, Gang Liu. Out of water pollution control dilemma in cross administrative area of River Basin [N]. China Environmental News. 2014-01-28 (002).
[41] Xiaoying Lai, Gang Liu, Huimin Wang. Evaluation and Analysis of DEA Efficiency in Construction of Ecological Civilization of Jiangsu Province [J]. DISASTER ADVANCES. 2013.12(6): 102-108 (SCIE, IDS Number: 275IL).
[42] Jia Zhong, Gang Liu. Research on Reserve Model of Emergency Supplies for Urban Flood Control [J]. Yangtze River. 2013. 10(20): 102-106.
[43] Gang Liu, Huimin Wang, Lei Qiu, Gaofeng Liu. Research on Nash-Bargaining Pricing Model of Initial Discharge Permit of Lake Basin Industry: A Case Study of Textile and Printing Industry in Taihu Lake Basin of Jiangsu Province [J]. CHINA POPULATION,RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT. 2012, 22(10):78-85.
[44] Gang Liu, Huimin Wang, Lei Qiu, W. L. Kevin. Quota Model and Algorithm Research on Lake Basin Industry Point Source Initial Discharge Permits:A Case Study of Jiangsu Province Taihu Lake Basin [J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangze Basin. 2012 21(5):618-626.
[45] Gang Liu, Huimin Wang, Lei Qiu, Sheng Wang. Impact of Society Responsibility and Cooperative Pollution Control on Corporation Pollution Control Utility [J]. System Engineering. 2012 30(6): 10-17.
[46] Gang Liu, Huimin Wang, Lei Qiu. Construction of a Cooperation Allocating Initial Discharge Permits System for Industrial Source Points in a Lake Basin: A Case study for Taihu Lake Basin [J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangze Basin. 2012,10:1211-1217.
[47] Gang Liu, Huimin Wang, Lei Qiu. Lexicographic Quota Model Research on Lake Basin Industry Point Source Initial Discharge Permits [J]. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. 2012: 3075-3080 (EI, Accession Number: 20130415925466).
[48] Liang Zhu, Linduo Zhao, Gang Liu, Xin Yu. Research on Seasonal and Spatial Shifts in River Sediments Microbial Community Structure [J]. Journal of China University of Mining & Technology. 2010.3. 39(2): 295-301. (EI, Accession Number: 20101812907154).
[49] Linduo Zhao, Liang Zhu, Gang Liu. Study on the Characteristics of Microbial Community Structure in Sediments of Rivers and Lakes [J]. Proceedings of Conference of Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences. 2009. 780-786.
[50] Liang Zhu, Gang Liu, Weihong Miao, Zengmin Han. Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus by Bulgy Vermiculitesin Constructed Wetlands [J]. Journal of Hohai University (Natural Sciences). 2008.36(2): 147-151.
[1] The 16th Tianjin Excellent Research Achievement Award
[2] CTTI Annual Think Tank Research Outstanding Achievements Award
[3] Outstanding Instructor of the 8th National College Student Energy Economics Academic Creativity Competition
[4] Outstanding Mentors and Mentors of Tianjin University in 2023
[1] Research on the "water-energy-carbon" mutual feedback mechanism of multi-energy power grid heating network and key technologies for capacity price formation under the dual goals of carbon reduction and supply guarantee(Key projects of Tianjin Natural Science Foundation)
[2] "Research and Demonstration of Water Saving-Salt Control-Pollution Reduction-Ecological Protection Technology in the Yellow River Ningmeng Irrigation Area" Topic 2 of Topic 4: Water Price and Water Market Regulation and Its Promotion Mechanism (National Key R & D Projects, 2021YFC3201204)
[3] "Research and Demonstration of Water Saving-Salt Control-Pollution Reduction-Ecological Protection Technology in the Yellow River Ningmeng Irrigation Area" Topic 5 Topic 3: Integration and Demonstration of Water Rights Transfer/Conversion and Compensation Promotion Technology in Demonstration Irrigation Areas (National Key R & D Projects, 2021YFC3201205)
[4] Urban flood risk management and control knowledge map(Corporate consulting projects)
[5] Shanxi Province Water Rights Green Finance Development Strategy(China Water Rights Exchange)
[6] "Drought discrimination and emergency drought relief and equipment research and development" Subject 3,Topic 6: Emergency support management measures and technology for drought relief in key ecological areas and cities(National Key R & D Projects , No:2018YFC1508706)
[7] Research on horizontal ecological compensation price of Sanggan River and Daqing River(China Water Exchange)
[8] Research on index system and evaluation method of sustainable development of Taihu Basin under the background of regional integration of Yangtze River Delta(Jiangsu Engineering Consulting Center)
[9] Research on the current situation of Production and operation of enterprises and the measures for their transformation and development of private female entrepreneurs in Jiangsu Province(Women's Development Department of Women's Federation in Jiangsu)
[10] Game model test of multi-department division and cooperation in the middle route of South to North Water Transfer Project under normal and emergency conditions(Sub-project research of national water pollution control and control science and technology major project)
[11] INFEWS:U.S.-China:Research on the spatial heterogeneity coupling mechanism of “food-energy–water” system for sustainable development: Based on multi regional integration model (International cooperative research projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China ,No:5171102058)
[12] Research on the method and guarantee system of cross border water resources right confirmation and allocationSub-project 3: Research on the method of cross border water resources confirmation and allocation (Major Program of National Social Science Foundation of China ,No:17ZDA064)
[13] ‘Water - energy – food’ collaborative security key technology Subject 2,Topic 6: Research on ‘Water - energy – food’ coordinated security strategy(National Key R & D Projects ,No:2017YFC0404600)
[14] Research on the construction and practice of water rights trading system in the Yellow River Basin of Inner Mongolia(Water rights transfer center in Inner Mongolia)
[15] Analysis research on the relationship between river leader system and South to North Water Transfer Project(Political research center of Bureau of South to North Water Transfer Project)
[16] Research on innovation capability of equipment manufacturing enterprises in Jiangsu Province (Soft Science Research Program of Jiangsu Province ,No:BR2016046)
[17] Study on Water Quality Supervision Countermeasures of Jiangsu section of East Route of South to North Water Transfer Project(Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute)
[18] ’Water resources security and management decision making’ innovation team of Jiangsu Philosophy and Social Sciences excellent innovation team (Department of Education of Jiangsu Province ,No:2015ZSTD003)
[19] Study on water resources conflict management in changing environment(Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China ,No:71433003)
[20] Study on service value measurement and policy path selection of multi - scale coupled water ecosystem(National Social Science Foundation Youth Project ,No:14CGL030)
[21] Study on pricing mechanism and modeling of initial two-dimensional water rights cooperation in river basin(Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China of Ministry of Education of China (Youth Scholars),No:20130094120022)
[22] Study on the construction of water ecological civilization in Jiangsu province(Social Science Fund Project of Jiangsu Province)
[23] Study on water right transaction of Shankouyan reservoir in Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province(Jiangxi Hydraulic Research Institute)
[24] Comprehensive reservoir management plan research and implementation support consulting service(Wuxikou water control project in Jiangxi Province loaned by World Bank ,No:JDZ-WXK-ZX-4)
[25] Study on the evaluation mechanism of the effectiveness of incentive policies for entrepreneurship and innovation talents in Jiangsu Province -- a case study of ‘science and technology entrepreneur’ policy(Soft Science Research Program of Jiangsu Province ,No:BR2014066)
[26] Study on multi-agent autonomous management mode and scenario simulation of initial allocation of regional pollutant discharge permit(Postgraduate Innovation Fund of Jiangsu Province ,No:CX10B_049R)
[27] Research on the most stringent water resources management system for economic, ecological and national security(National Social Science Fund Major Project ,No:12&ZD214)
Member, China Water Resources Strategy Research Association
Member, Resources and Economy Committee of the Chinese Society of Management Science and Engineering
Director,Society of Management Science and Engineering of China
Member, Natural Resources Society of China
Secretary General, Water Conservancy Systems Technical Committee , Engineering of System Engineering Society of China
Member, System Engineering Society of China
Member, China Soft Science and the International Environmentrics Society