

Faculty Research

XI Meng



【Education and Career】

Time Institution Degree/Position
Sep. 2008~Jun. 2012 School of Business, Nanjin University B.S
Sep. 2012~Jun. 2017 School of Business, Nanjin University Ph.D
Aug. 2015 ~Aug. 2016 J. Mark Robinson College of Business, Gerogia State University Joint Ph.D
Jul. 2017~ Jun. 2023 School of Business, Nanjin University Assiatant Professor
Jul. 2023 ~ Present Colledge of Management and Economics, Tianjin University Associate Professor


[1] Xi, M., He, W., Ryan, F., & Zhao, S. (2022). Feeling anxious and abusing low performers: A multilevel model of high performance work system and abusive supervision. Journal of Organizational Behavior (SSCI, ABS 4), 43 (1), 91-111.

[2] Liu, Y., & Xi, M.* (2022). Linking CEO entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance: the perspective of middle managers’ cognition. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (SSCI, FT 50, ABS 4), 46(6), 1756-1781.

[3] Liu, Y., Xi, M.*, & Wales, J. (2023). CEO entrepreneurial orientation, human resource management systems, and employee innovative behavior: An attention-based view. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (SSCI, FT 50, ABS4), //doi.org/10.1002/sej.1488

[4] Xi, M., Zhou, L., Zhang, X., & Zhao, S. (2022). Labor relations conflict in China: An analysis of conflict measure, conflict solution and conflict outcomes. International Journal of Human Resource Management (SSCI, ABS 3), 33(17), 3414-3450.

[5] Xi, M*., Chen, Y., & Zhao, S. (2021). The Role of employees’ perceptions of HPWS in the HPWS-performance relationship: A multilevel perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Management (SSCI, ABS 3), 38(3):1113-1138.

[6] Xi, M., Zhao, S., & Xu, Q. (2017). The influence of CEO relationship-focused behaviors on firm performance: A chain-mediating role of employee relations climate and employees’ attitudes. Asia Pacific Journal of Management (SSCI, ABS 3), 34(1), 173-192.

[7] Xi, M., Xu, Q., Wang, X., & Zhao, S. (2017). Partnership practices, labor relations climate, and employee attitudes: evidence from China. ILR Review (SSCI, ABS 3), 70(5), 1196-1218.

[8] Zhao, S., Liu, M., Xi, M.*, Zhu, JH., & Liu, H. (2023). The role of leadership in human resource management: perspectives and evidence from China. Asia Pacific Business Review (SSCI), 29(1), 1-10.

[9] Xu, Q., Zhao, Y., Xi, M*., & Zhao, S. (2018). Impact of benevolent leadership on follower taking charge: Roles of work engagement and role-breadth self-efficacy. Chinese Management Studies (SSCI), 12(4), 741-755. 2019 Emerald Literati Highly Commended Awards

[10] Liu, Y., Xi, M*., Li, F., & Geng, X. (2021). Linking CEO relationship-focused leadership and corporate entrepreneurship: A multilevel moderated mediation model. Chinese Management Studies (SSCI), 15(4), 940-958.

[11] Liu, Y., Zhang, X., Xi, M.*, Liu, S., & Meng, X. (2023). Organizational environments, work characteristics, and employee innovative behavior in the digital age: An fsQCA approach. Chinese Management Studies (SSCI). Doi: 10.1108/CMS-04-2022-0125

[12] Wattoo, M.A., Zhao, S. & Xi, M. (2020). High‐performance work systems and work–family interface: job autonomy and self‐efficacy as mediators. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources (SSCI), 58(1), 128-148.

[13] Xu, Q., Zhao, Y., Xi, M., & Li, F. (2020). Abusive supervision, high-performance work systems, and subordinate silence. Personnel Review (SSCI), 49(8), 1637-1653.

[14] Liu, Y.,Xi, M., Jia, Y., & Geng, X. (2021). Chief Executive Officers entrepreneurial orientation, dynamic capabilities and firm performance: The moderating effect of manufacturing industry. Frontiers in Psychology (SSCI), 12: 707971.

[15] Liu, Y., Xi, M., & Zhang, X. (2023). The influence of the fit between strategic human resource management and CEO strategic leadership behaviors on organizational effectiveness in China. Asia Pacific Business Review (SSCI), 29(1), 136-161.

[16] Zhao, S., Liu, M., & Xi, M. (2021). Guest editorial-Innovation-driven human resource management practices in the digital era. Chinese Management Studies (SSCI), 15(4), 761-768.

[17] Wattoo, M.A., Zhao, S., & Xi, M. (2018). Perceived organizational support and employee well-being: Testing the mediatory role of work–family facilitation and work–family conflict. Chinese Management Studies (SSCI), 12(2), 469-484.

(Chinese SSCI Journal; *Corresponding Author)

[18] Xi, M., Xu, Q., Zhong, W. G., & Zhao, S. M. (2015). Abusive supervision and subordinate silence: A moderating model of multilevel characteristics. Nankai Business Review (CSSCI), 18(3): 132-140

[19] Can, M., Xi, M., & Zhao, S.M. (2019). High-performance work systems and employee well-being: A cross-level model based on self-determination theory. Nankai Business Review (CSSCI), 22(2): 176-185.

[20] Xi, M., Liu, Y., Xu, Y., Cao, M., & Xu, Z. (2018). A study on employee engagement in multiple employment relationship modes: From the perspective of social exchange theory. Chinese Journal of Management (CSSCI), 15(8), 1144-1152.

[21] Xi, M., & Zhao, S. M. (2014). A Literature Review of Industrial Relations Conflicts: Definition, Antecedents and New Research Perspective. Chinese Journal of Management (CSSCI), 11(3): 455-461.

[22] Xu, Q., Xi, M., & Zhao, S. M. (2015). Abusive supervision and subordinate proactive behavior: exploring the effects of work engagement and core self-evaluation, Chinese Journal of Management (CSSCI), 12(3): 347-354.

[23] Ma, Y., Xi, M., Xu, Q., & Zhao, S. (2017). How does abusive supervision affect subordinate’s counterproductive work behavior? A perspective of social cognitive theory. Chinese Journal of Management (CSSCI), 14(8):1153-1161.

[24] Xu, Y., Xi, M., & Zhao, S. M. (2017). A literature review of employee-organization relationship and future prospects. Chinese Journal of Management (CSSCI), 14(3), 466-474

[25] Zhao, S. M., Xi, M., & Jiang, C. Y. 2016. A Study of the Importance and Competence of HRM Affecting the Choice of Employee-organization Relationship in Chinese Enterprises. Economic Management (CSSCI), 38(4): 83-92.

[26] Xu, Q., Xi, M., & Zhao, S. M. 2015. An Examination of the Curvilinear Relationship between Abusive Supervision and Counterproductive Work Behaviors. Economic Management (CSSCI), 37(6): 143-153.

[27] Xu, Y., Xi, M., & Zhao, S M. (2021). The effect of inclusive leadership on follower proactive behavior: The social influence theory perspective. Management Review (CSSCI), (6): 201-212.

[28] Cao, M., Xi, M., & Zhao, S. M. (2020). A study into the mechanism of how high-performance work system influences employee proactive behaviors: A cross-level model based on social context theory. Management Review (CSSCI), 32(6): 244-254.

[29] Wang, X., Xi, M.*, & Zhao, S. M. (2022). The influence of CEO’s authentic leadership on organizational attachment: The moderating effect of human capital uniqueness. Human Resources Development of China (CSSCI), 39(4), 23-39.

[30] Liu, Y., & Xi, M.* (2018). The Influential Mechanism of Party Organizations in Private Enterprises on the Construction of the Harmonious Labor Relations: A Case Study of Hongya Corporation. Human Resources Development of China (CSSCI), 35(2), 98-108.

[31] Zhang, J., Wang, X., Xi, M.*, & Zhao, S. M. (2021). Research on perceptual differences in multi-level high performance work systems: a review of the current situation and research prospects. Management Modernization (CSSCI), 1: 125-129.

[32] Zhang, X., & Xi, M*. (2019). The double-paths effects of union practices on employee well-being: Based instrumental-emotional perspective. Advances in Psychological Science (CSSCI), 27(8), 1354-1362.

[33] Xi, M., & Zhao S. M. 2013. Economic Predicament and Countermeasure in the Transformation of Labor Relations: the Case of Manufacturing Industry. East China Economic and Management (CSSCI), 27(7): 116-120.

[34] Xi, M., Wang, L., & Jiang, C. Y. 2014. The Differential Impact of Dimensions of Organizational Justice on Employee Voice and Employee Silence: Exploring the Mediating Effects of Trust in Leader. Nanjing Business Review (CSSCI), 11(3), 159-178.

[35] Xi, M., & Zhao, S. M. (2018). A literature of unethical of pro-organizational behaviors and future prospects. Human Resource Management Review (CSSCI), 1, 4-14.

[36] Xi, M., & Deng, W. (2021). Literature review and research prospect of self-fulfilling cycle based on algorithm surveillance in the context of gig economy. Human Resource Management Review (CSSCI), 1, 142-154.

[37] Xu, X., Wang, Y., Xi, M. (2023). A Study on the Impact of Perceived Invasion of Information Privacy on Employee Workplace Well-being. Human Resources Development of China (CSSCI), 40(6), 8-21.


Jiangsu Social Science Applied Research Award, Second Prize (2022)

Emerald Literati Highly Commended Awards, Chinese Management Studies (2019)

Jiangsu Human Resources Social Security Outstanding Scientific Research Award, Second Prize (2018)

Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of Nanjing University (2018)

Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of Jiangsu Province (2018)

Best paper of Annul Meeting of Academy of Management (AOM) (2016, 2024)

Best paper in HR/OB Division of the 9th China Management Annual Conference (2014)

Best paper of China Human Resource Management Forum (2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023)

President Special Scholarship of Nanjing University (2016)

National Scholarship for Doctoral Students, China's Ministry of Education (2015)

Best Doctoral Student of Nanjing University (2015)

First-Prize of Guanghua Scholarship. Guanghua Education Foundation (2014).

National Scholarship for Graduate Students, China’s Ministry of Education (2013)

Best Graduate Student of Nanjing University (2013)

Excellent Undergraduate Student of Nanjing University (2012)


【Research Projects】


[1] Chair The impact of Algorithmic Human Resource Management on Employee Algorithmic Coping Behavior and Job Performance: A Cognitive and Affective Pathway Study, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), No.72372070, 2024.01-2027.12

[2] Chair A Study of Innovation-oriented Human Resource Management Models in Chinese Enterprises, Sub-project of Key Project from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), No.71832007, 2019.01-2023.12

[3] Chair A Study of Employee-Organization Relationship on Employee Subjective Wellbeing-From Job Demands-Resources Perspective, Youth Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), No. 71802106, 2019.01-2021.12

[4] Chair A Multilevel Study of High Performance Work System on Organizational Performance-From the Perspective of Organization and Employee, The MOE (Ministry of Education in China) Project of Humanities and Social Science, No. 18YJC630201, 2019.01-2021.12

[5] Participant A Study of Employment Relationship Approaches and Human Resource Management Innovation in Chinese Enterprises, Key Project from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), No.71332002, 2014.01-2018.12

[6] Participant A Study of Mechanism of Enterprise Labor Disputes and Its Counter -measures under China’s Transition Economy, Project from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), No.71172063, 2012.01-2015.12

[7] Participant A Multi-level Analysis of the Impact of Union-Management Cooperation, High Performance Works Systems on Employee Attitudes in China, Youth Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), No. 71402153, 2015.01-2017.12

Academic & social Service

【Academic Part-time jobs】

Reviewing Editor, Chinese Management Studies (SSCI)

Academic Editor, PLOS ONE (SCI)

Associate Editor, Human Resource Management Review (CSSCI)

Guest Editor, Asia Pacific Business Review

Guest Editor, Chinese Management Studies

Membership of International Associations for Chinese Management Research (IACMR)

Membership of Academy of Management (AOM)

PhD Student Representative in China of IACMR (2016-2018)

Ad-hoc Review for English Journals

Human Relations, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Journal, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Management and Organization Review, Journal of Business Research, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, British Journal of Management, International Journal of Human Resource Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Chinese Management Studies, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, Asia Pacific Business Review

Ad-hoc Review for Chinese Journals

Management World, Acta Psychological Sinica, Nankai Business Review, Advances in Psychological Science, Chinese Journal of Management, Chinese Human Resource Development, Nanjing Business Review